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rauldc14 03-13-13 09:33 PM

Re: Argo
I enjoyed Argo and I thought it was a decent film, but I much prefer The Town and to a much greater extent Gone Baby Gone.

The Prestige 03-15-13 09:12 AM

Yeah, I think at one point I had some harsh words for Affleck. I think a lot of it was influenced by his J-Lo and acting in mediocre to weak films, but as a director, I have respect for the bloke. His first two film were really good, although I can't help but think of The Town as Heat-lite

Count me in as one of the people who like Argo. I didn't know what to expect outside of the true story the film is based on, but was pleasantly surprised with the classy production and cast. It's always a treat to see The Faculty's Clea DuVall get some work. I really like her energy.

The third act is, as many have said, a masterclass in sustained tension. Even when they get on the plane, my heart was pounding. And I actually saw it on pristine 35mm! Look lovely and organic on film. Affleck's got it going on.

Daniel M 03-15-13 02:01 PM

Originally Posted by The Prestige (Post 886617)
Yeah, I think at one point I had some harsh words for Affleck. I think a lot of it was influenced by his J-Lo and acting in mediocre to weak films, but as a director, I have respect for the bloke. His first two film were really good, although I can't help but think of The Town as Heat-lite
I watched The Town before Heat and when I was watching it my step-dad said he couldn't enjoy it that much as he felt it was just a copy of Heat which is his favourite film I think. I've seen Heat since and I can definitely see where you guys are coming from, I liked The Town, but Heat is a great film and far superior.

yellowjacket1 03-30-13 04:13 AM


How to judge a film like this? Every film features arbitrary factors on what makes it enjoyable or not. Films based on real life situations carry certain baggage but none of that baggage weighed this gem down at all. I honestly can’t think of a way to make the movie better. Thus, it merits a 10/10 in my book. It’s so very well acted and constructed. I was captivated all the way through and Affleck made it suspenseful to the max. Politically, there are some modern parallels to what’s happening today but that texture isn’t even relevant to enjoying the effort as a pure thriller.

TheDavePhan 04-06-13 06:22 PM

Re: Argo
i give this movie a 6-7. It was ok but it definitely could have done more

ccs880 06-17-13 05:02 PM

Re: Argo

Will Frey 07-02-13 01:01 PM

Argo - Movie Review - Will Frey iii
Having won best picture, you’d better believe this one was worth watching. A crazy extraction plan led by CIA agent Tony Mendez (Affleck) that would effectively save the lives of 6 U.S. citizens after having been chased out of the Iranian Embassy, Argo (2012) is a movie based on the realest of stories. The old-school feel of the movie makes it feel like it was meant for the nineties. As you’re taken back by the Spielberg-esque precision, you get hit with new-age shaky cam action when things start to get intense. One such example is the dinner scene where the hostages are staying with Canadian Ambassador, enjoying some food & wine, when all of a sudden they are forced to hide in the closet where they’ve been sleeping for the past couple of weeks. It was times like these where they couldn’t even step outside, reminding the viewer of the reality of this time in history.
Tony Mendez has one sole goal for this operation - getting these people out of the country alive. After days of arguing and deliberating in C.I.A. headquarters he finally comes up with what seems to be their best “bad” idea yet (Thanks Brian Cranston) – making a fake “Star Wars” style-movie and using it as a cover to get into Iran and to get those people out. Sounds like movie, and yet it happened it real life. They had everything they needed – storyboards, screenwriters, and exotic locations – everything one would need to make a fake movie look as real as possible.
Affleck played his part as he would be expected to – at sea level. Facial expressions were on the lower end of the scale for him, and at times it seemed like he was just strolling through worn-torn Iran with an oblivious smirk that made it seem like he was destined to succeed. He was good. Not great, but good. The real stars of the show for me were the supporting cast. Alan Arkin and John Goodman were solid gold on camera, and even better when they were together. I’d love to see them make another movie someday, perhaps with starring roles.
The real show-stealer for me was Joe Stafford, one of the six captives stuck in Iran. Played by relatively new actor Scoot McNairy, he set himself apart from all the other captives in that he had absolutely no faith in Mendez throughout the entire ordeal. He though he was going to die in Iran. One scene that shines amongst the rest is when they are being questioned at the final gate before the bridge to the plane. They seem to be losing the debate between the guards that they are in fact legitimate movie-makers, and in the middle of all the yelling, Stafford comes in speaking perfect Arabic, and ends up tricking the guards into believing their carefully thought-out rouse. By the time the guards had realized their mistakes, it was already too late – they had made it on the plane, and it was airborne. They made it home, and Tony Mendez was a national hero.
A solid film from front to back, you’ll finish Argo wondering what happened to movies like these. Why don’t people make movies like these anymore? It’s because they are missing the essence which makes a movie whole and right – a gift that Director Ben Affleck seems to have just right.:D


ashdoc 10-18-13 12:23 AM

Ashdoc's review--

To be safe in your country , to be home among your own people , to be relaxing and eating and drinking amongst people who love you and respect you and cherish you---I realised the value of that today.....

As I walked out of the cinema hall today and I looked around me I said---the people around me are MY people and I am safe.....

.....And then my thoughts turned to the poor benighted hostages from the American embassy eking out a horrid existence for months among gun toting guards of the Revolutionary republic of Iran.....

The year is 1979 and the ancient land of Persia is in the throes of another revolution in its bloodsoaked history.....

Except that the name of the country is now Iran because the Iranians are Aryan in origin ( Iran means Aryan in Farsi language ).....but the Shah who named it as Iran is gone.....gone because he was corrupt and a bloodsucker and a murderer and was having too much fun while the population starved.....

......But above all the Shah is gone because he worshipped that creation of the unbelieving west called secularism and equal rights for women.....

And replacing him is the barbarian horde of Ayatollah Khomeni that calls itself the Islamic revolution......

And what is the Islamic revolution ???---All gun welding guards everywhere , people being hung from cranes in the capital Tehran , the population invoked into a mass frenzy against suspected traitors to the point that anybody can get shot , bloodthirsty dogs howling for more blood.....

And because the Shah has taken refuge in America the howling dogs called revolutionaries have attacked the American embassy and taken the entire staff hostage....

But but....six of the staff escape out and flee to the Canadian embassy---this is the story of their attempted escape from the hell called Islamic republic of Iran.....

And the Canadians who take them in take tremendous risk in keeping them as the Americans and their protectors can be found out and shot dead---literally....

The six Americans got to be taken out of Iran pronto !!

To take them out is sent CIA agent Tony Mendez ( played by Ben Affleck ).....

The plan to take them out is for him to pose as a Canadian film producer producing a film called Argo and take them out as Canadians who are his film crew.....

But there is host of complications like---

1 ) getting a permission to film a film in Iran itself

2) making the six Americans pose convincingly as a real film crew when they know nothing of film making

3 ) staying clear of the watchful eyes of people who suspect them for who they really are

4) clearing airport security manned by the fanatic revolutionary guards who look at everyone with suspicion

5 ) and not getting tired of the posters of Ayatollah Khomeni's scowling face staring at you all the time in the face :D

And due to all this there's tension in the air.....tension in the land.....tension on the sea......tension in the CIA ops room......and finally there is tension in the cinema hall as everyone watches what's going to happen next with bated breath and pin drop silence.....

Bingo !! The tension is a sure shot sign that the viewers are hooked on to the film and the director ( its Ben Affleck himself !! ) has hit bullseye !!

As if the relive the tension the film shows certain characters cracking some truely wise jokes which keep the film rolling .

So does Ben Affleck succeed in taking them out ?? Go and watch the movie for that.....enjoy the tension !!

Verdict---its a winner all the way.....

ccapehart1980 11-21-13 05:02 PM

little late but i just recently watched the movie argo i guess it totally slipped by me when it came out anyways great movie except i found it quite inaccurate our CIA didnt actually do as much as they did the canadian intellegance service wich i believe is now called CSIS was mostly respoinsible for the operations success also the embassy did not fall that quick every embassy has a detachment of marines wich are heavily armed for repelling any kind of attack

The Marb 11-25-13 08:56 AM

Re: Argo
My full review is on link (didnt wanna bore you with my full one) but in summary I like Argo despite its flaws.

Affleck did a good job of balancing the comedy with the thriller elements and despite the seemingly tacked on made upelemnts, its a effective thriller. Best film of 2012, no way (Zero Dark Thirty is better IMO) but a quality one, hell yes.

cat_sidhe 06-16-17 07:06 AM

Re: Argo
Bit of a thread bump here, but I happened to read its old imdb board page this morning. Entire essays, all very angry that Ben Affleck entertained a couple million people.

The nerve.


Dani8 06-22-17 04:49 PM

Originally Posted by cat_sidhe (Post 1719683)
Bit of a thread bump here, but I happened to read its old imdb board page this morning. Entire essays, all very angry that Ben Affleck entertained a couple million people.

The nerve.

LOL. Why am I not surprised.

Good review TUS. I really enjoyed this movie. Time for a rewatch. Argo beep yourself still makes me laugh.

cat_sidhe 06-22-17 05:01 PM

Re: Argo
Originally Posted by Dani8 (Post 1723411)
Originally Posted by cat_sidhe (Post 1719683)
Bit of a thread bump here, but I happened to read its old imdb board page this morning. Entire essays, all very angry that Ben Affleck entertained a couple million people.

The nerve.

LOL. Why am I not surprised.

Good review TUS. I really enjoyed this movie. Time for a rewatch. Argo beep yourself still makes me laugh.
Guuurl, tell me when. We can watch together and LIVESHOUT IT. :shifty:

Dani8 06-22-17 05:04 PM

Originally Posted by cat_sidhe (Post 1723427)
Guuurl, tell me when. We can watch together and LIVESHOUT IT. :shifty:
OK. Want to watch Kidnapped (spanish film mentioned yesterday) and Boondock Saints first. Will tee up a time with you. :up:

cat_sidhe 06-22-17 05:32 PM

Re: Argo
Originally Posted by Dani8 (Post 1723431)
Originally Posted by cat_sidhe (Post 1723427)
Guuurl, tell me when. We can watch together and LIVESHOUT IT. :shifty:
OK. Want to watch Kidnapped (spanish film mentioned yesterday) and Boondock Saints first. Will tee up a time with you. :up:
Can watch Boondock with you too! Got 2 DVD versions...guess you could call me a fan. :lol:

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