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2wrongs 12-16-04 02:50 PM

Originally Posted by kkawohl
The ironic fact is that the followers of these religions all claim to live by the Word of God. Many claim that God has personally talked to their messengers who have relayed these Words of God to others. Apparently the Words of God were either misinterpreted, God is contradicting himself, or we start all over again by each side claiming to live by and having heard the Word of God correctly.
Why can't you just say the word of God is true, and the religions interpret what it means, either right or wrong. We don't have to go so far as to say God contradicts Himself, people, and their misinterpretations, do that for Him. What it boils down to is interacting with God on a personal level. Reading His word and asking Him to bless you with understanding and knowledge of the scriptures. The Bible (the word I believe to be true) tells us to fellowship with like minded individuals so that we might encourage one another and be accountable to each other and to God. Also, to pray together and read from God's word together. Where this system is flawed, is when people gather together and then appoint a leader who in turn tries to govern the people with their own understanding of scripture. According to Christian doctrine and the Bible, everyone who believes, has access to God. I think this is where people are fundamentally screwed up. When we put a human in the middle between us and God. Religions set up this system where they take away the direct intercession and personal relationship each individual has the priveledge of having with God on their own. No one needs to tell you what God commands. You have the scriptures and His ear for yourself.

SamsoniteDelilah 12-16-04 02:54 PM

Originally Posted by kkawohl
Please do not misperceive.

In U.S.A. there are more than 1500 religious denomination and faith groups, including 900 Christian, 100 Hindu and 75 Buddhist denominations.

Perception plays a major role in religions. There are numerous interpretations of the Scriptures, hence there are various sects who use the same source, theTorah, Bible or the Qur'an, but come to different conclusions. Religious differences are acceptable by the majority as long as fanaticism does not cause physical confrontations.

The ironic fact is that the followers of these religions all claim to live by the Word of God. Many claim that God has personally talked to their messengers who have relayed these Words of God to others. Apparently the Words of God were either misinterpreted, God is contradicting himself, or we start all over again by each side claiming to live by and having heard the Word of God correctly.

If Jews, Christians and Muslims would ever come to the realization that their God is the same logical deity, rationality would dictate peace and eliminate borders.
I don't believe I am mispercieving, but let's put that aside for the time being. I am curious as to how you intend to undertake to unify all religious people. What's the plan, Stan?

2wrongs 12-16-04 04:41 PM

Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelilah
I don't believe I am mispercieving, but let's put that aside for the time being. I am curious as to how you intend to undertake to unify all religious people. What's the plan, Stan?
Well first let's address your plan of tolerance, Sam.

Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelilah
Despite the fact that you're clearly a loonie bird
That's not nice. He had a good response to that, by the way, that you casually overlooked.

Originally Posted by kkawohl
I appreciate your opinion SD...yet, let's not insult the loon...and then claim that rationality is in religion that not an oxymoron?

Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelilah
Teach tolerance if you want to do something positive. That will need to include tolerance of all religions, regardless if you think they wear their hair wrong or funny underwear or that they sing too loud. Until we can accept that others have their own way of doing things, we are destined to continue the cycle we're in.
...or you think they are looney? How can you preach tolerance at this level to a man you just called, in a nutshell, crazy? Excuse me, if I don't rush off to join your "cause".

SamsoniteDelilah 12-16-04 06:20 PM

Originally Posted by 2wrongs
Well first let's address your plan of tolerance, Sam.

That's not nice. He had a good response to that, by the way, that you casually overlooked.


...or you think they are looney? How can you preach tolerance at this level to a man you just called, in a nutshell, crazy? Excuse me, if I don't rush off to join your "cause".
You're not so much with the reading comprehension, are ya, sissy?

kkawohl 12-16-04 06:29 PM

Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelilah
I don't believe I am mispercieving, but let's put that aside for the time being. I am curious as to how you intend to undertake to unify all religious people. What's the plan, Stan?
I am soooo glad you asked...though the plan is not by Stan.

That is why I came to a movie forum...where your input is requested.

A fanatic passion to please God has been demonstrated throughout the Ages. We have seen vast destruction and useless killings by religious zealots that have followed us into the present century whereby even technology is unable to quell its tide.

If all the events that occurred as written in the Bible, Qur’an and Torah now, today, would humanity be as gullible now and accept all miracles and God as portrayed then? If the context entails incorrect exegeses and the vast tradition of hermeneutics and the translation is illogical, it is illogical whether it is by my interpretation or by any logic.

Mankind has progressed past a need for a God who desires and requires servitude. We can eliminate servitude and still have a closeness and love of God. It was man who placed restrictions on himself for the good of mankind and attributed this to God. Most of us now live in a lawful society. Now laws are proposed and enforced by governments. God does not, and never has meddled in our affairs.

If we take rationality completely out of context when establishing an association with present day problems between Jews, Christians and Muslims, we can come up with numerous solutions. Reality however dictates that if there were no distinctions between Muslims, Jews, and Christians, strife would be nonexistent. The major distinction is religion.

The best weapon against irrationality is logic. If logic is implemented in religion, eventually the inference of reasoning has to predominate and the illogical will be considered inferior and will ridicule itself out of existence. Today we have at our disposal the means whereby the media can reach even the farthest corners of our world.

How does one confront the passions of people with a logical entreaty to abandon faith? How does one convince a young man that his self-immolation in a bombing will not bring redemption from Allah to his soul and rewards to his people or honor to his family?

If logical reasoning lodges doubt into the mind of a martyr that his soul will be destroyed as a punishment for being the cause of cutting short another soul's ability to attain a bond with Allah/God, eventually the act of self-sacrifice ceases. This is the only effective way that man will eventually attain peace.

We can spend billions of dollars in an attempt to annihilate groups of people who have an adamant fanatical goal to destroy anyone who hinders the path of spreading their religion. They believe that this has been commanded by Allah. The end result will always be the same. The fanatics who are destroyed fuel the hatred of a new group with the same or an even fiercer fervor to die for their Allah if the need arises.

How do we solve this problem? The pen is mightier than the sword. To the illiterate, visual projections via film is the greatest tool. The media and film producers have always shied away from the possibility of offending religious organizations. A fear of the fundamentalists' wrath has even stifled the desire for the truth. Can the real truth be revealed? Will this end strife? Maybe not, but unless we try, we will never know; will we?

True logic is the science of inference and reasoning.

I would like to have a producer make a film of my spiritual experiences described at

Does anyone here have any ideas on how to go about doing this?

Kurt Kawohl

SamsoniteDelilah 12-16-04 07:00 PM

This thread is awesome!

2wrongs 12-16-04 07:13 PM

Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelilah
You're not so much with the reading comprehension, are ya, sissy?
That's all ya got? How disappointing. The same old retort once again from our friend, Sam. How in the hell did I have trouble "reading" what you wrote? Did you or did you not call the guy a looney and then go about preaching your Disneyland-esque fable of tolerance?
Go ahead, it. :rolleyes:

SamsoniteDelilah 12-16-04 07:22 PM

I'm intolerant of HIS intolerance.
He no like Muslims... me think that bad.
Wait here, I'll go get the sock puppets and act it out for you.

kkawohl 12-16-04 07:25 PM

Originally Posted by 2wrongs
That's all ya got? How disappointing. The same old retort once again from our friend, Sam. How in the hell did I have trouble "reading" what you wrote? Did you or did you not call the guy a looney and then go about preaching your Disneyland-esque fable of tolerance?
Go ahead, it. :rolleyes:
2 wrongs don't make a right...can we now all meditate...and repeat the retorts please, it means peace.

kkawohl 12-16-04 07:28 PM

Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelilah
I'm intolerant of HIS intolerance.
He no like Muslims... me think that bad.
Wait here, I'll go get the sock puppets and act it out for you.
I lika, lika lika long as they not maka me go booom.

2wrongs 12-16-04 07:28 PM

Oh now I get it. You're implimenting the Golden Rule. Do Onto Others as They Do Unto You. Eye for an Eye, Tooth for a Tooth? You Hit Me, I Hit You. Mmm Hmm. Good stuff. By the way, I'm missing your connection with me not being able to understand how you communicate...maybe you don't "get" the "quote" feature we have around here? What I said before that you quoted out of context, made perfect sense, it's you who is talking like a cave woman and resorting to childish antics and name calling.

SamsoniteDelilah 12-16-04 07:31 PM

Here's the thing, kkawohl... the fly in the ointment. And it's a whopper:

People like to think for themselves.

and the companion fly, if you will:

People think for themselves, based on their own experiences.

So even if you got backing for this film you're proposing, you're going to find that there is a vast array of reaction to it. And the main one, unfortunately (because your vision of peace is a lovely one, I mean that sincerely), is going to be negative. And the REASON that it will be negative is your basic premise: that there is no reason in religion.

People who are religious tend to believe that there is reason in it. And they're going to tend to reject your disparaging approach to their concept of reason, for the very reason that they probably belong to that religion in the first place: it fits with their concept of life and their accumulated life experiences.

As long as you allow for differences in people, and for them to make their own decisions, you are never going to get everyone to subscribe to your particular brand of spirituality, no matter how logical it is from your perspective.

kkawohl 12-16-04 07:41 PM

Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelilah
.... As long as you allow for differences in people, and for them to make their own decisions, you are never going to get everyone to subscribe to your particular brand of spirituality, no matter how logical it is from your perspective.
I realize what is the solution? Should logic not eventually be implemented in religions?...or should the world continue to wallow in their superstitions?...what you do today may be the first day of a new beginning...if you could be a part of it, what would you do?

SamsoniteDelilah 12-16-04 07:43 PM

Originally Posted by kkawohl
I lika, lika lika long as they not maka me go booom.
haha! Touche. :D
I feel the same about Christians. And Hari Krishnas. And etc etc.
I'd rather not go boom at all, truth be told, no matter who pulls the trigger.

Good luck with your project, guy. I think you need to consider what I said in my last post, but it's your time you're putting into this, so that's up to you. I don't believe that it is possible to unite all people in one religion, or to abolish the cultural and religious identities of the various people on this planet. I'm not even sure that's desirable. Your suggestion that that might be accomplished still strikes me as irrational, for the reasons I gave above. What you're proposing is actually the same sort of world domination plan that you cite as a fault in more established religions. Be that as it may, I hope you come back and let us know how it's going. If you can pull it off, I'll buy a ticket.

SamsoniteDelilah 12-16-04 07:46 PM

Originally Posted by kkawohl
I realize what is the solution? Should logic not eventually be implemented in religions?...or should the world continue to wallow in their superstitions?...what you do today may be the first day of a new beginning...if you could be a part of it, what would you do?
I believe that I take part in it, by encouraging acceptance of people whose lives have shaped them in different ways than mine has me. As long as a person is harming no one, I say they should be allowed to do as they please. And while you assert that religions encourage people to war on others, I will disagree. I believe that greed does that, not religion. Time and again, the evil associated (by the unquestioning) with various religious factions is, if you look closer, being carried out by those elements who are not following the core tenets of the religion they claim to follow. Peace is a basic tenet of every religion, and allowing people to embrace that for themselves is going to be the beginning of peace.

kkawohl 12-16-04 07:48 PM

Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelilah
haha! Touche. :D
I feel the same about Christians. And Hari Krishnas. And etc etc.
I'd rather not go boom at all, truth be told, no matter who pulls the trigger.

Good luck with your project, guy....If you can pull it off, I'll buy a ticket.
I need people to take part in the implementation of this project...I need suggestions...suggestions...suggestions.

2wrongs 12-16-04 07:50 PM


Mankind has progressed past a need for a God who desires and requires servitude. We can eliminate servitude and still have a closeness and love of God. It was man who placed restrictions on himself for the good of mankind and attributed this to God. Most of us now live in a lawful society. Now laws are proposed and enforced by governments. God does not, and never has meddled in our affairs.
You're wrong there. In the Old Testament, God instituted the Ten Commandments. It was the Law and it was expected to be obeyed. If you broke the Law, it was expected of you to sacrifice a lamb for your sins. In the New Testament, Jesus was the last sacrifice. He was the "lamb" for all sins past, present and future.
Also, you can't eliminate servitude. God commands us to serve each other as Christ served us. He promotes humbleness and being "low in spirit". This is all according to the Bible of course, so if you don't believe it's the truth then, there you have it.

The major distinction is religion.
Which Man created; not God.

How do we solve this problem? The pen is mightier than the sword. To the illiterate, visual projections via film is the greatest tool. The media and film producers have always shied away from the possibility of offending religious organizations. A fear of the fundamentalists' wrath has even stifled the desire for the truth. Can the real truth be revealed? Will this end strife? Maybe not, but unless we try, we will never know; will we?
I say do it. Try it. Mel did his labor of love with the Passion of Christ...I say that opens the door for people to be willing to accept religious films as a form of preaching your message. It's a good idea because people can choose whether or not they want to see it. Go for it.

kkawohl 12-16-04 07:57 PM

Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelilah
Peace is a basic tenet of every religion, and allowing people to embrace that for themselves is going to be the beginning of peace.
Not quite Muhammad by Karen will realize that with 1.2 Muslims in existence....many with radical fundamentalist views of spreading Islam at whatever the cost, death or destruction...we may very well be heading into World War III....Arab nations against the you really know the truth about why the USA went into Iraq? subdue future terrorism.

kkawohl 12-16-04 08:02 PM

Originally Posted by 2wrongs
This is all according to the Bible of course, so if you don't believe it's the truth then, there you have it..
Which Man created; not God.
I say do it. Try it. Mel did his labor of love with the Passion of Christ...I say that opens the door for people to be willing to accept religious films as a form of preaching your message. It's a good idea because people can choose whether or not they want to see it. Go for it.
How? I need suggestions.

2wrongs 12-16-04 08:06 PM

Originally Posted by kkawohl
Which Man created; not God.
Oooooh. You hit a nerve. You'll have to understand that I DO believe the Bible and with that being said, "...all scripture is God breathed."

How? I need suggestions.
Make a blog or something. Reach out to people who think like you do. Pool your money together...make a movie. Research how Michael Moore went about making Roger & Me. He had very little budget but it catapolted him into stardom and he's totally able to make whatever political statement he wants.

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