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ynwtf 12-08-21 05:44 PM

Originally Posted by Takoma11 (Post 2259821)
So maybe I'm totally off-base, but once I started thinking about it:

WARNING: spoilers below

There's a lot of stuff about the mom having Kate's life all planned out

Mom runs the big security agency with all the resources

Mom was the one who was threatened by the uncle before he was killed.

And to go really dark: Right as she and the husband were fighting about money in the past, the dad gets killed and we never saw the dad die AND the mom just sort of came out of nowhere to grab little kid Kate.

One thing that I'm still trying to settle on is how I feel about the parent dynamic themes of the show. Like, obviously Hawkeye is serving as a father surrogate for Kate. She idolized her dad, and she's driven by the need to protect her family. Now, I am not a big fan of the way things are presented in the beginning, where the mom is the "bad one" for talking about selling the house because of their financial difficulties and the dad is the "good one" being like "Just believe and things will work out!". Like, sir, they do not. At a certain point, you have to pay your mortgage. But Hawkeye himself has been presenting a more pragmatic, realistic side. I just don't like it when people who are realistic and practical are seen as being villains in opposition to characters who are optimistic and imaginative. You need to have a balance of those two things.

So I'm interested to see where the show comes down on both Hawkeye and the mom in terms of their relationship to Kate.
Yeah, I finished ep3 last night over a two-night binge and have to say your list was pretty much my mental checklist as it played out. Like, "Huh. That's convenient, the fiancé was menacing but dude, her RED DRESS (or whatever the technical fashion term for that is, I could not say), SCREAMS villain!!"

For whatever it's worth though, I took the father to be the "bad guy" in the opening argument, being unrealistically idealistic and aloof in his financial responsibilities (or whatever the argument was). When he left to check on the daughter, I took that as more of a nod that he's literally running away from the argument in a way, as he is probably also running away from his responsibilities leaving the mother to be the realist. So from that specific sequence, I felt she was more the adult in the room and probably the only one of the two capable of resolving their problems. Or cutting the string to her problem, which could have been him.

WARNING: "stuff" spoilers below
Most of everything after that scene in which the mother collected her daughter during the attack landed exactly opposite of that initial feeling with me. I totally expect her to be the phantom menace here.

I am enjoying the show for the most part. The new fiancé is a silly caricature though and is driving me mad. It's kind of funny that the writers made a point in which the daughter jokes after Hawkeye names the Tracksuit Mafia with, "That's a bit too on the nose isn't it?" Or something similar. So is the fiancé, IMO.

At first I was concerned that the daughter would continually make silly decisions that were only presented to move the story forward. That still may come to be, but so far I'm buying her over eagerness and clumsy approach in not really considering her decisions through to the ultimate consequences of her choices. It makes sense at her age and feels mostly believable. I'm worried that that will become a nuisance very soon though.

I am also enjoying the use of sound in that Clint is hearing impaired. Hopefully that will play more of a role other than filler for drama of the moment. That was a sweet moment on the phone with his son. I would like to see more of that.

Editing has been the weakest link for me. Some cuts have made scenes feel very B or even daytime drama quality. I'm not sure why that's standing out, but the fight scene when the girl is "in suit" and running through the street only to bump into the Tracksuit Mafia crew (again) really irritated me. Mostly, it was after Clint appeared and cuts were made from overhead looking down on the action, to inside the car looking out through a snow-crusted windshield, then outside to the side of the action to then repeat the cut sequence. I understand that we need to feel as helpless and confused from her perspective from within the car during the fight, but one shot was enough to suggest that. Especially considering how nice the overhead shot was and how disorienting the remaining shots were. There was no fluid visual continuity there IMO. Other scenes were more comfortable, so maybe that was just a one-off.

These will probably be my only real comments on the show as I just realized that I'm giving this MCU "series" more thought that I have other deserving movies, yet again.

le sigh.

TONGO 07-21-22 10:51 PM

Re: Hawkeye (Disney+)
I finally have gotten around to watching this. Was slow to because I heard so much bad about it, but after Love & Thunder I thought Id give it a shot. After L&T anything , simply anything was worth giving a watch. Didnt like it at first but in ep 3 now and am surprisingly enjoying it. I like Hailee Steinfeld (she was pure money in True Grit), and shes the only reason I can accept the Kate Bishop character. Fanboys with no appreciation for the craft of acting probably wont give her that appreciation curve.

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