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Escape 05-20-05 04:27 PM

Originally Posted by The Sarge
I thought the film was pretty mint, and look forward to seeing it again.

And as nobody has mentioned it im assuming no-one spotted the Millenium Falcon? After the first battle in space, after Anakin & Obi Wan have landed and are being greeted by the politicians..... well if you look carefully, as the ship is coming into land and meet the politicians the Falcon is parked up by the landing platform.
Thanks. I'll keep an eye out for it when i go see it. ;)

Sedai 05-20-05 10:48 PM

Originally Posted by jrs
How can someone even compare LOTR to SW anyways? We all know which is better. :cool:

The stories are actually very similar. Clearly cut from the same cloth, as I elaborated on in the LotR thread, where I did an in-depth comparison.

projectMayhem 05-21-05 01:48 AM

I love every single movie in this series, prequels and original trilogy films. I really never realized just how much I love Star Wars until pretty recently. I mean I've always loved it, but I guess it never really hit just how much until when I realized that this is the end of it all. There were several elements in this film which made me geek out completely:
  • Getting to see the early versions of the Tie Fighters and X-Wings.
  • The Millenium Falcom (which was also in Epsiode 2).
  • Watching Yoda climb up on Chewie's shoulder.
  • Seeing Anakin go ape-sh*t crazy when he gives himself over.
  • Discovering why Obi-Wan and Yoda wound up where they did in the orignal films.
  • VADER!

I also had this thought about Anakin being the "Chosen One":

WARNING: spoilers below
Obi-Wan points out as Anakin is rolling around in liquid-hot-magma that he was meant to destroy the Sith. Maybe he wasn't actually supposed to be the one to destroy them, but his experiences with the Jedi's was meant to bring their destruction. If it weren't for the Jedi's he never would have met Padme, might never have had Luke and Leia, but because he did leave Tatooine and have his adventures, and the kids and all by doing this he fulfilled that prophecy. He was never meant to destroy the Sith. He was meant to be the reason the Sith were destroyed - meaning Luke. Destiny works in mysterious ways.

Does any of that make sense? I desperately need sleep right now, and my thinking isn't to clear. But..yeah...I friggin' love Star Wars.

Oh yeah! I was walking through the video store I work at the other day and noticed that when the DVD cover boxes of Episodes I and II are put next to each other it looks like Anakin and Obi-Wan are fighting each other:

TwentyOne 05-21-05 02:16 AM

I just don't get why people are talking about ROTS like it's a bad interpretation of an old novel. People are saying things like "Why are the wookies there?" as if Lucas changed some existing material or butchered something ancient. The wookies are there because he put them there. Whether you like the decision or not is a different story. I thought ROTS was awesome, granted the acting was weak.

Sedai 05-21-05 02:43 AM

WARNING: "Revenge of the Sith" spoilers below
Obi-Wan points out as Anakin is rolling around in liquid-hot-magma that he was meant to destroy the Sith. Maybe he wasn't actually supposed to be the one to destroy them, but his experiences with the Jedi's was meant to bring their destruction. If it weren't for the Jedi's he never would have met Padme, might never have had Luke and Leia, but because he did leave Tatooine and have his adventures, and the kids and all by doing this he fulfilled that prophecy. He was never meant to destroy the Sith. He was meant to be the reason the Sith were destroyed - meaning Luke. Destiny works in mysterious ways.

Does any of that make sense?

WARNING: "Revenge of the Sith" spoilers below
But, Anakin IS the chosen one, and he does bring balance to the force. Who throws the emporer over the railing, killing him, and by doing so, shunning the dark side in a dying gasp as he, the last of the sith now again truely a Jedi, passes away? Vader. Luke saves his father by awakening the good in him, re-awakening the Jedi he once was, only this time understanding what it meant to be a Jedi; sacrificing oneself for another if necessary. Don't forget Luke was lying on the ground in his death throws, while dark energy coursed through his body, before Anakin (no longer Vader) saved him. I love how Revenge of the Sith folds neatly into the other films, not just a Episode IV. As I watched old trilogy after Sith, many new dimensions were opened up, now that the history of the Skywalker family was laid out in full, and the tormented (and tragic) man that was Anakin Skywalker makes vader even that much more tragic. One of those new dimensions is exactly what you mentioned, how the children ultimately brought about the fall of the Sith, by saving Anakin.

Escape 05-21-05 03:53 AM

Ok, finally got to see it. It was a good flick. Better than the first 2 for sure. Sarge, i never saw the Falcon, and i looked hard to find it. Way too many platforms to look at during that time. Good for you that you noticed. You must have eyes like a hawk. ;)

As for the Wookies, of course they should be there. Most of the starwars fans wanted to see them in there and they never hurt the story being there. Who didn't want to see chewie again. :cool:

Sedai, your bang on about the prophesy. Vadar was the one who brought the balance to the force. They just misread it and didnt realize anakin would take the long route to destroy the Emperor. It's a simple mistake to make actually. Who would ever think the very one to destroy this sith would first have to become like him.

Also, didn't Sideous make a comment about a story where a Sith Lord was able to direct the midi-chlorians within the blood of another to create life? Could he also have been referring to himself when making Anakin? Was he the father? Remember in Episode 1 anakin's mother was supposed to have some sort of an "Immaculate conception".

I thought that it was just a little too much to put into one episode though. Lucas piled it all on so he could avoid a longer film.

WARNING: "Revenge of the Sith" spoilers below
I wanted to see Anakin destroying more of the jedi. I wanted a smarter fight between Dooku and Anakin. It was much too short. One thing i don't understand is how can obi wan hold his own against a darkened pumped up Vadar, when he was man handled by Dooku...and twice i might add. And in the end when obi wan claimed to have the higher ground. Why was that such an advantage? Anakin could have jumped just below him then jumped over him. He was injured in a way that surprised me, especially after such a long drawn out fight where they were constantly jumping and spinning over obstacles.

Also when Palpatine took on Mace windu and the other 3 jedi, he defeated them with ease. I never saw any fancy dancy trickery with his sabre. He just jumped and stabbed at them a few times. Again, if it were a tiny bit longer, that scene could have been so much better. And i have to believe that Palpatine allowed Mace to defeat him in the sabre fight cause he must have felt anakin on his way and already forseen the future. Windu deserved it anyways. He broke the jedi code of honor and was going to murder the Sith Lord without a trial. He did it too himself.
And when Palpatine was crying for help it was what Vadar was thinking about in Episode 6 when luke was doing it. It must have brought back the memory and the sad effects it had on his life around him. So now when i watch the Return of the Jedi, it makes more sense to me to see Vadar contemplating during that moment.
And is it me or does Samuel L Jackson look extremely un co-ordinate with a lightsabre. He probably should have had a stunt double in many of his fight scenes to actually look like he was one of the top dogs handling a sabre. Ok that's about it. Mabe another 20 more minutes of added lightsabre footage between Dooku, Palpatine and the 4 jedi, and an anakin not being transformed from "what have I done" after the Windu incident, to submiting to the Emperor, could have, for me, put this movie in the second position just under the Empire Strikes Back. One more thing, how can somebody so twisted to the Darkside even have any place for love in their hearts as Anakin did with Padme? Loyalty perhaps but not love.

Blister 05-21-05 08:23 AM

Hmm, I've got another question:

WARNING: "Star Wars Episode 3" spoilers below
At the end Yoda and Obi-Wan are talking about how Qui-Gon found the path to immortality and that Yoda would teach Obi-Wan how to do so......if Obi-Wan and Yoda had to be taught, then how did Anakin become immortal at the end of ROTJ since his ghost appears?

Pyro Tramp 05-21-05 08:34 AM

Lots of questions, i really need to dig up my unwatched DVD trilogy and watch before or after seeing Episode 3 again. Hmmm what way round should i watch them? Bearing in mind i don't think i've seen Star Wars since i was like 12

jrs 05-21-05 11:52 AM

Good idea Pyro. I think I am going to dig into the SW archives (for what I have myself as well) and therefore I can see what I can get out of all of this too. :D

LordChuchu 05-21-05 01:34 PM

i loved the movie. the acting might have been a little mushy at times but I thought it was amazing in general. Now whenever i see the old trilogy, I will never be able to look at Darth Vader the same way. It even made me tear a little in the end, with the constant back and forth between
WARNING: " Star Wars Episode 3" spoilers below

anakin almost dying and padme giving birth, that was intense.

Caitlyn 05-21-05 02:33 PM

"Vader was seduced by the dark side of the Force." ~ Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi -- Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope

WARNING: "Star Wars Episode 3" spoilers below
Where was the seduction?

Escape 05-21-05 03:00 PM

Originally Posted by Caitlyn
"Vader was seduced by the dark side of the Force." ~ Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi -- Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope

WARNING: "Star Wars Episode 3" spoilers below
Where was the seduction?
WARNING: "Revenge of the Sith" spoilers below
Anakin's thoughts were entertained into believing he could save Padme with knowledge of the Dark Side. The option of allowing himself to be completley taken over by it felt like the better one, hence the seduction.

linespalsy 05-21-05 07:31 PM

WARNING: "Star Wars Episode 3" spoilers below
If the Jedi had access to security files even as far as Palpatine's chambers all along, why did they need Anakin to spy for them? For that matter, why didn't they know about the plot from the beginning?

Anywho, I guess I knew what I was getting into, and saw it anyway. So I can't bemoan Lucas too harshly, but golly that movie was dumb. I feel ashamed for wanting to see it in the first place; and for - on some level - still wanting more.

Escape 05-21-05 08:01 PM

Originally Posted by linespalsy
WARNING: "Star Wars Episode 3" spoilers below
If the Jedi had access to security files even as far as Palpatine's chambers all along, why did they need Anakin to spy for them? For that matter, why didn't they know about the plot from the beginning?

WARNING: "Star Wars Episode 3" spoilers below
It would have been very unwise for Palpatine to blatantly mix his evil intensions so openly. And don't forget, for the longest time, in episode 2, an entire planet was elimated from the data banks where they were creating the clone army. This gave him a head start in the game.
Yoda said in episode 1 how surprised they were to even know another Sith Lord existed. The jedi were even speaking to Palpaine face to face and they could't even feel the dark side within him. The needed anakin's help since they knew he would have been more open to him thereby revealing a little more of himself, so they thought, and so he did.

projectMayhem 05-21-05 08:49 PM

Originally Posted by projectMayhem
WARNING: "Revenge of the Sith" spoilers below
Obi-Wan points out as Anakin is rolling around in liquid-hot-magma that he was meant to destroy the Sith. Maybe he wasn't actually supposed to be the one to destroy them, but his experiences with the Jedi's was meant to bring their destruction. If it weren't for the Jedi's he never would have met Padme, might never have had Luke and Leia, but because he did leave Tatooine and have his adventures, and the kids and all by doing this he fulfilled that prophecy. He was never meant to destroy the Sith. He was meant to be the reason the Sith were destroyed - meaning Luke. Destiny works in mysterious ways.

Does any of that make sense?

WARNING: "Revenge of the Sith" spoilers below
But, Anakin IS the chosen one, and he does bring balance to the force. Who throws the emporer over the railing, killing him, and by doing so, shunning the dark side in a dying gasp as he, the last of the sith now again truely a Jedi, passes away? Vader. Luke saves his father by awakening the good in him, re-awakening the Jedi he once was, only this time understanding what it meant to be a Jedi; sacrificing oneself for another if necessary. Don't forget Luke was lying on the ground in his death throws, while dark energy coursed through his body, before Anakin (no longer Vader) saved him. I love how Revenge of the Sith folds neatly into the other films, not just a Episode IV. As I watched old trilogy after Sith, many new dimensions were opened up, now that the history of the Skywalker family was laid out in full, and the tormented (and tragic) man that was Anakin Skywalker makes vader even that much more tragic. One of those new dimensions is exactly what you mentioned, how the children ultimately brought about the fall of the Sith, by saving Anakin.
Very wise sir, very wise indeed. I need to watch the original trilogy again. Now.

The Sarge 05-22-05 12:35 PM

Originally Posted by projectMayhem
[*]The Millenium Falcom (which was also in Epsiode 2).

Pyro Tramp 05-22-05 02:43 PM

Ok, i maintain the points i made in the review, but I enjoyed Episode 3 a hella of a lot more second time round. I'm guessing it was because i hadn't been in the Star Wars universe for so long a lot of it was err, foreign, but this time i was able to emmerse myself in it and enjoy it that bit more. And the over use of cgi, well, guess it's just todays puppets and animatronics. However, I still can't fully suspend all my disbelief with cgi, until it's perfect, it still draws too much attention to itself, unless it's used well and in restraint, and also it should not be used to replace actors (bar special circumstances- The Crow and Gladiator) -I couldn't care less for a computer generation. I'm sure if Lucas spent more time on choreographing fights, like the originals, then it would be considerably better.
I raise my score to 7.5/10, though still only 4th best.

Escape 05-22-05 03:33 PM

Originally Posted by The Sarge
It was supposed to have come in view just after the first chapter in the movie where they are landing down on the planet with Palpatine. I failed to see it too, even when i knew where to look. There were just too many landing pods to check out in 5 or 6 seconds.

Originally Posted by Pyro Tramp
However, I still can't fully suspend all my disbelief with cgi, until it's perfect, it still draws too much attention to itself
Well said. Once the cgi's start to look too fake, then that is when it bother's me, but mostly when they are replacing people. Like in this recent one, where anakin jumps at Dooku and kicks him. Or in episode 2, when obi wan had Jango Fett on a rope and it yanked him off the landing pod. He looked like a cartoon. A real stuntman could have pulled that off.

unless it's used well and in restraint, and also it should not be used to replace actors
Do you mean the main actor's or any living being in the movie who has a voice?

I'm sure if Lucas spent more time on choreographing fights, like the originals, then it would be considerably better.
Honestly, i thought those fights in the originals looked brutal compared to the many fights in these recent episode. If i watched episode 4 now, for the first time, i would laugh at how bad it looked. Obi wan and vadar fight looked like a couple of old men playing with sticks. Just terrible.
Episode 5 had the best fight scene of the early trilogy, but only because Vadar was there in costume and all.
This last one, the final confrontations were awsome. No lightsabre battle in any previous starwars movie can beat it. Two main fights were going on at once.
Perhaps if lucas used alot of non cgi stormtroopers in at least some of the scenes it would have also helped.
WARNING: "revenge of the sith" spoilers below
Greivious looked cartoonish at times too. Everyone wanted to see this guy in action with 4 sabres going at once, but because of the impossibility of defending against them, Lucas hid most of the action with plenty of close up shots of obi wan and grevious' face with the general loosing a limb here and a limb there without actually showing the skill used to do this on obi wan's part. That scene was a definite let down for me.

Pyro Tramp 05-22-05 03:43 PM

I agree about the Grievous scene
In regards to final sabre fights, yes they were stunning and probably better than the others in terms of pure action, i can accept this, but i prefer old fashioned mano a mano duels, without the technical wizardry nonense, i just don't think the two blend well. Take LOTR, effective use of cgi to create atmosphere etc but the fights were more often than not, real. Ok, i mentioned LOTR earlier, so take King Arthur or Ong Bak, i enjoyed them so much more because they were real hence 'believable'.
And to answer the cgi people part- it wasn't aimed at the stunt double cgis, it was people like Commander Cody, you see his face and he's talking, but he's cgi! I don't get it! I'm sure in some of his other scenes, he was a real actor.

TheAngryBeaver 05-22-05 05:31 PM

the cough of general grievous is form a force crush by mace windu but it happens at the end of the animated shorts that were premiered on the cartoon network, if you really want to fill the gaps between episode 2 and 3 then i highly recommend getting hold of these, there are 2 seasons in all.

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