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Golgot 07-02-03 06:51 PM

"Hit-counters lend kudos to posts. It's official"
Originally Posted by Yoda
You're far too apologetic.
Sorry. I'm English ;) (tread on my foot and I'll apologise. It's genetic. Lots of us over here are like foot-operated apologisers)

It's often to cover up blunt views tho - so I shant be expecting a starry crown. One (backed-up) Bush-bashing and I'll be Beale-hounded to minus land. He's got enough mails to buy out the whole Miscellaneous Forum hasn't he? ;)

Austruck 07-03-03 12:49 AM

I dunno about this. I see pretty much no point to having this at all. Those who've been around long enough know what's what around here. And those that haven't been around long enough don't need to feel less a part of the system by not having the posts or seniority to get more power this way.

Maybe I'm totally misunderstanding this, but everything you've said that this can do is already being done unofficially with real words and posts rather than numbers. Sounds to me like you're trying to find a way to quantify things with numbers that are already being done on this forum with posts and words and threads and other interactions on here. I kinda know what someone thinks of my posts when people respond to them. I know what they think of me when they respond too. Why would numbers give me or anyone else a better sense of this? So that my "reputation" would follow me around in *all* threads for everyone to see?

I'd rather you spend your time getting the shoutbox up and running again, and getting rid of any dark-gray-on-black elements here that are now nearly impossible to read.

Thanks, though, for making the side scroll bar "normal" again. Easier for me to see on my LCD laptop screen.

P.S. Congrats on all the hard work. Some of the new elements are nice: user's place, etc.

Fugitive 07-03-03 03:50 AM

OOO Linda, you took some of the words right outa my mouth.. well, fingers...

just to add to that (and here you'll see I'm no techie), I can see everything just fine on my work comp but on my laptop at home I can't see a bloody thing. The writing is like Linda said, dark grey on black but not in the actual threads - but that's on the work comp. On my laptop, the writing turns out white on grey and I can't read it at all!

on the whole tho, I really like the new set up.

Yoda 07-04-03 12:39 PM

Originally Posted by Austruck
Maybe I'm totally misunderstanding this, but everything you've said that this can do is already being done unofficially with real words and posts rather than numbers.
Well, for one, quantification is good in my mind. When Django: The Resurrection makes its way here, it'll be nice to peg him or her for what they are, without having to constantly go over everything that's come before.

For another, the system is only about quantification if left as-is...but as ya'll know, I'm not exactly one to shy away from board modifications. ;D As I said, this is meant to be a first step towards a potentially self-moderating community, wherein a system to gauge member approval is utterly necessary.

For yet another, I think it stands to reason that having a measure like reputation would encourage people to post more often, and post with a higher emphasis on quality and respect, which can only be good for all of us.

Originally Posted by Austruck
I'd rather you spend your time getting the shoutbox up and running again, and getting rid of any dark-gray-on-black elements here that are now nearly impossible to read.
Not really an either-or...the system, sans modifications, is rather like flicking a switch at this point, so it won't cut into my time much. And, of course, since it's like a switch, it can always be flicked off again.

Originally Posted by Austruck
Thanks, though, for making the side scroll bar "normal" again. Easier for me to see on my LCD laptop screen.
Actually, that's an oversight. :laugh:

donevanswhassup 07-04-03 04:19 PM

Sounds like a good idea!

Mark 07-04-03 05:02 PM

There are a lot of things I like better about this recent set-up (scroll bar, message box at top, log on/off at top), but I miss a few things: 1)the "jump to" drop down menu with "who's online" and what they're viewing; 2) the quotes in shadowbox. :bawling:

Actually, it's not a big deal. I was just wondering if they were coming back.

Yoda 07-04-03 05:18 PM

Originally Posted by Mark
There are a lot of things I like better about this recent set-up (scroll bar, message box at top, log on/off at top), but I miss a few things: 1)the "jump to" drop down menu with "who's online" and what they're viewing; 2) the quotes in shadowbox. :bawling:

Actually, it's not a big deal. I was just wondering if they were coming back.
Most of the significant features lost in the upgrade will be restored before long, yes, though some of them will be in another format (IE: links in place of some of the drop-down menu options of old).

Fugitive 07-04-03 11:57 PM

Looking good, Yoda. I can now see everything ok on my laptop! The writing was all white before, but now it's back to black!

MyRobotSuit 07-05-03 03:43 PM

The 'post reply' and 'new thread' buttons seem to be unaligned vertically by just a smidge. don't ask what a smidge is.

Austruck 07-06-03 10:29 AM

A smidge is a little smaller than a pinch and a little bigger than a teensy bit.

Aniko 07-06-03 11:29 AM

:laugh:'re so cute. :yup:

Originally Posted by Fox
Looking good, Yoda. I can now see everything ok on my laptop! The writing was all white before, but now it's back to black!
I was having the same problem Fox. I can see the type in black now also. Yay...I can read the posts!

Thanks much Yoda. I really appreciate the time and effort you put into MoFo.

MyRobotSuit 07-07-03 05:16 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Yoda 07-08-03 04:47 PM

Okay, the system is now active. As it stands...
  • You get one point of reputation-altering power for every 365 days since your registration.
  • You get one point of reputation-altering power for every 1,000 posts to your name.
  • You get one point of reputation-altering power for every 100 reputation points you have.
The rankings are as follows:
  • 500 points produces: "is highly revered."
  • 250 points produces: "is very popular"
  • 100 points produces: "is well-respected"
  • 50 points produces: "is well thought of"
  • 20 points produces: "is respected"
  • 0 points produces: "is sitting on the fence of credibility"
  • -20 points produces: "is not respected"
  • -50 points produces: "is disliked"
  • -100 points produces: "is despised"
Feel free to offer up any suggestions...I'm open to changing these settings and/or descriptions.

Austruck 07-08-03 04:54 PM

What am I missing? Something seems odd. Someone like me could start out with only a handful of points to use but you're expecting certain folks to get, like, hundreds of points from other people in order for ratings to mean anything. Why such a huge gap between points I'm able to use now and points I'll need to "be" somebody?

Is it true that, say, if I gave you a point for a particularly good post, that point is gone and I can't reuse it? Then in the beginning I may only have three or four points to give out and it'll take me ages to earn even one more back.

Unless I'm just missing something ... which is highly possible.

Herod 07-08-03 04:55 PM

So should we rate every post, or just ones we feel strongly about.

And what if someone insults me, but it's a really funny insult, which way should I go?

Yoda 07-08-03 04:55 PM

Originally Posted by Austruck
What am I missing? Something seems odd. Someone like me could start out with only a handful of points to use but you're expecting certain folks to get, like, hundreds of points from other people in order for ratings to mean anything. Why such a huge gap between points I'm able to use now and points I'll need to "be" somebody?

Is it true that, say, if I gave you a point for a particularly good post, that point is gone and I can't reuse it? Then in the beginning I may only have three or four points to give out and it'll take me ages to earn even one more back.

Unless I'm just missing something ... which is highly possible.
No, it doesn't quite work that way. When you "give" someone reputation, you don't actually lose any yourself. It's rather like giving someone a compliment; costs nothing of you, but benefits them.

Austruck 07-08-03 05:00 PM

Oh okay, so giving out points is free. We don't need any sort of point-bank to draw from? Then what's to stop someone from coming in here and willy-nilly splashing points around (not naming names, a-hem!)?

Never mind. I'm sure this has been rehashed in this thread already.

Will there be a way to see who gave you what points?

Austruck 07-08-03 05:02 PM

I think what confused me, Yoda, is calling it "reputation-altering power." What the heck does that mean?

Yoda 07-08-03 05:05 PM

Originally Posted by Herod
So should we rate every post, or just ones we feel strongly about.
That's up to you. Personally, I plan to only recommend posts I feel significantly about one way or the other. I'll rate posts with good analogies, clever turns of phrase, or anything else that I think increases the level of discussion here.

Originally Posted by Herod
And what if someone insults me, but it's a really funny insult, which way should I go?
If the insult is funny and clearly played for laughs, I'd give the user positive reputation. It really comes down to whether or not the post helps, or hurts, the board as a whole. In the end, it's up to you.

Yoda 07-08-03 05:14 PM

Originally Posted by Austruck
Oh okay, so giving out points is free. We don't need any sort of point-bank to draw from? Then what's to stop someone from coming in here and willy-nilly splashing points around (not naming names, a-hem!)?

Never mind. I'm sure this has been rehashed in this thread already.

Will there be a way to see who gave you what points?
Right, no point-bank. And there are a number of previously-discussed safety measures. For one, you can't effect anyone else's reputation unless you have at least 50 posts, and at least 10 reputation points (which is how many everyone starts off with, by the way).

And yes, you will be able to view the last 5 (can be upped easily) reputations you've received in your User Control Panel, along with any comments the giver/taker might have left, and a link to the post in question.

Originally Posted by Austruck
I think what confused me, Yoda, is calling it "reputation-altering power." What the heck does that mean?
Your reputation-altering power is how many points of reputation you can give or take with each approval/disapproval. I call it reputation-altering power because calling it something else, like "points," implies the sort of point-bank system you mentioned earlier.

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