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The Silver Bullet 04-18-03 07:42 AM

The film that convinced me that there was a world away from Hollywood was Life Is Beautiful, and even then only because it was in Italian. Probably reflects my age, actually.

frutkake 04-20-03 11:02 AM

I can honestly say that Jaws changed me whan I was a kid, it terrified me and I've always being afraid to go into the water .
I know looking back at the film, the shark looks fake and all but still, who knows whats out there in the ocean.

Beale the Rippe 04-20-03 12:44 PM

The Silence of the Lambs. This made me want to make movies.

blibblobblib 04-20-03 04:21 PM

A Movie that i can say actually changed me is with out a doubt, American Beauty.
When i saw it at the cinema it just blew me away, but even now after watching it so many times, i can easily say that certain scenes and words in that film have stayed with me. Its the whole philosophy of how much beauty there is in the world, you just have to notice it. I like how it points out the beutiful things that we take fror granted, but then we have the chance to relive these small things over and over again as they "Wash through us like rain" when we die. the scene with the plastic bag nearley always moves me to tears. And after Lesters speech at the end, the movie will finish leaving me with such a nice feeling...a humbled feeling about hows theres "So much beauty in the world, sometimes it feels like i cant take it...and my heart will explode."
A bit of a soppy way to have a movie change me, but i feel that im definatly better off for seeing that film. :)

verbal penguin 04-20-03 06:10 PM

a humbled feeling about hows theres "So much beauty in the world, sometimes it feels like i cant take it...and my heart will explode."
A chaotical, floating paper-bag makes you feel like you can't take it anymore? Like your heart will explode?

Well, it might be because I'm heartless, but I thought it was just a cheap way to make nobodies feel like they're special.

blibblobblib 04-20-03 07:48 PM

Originally posted by verbal penguin

A chaotical, floating paper-bag makes you feel like you can't take it anymore? Like your heart will explode?

Well, it might be because I'm heartless, but I thought it was just a cheap way to make nobodies feel like they're special.
I dont think its a cheap shot at all. What do u mean by it makes nobodies feel special? Like a normal person looking at the "Beauty" of a bag flying around and noticing it makes them feel special?
Its what the bag represents that makes me feel good. The bag is just a crappy piece of junk floating around but it represents the hidden beauty that the film is trying to show people. Its just how you look at things i guess. Most people wouldnt normally look for the beauty or the force thats driving that bag, but the film highlights the fact that if you look hard enough you can see beauty everywhere. Its an optamistic point of view but i think its a good one to take. :yup:

neester 04-20-03 09:00 PM

Movies that moved me!
As soon as i saw the title of this thread I had my mind set before I even opend the thread.
The two movies that moved me the most were Fight Club and The Matrix.

My reasons being that Fight Club had the mind blowing twist (which i will not mention in case some have not seen it)...
I feel that the whole issue that "Jack" has throughout the movie is great, his perception of society. The way he is portrayed is excellent, i think he is a great character and I love the DVD.

The Matrix, i love this movie for a different reason. The Matrix is a huge movie, its so well done! Every detail was attended to, the story is so tight and perfect. The underlying meanings presented is great! Like the buddhist and christian symbols in the movie (im not religious, im athiest). But there are so many scenes which portray Neo as Jesus Christ. He is even refered to as JC himself when the guy comes to his door, shortly after the beginning, he says: "Your my own personal Jesus Christ." - which then follows the theme, Neo is shot 10 times, then is resurected to know everything, he is ultimatly wise and powerful... Its a great movie, you just need to watch out for the little symbols!

The Silver Bullet 04-20-03 11:23 PM

Okay, so you loved them, cool for you, nice reasons.

But Fight Club and The Matrix actually moved you? Doesn't sound like it.

Tuna 04-21-03 12:04 AM

The Matrix changed me in the sense that you can't always believe what you see and is it better to know the truth. Also the "Ignorance is Bliss" line really stood out for me in context with the movie and life itself.

Steve 04-21-03 01:06 AM

Can't choose just one:

Do the Right Thing has consistently, over the past 5 years since I first watched it, made me want to change things. Aguirre, the Wrath of God, AI, and Breathless always reinforce my love for the movies and where they can take us. I learned empathy from Grave of the Fireflies. Vanilla Sky and Ikiru made me appreciate everything I take for granted. In the Mood for Love, The Princess Bride, and George Washington remind me of when I was younger, when I would wake up & everything looked like it was behind a stained-glass window.

Viddy chose Taxi Driver. Is this because he's lonely and disgusting and racist like Travis Bickle? I have to stop the comparisons there though, because I sympathized with Travis Bickle. Why are you here, viddy? Go away.

The Silver Bullet 04-21-03 01:13 AM

Maybe he realised that he too was the scum of the streets, and that moved him to tear out his eyes.

neester 04-21-03 01:14 AM

Originally posted by The Silver Bullet
Okay, so you loved them, cool for you, nice reasons.

But Fight Club and The Matrix actually moved you? Doesn't sound like it.
Yes they did.
They enlightened me, allowed me to think on a different train of thought.
I feel they free your mind in a sense, let you think out of the box.
Movies like those 2 are great and will remain cult classics of my generation..

The Silver Bullet 04-21-03 01:17 AM

My generation too, no doubt...

You explained reasons for liking the films, but not for being moved by them. Now you say they enlighten you and free your mind. I still disagree [I think that both films use mock philosophy as vehicles to make violent movies], but at least you have some reasons. Many people do not.

Aniko 04-23-03 12:13 PM

Originally posted by frutkake
I can honestly say that Jaws changed me whan I was a kid, it terrified me and I've always being afraid to go into the water .
I know looking back at the film, the shark looks fake and all but still, who knows whats out there in the ocean.
I know how you feel. For years after seeing Jaws I wouldn’t even go into the ocean. It probably took me ten years to get my nerve up to wade up to my knees. I can finally get up to my waist...but anything wrapping around my ankles...I’m otta there. year there seemed to be alot of shark attacks on the east coast...that movie was the first thing to pop in my head. That and...”we’re not going to the beach this year.”

Bambi – Bambi calling out for his mama is a pretty powerful scene for me. I know this is totally irrational but...I would never have been able to marry a man that hunted deer. We went on a day trip in the fall once to a small quaint town and didn’t realize it was hunting season. Bambi’s mother was strapped onto quite a few car tops. :(

LordSlaytan 04-27-03 06:47 PM

Alive made me think differently about a thing or two. Very good movie.

Caitlyn 04-27-03 11:04 PM

I would have to say that while Jaws made me think twice about swimming in the ocean and The Exorcist made me wonder about a lot of things… Thunderheart is the one movie that really changed me and made me see something I hadn’t quite understood before and had an influence on which path I wanted to take in my life…

Holden Pike 04-27-03 11:36 PM

Which is where? Becoming Val Kilmer's personal "fluffer" on Wonderland?

Caitlyn 04-28-03 12:35 AM

Now why didn’t I think of that one… would probably be a lot easier then getting in the FBI Academy… :laugh:

Piggle_Humsy 04-28-03 02:32 PM

First of all Hello!
I hope I am welcome into your nice cosy little family theme you've got going here! It seems like you lot are a cool bunch!

Well I'm mad about movies obviously! So here I am!

ok movie that changed me..... Radio Flyer ~ starring Elijah Wood and Joseph Mazzello! Definitely! After seeing that film it changed my life dunno quite what it was about it but I definitly changed after seeing it! (for the better!)

You probly all think I'm really weird now!

Well I am :yup: but dont hate me because of it! :D

Piggle :dizzy:
x x x x

RuckingFetard20 04-30-03 12:19 AM

"there goes my baby" i wouldn't say this movie changed me but i kept thinking about it for like weeks i somehow conneted with it.

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