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jrs 07-25-09 09:24 PM

how can it be inaccurate if its official lmao..makes no sense

Iroquois 07-25-09 09:34 PM

Re: Jrs' Sequel Buzz Thread
Because the officials are quite simply wrong?

It's a glaring inconsistency that shouldn't have made its way into a press release, let alone the finished product. If that's an indication of the kind of care put into the film itself, it's going to be kind of crap, which is a shame because Tron's actually sort of cool.

1badgmc 07-25-09 09:55 PM

Originally Posted by jrs (Post 551730)
Walden wasn't all that happy with the way Disney handled it all. The studio behind the new films is 20th Century Fox....or Fox Walden to be precise. You can read what exactly happened with Disney and Narnia here.
Ahhh...ok. So, I was right. I was just missing the rest of the story.

jrs 07-25-09 09:56 PM

Iroquois, if the plotline happens to change I'll let you know.

Iroquois 07-25-09 10:06 PM

Re: Jrs' Sequel Buzz Thread
Yeah, I know you will.

jrs 07-25-09 10:18 PM

The Nightmare on Elm Street remake has gotten an official website. Although, all you can get for now is a full synopsis for the film, and a high res look at the official poster. In time more goodies will arise. To visit the official website click here.

A Nightmare on Elm Street hits theaters April 30, 2010.

jrs 07-25-09 10:54 PM

The Smurfs in 2010

Variety reports that Raja Gosnell has signed on to direct Sony and Columbia Pictures’ live action/animated Smurfs. The editor turned director is best known for helming Scooby-Doo movies. Produced by Jordan Kerner and penned by J. David Stem, David N. Weiss and Audrey Wells, Smurfs will be released in 3-D and 2-D formats on December 17, 2010.

Source: Animated News

* The Smurfs is added to the list

Clash of the Titans Banner

Marvel's Iron Man 2 Comic-Con Presentation

Footage was shown and it was a doozy. Nick Fury is in Iron Man 2 from what was been shown and the sequel sounds amazing. Jon Favreau talks about the film and The Avengers in a full blown Q&A as well. To read the description of the awesome footage and the Q&A go here.


jrs 07-25-09 11:46 PM

300 Sequel in the Works

Zack Snyder told IGN that the sequel to his blockbuster historical epic 300 will be based on a graphic novel by Frank Miller, just like the original.

Frank Miller has been writing a completely new sequel and the Risky Biz Blog (via now reports that he has "recently completed a draft" of that graphic novel. They also say that no screenwriter and no director has officially signed on yet, not even Zack Snyder. But of course, he's never really said that he's for sure returning, but it sounds like he wants to be involved in some way (since 300 was his big break).

They don't add much more into the mix beyond that it's presenting a tough challenge for Warner Bros. "While Miller is still tweaking his version, the ball will soon rest in the court of studio, financing entity and producers to determine how easily, if at all, they can translate the story to the big screen." As reported previously, this sequel would take place between the Battle of Thermopylae and the Battle of Plataea (that was seen at the very end of 300). But if that's the case, then that means none of the original actors (like Gerard Butler) will be in this, give or take David Wenham, and that it'll be almost entirely disconnected.

Source:, IGN

jrs 07-26-09 05:00 AM

Mike Judge Teases Beavis And Butt-Head 2

While hanging out at the panel for his new movie Extract, director and all
Father of the Bride
around genius Mike Judge was of course, pelted with questions about some of his past projects. When asked about the possibility of more Beavis and Butt-Head, he shocked everyone by revealing that it’s not only possible, but they’ve actually put together a few ideas for a sequel to the 1996 Beavis and Butt-Head Do America film.

Says Judge, “That keeps coming back. We have a couple of treatment, and if people really wanted it, it’s not out of the question. We're doing the usual every 3 or 4 year talk about it.” I think it’s safe to say folks, that was a tease. I’m envisioning a closet somewhere in Mike Judge’s house full of brilliant Beavis and Butt-Head ideas just waiting to be unleashed, if only we all shout loud enough for them. Grab your blogging megaphones and start yelling. Bring on Beavis and Butt-Head 2.

He also revealed that his favorite part of the show was Beavis and Butthead's commentary over silly music videos-- commentary that can be the most difficult part of the show to see.

"What's really a bummer to me, is them talking over the videos is sometimes my favorite part, stuff I'm most proud. of. You can't syndicate that. To put them on a DVD, you have to clear the artists, the songwriters, it's really hard to get 'em. It's too bad, because that was probably the stuff I'm most proud of of anything I've done".

Source: Cinemablend

spudracer 07-26-09 06:03 AM

Originally Posted by Iroquois (Post 551743)
Because the officials are quite simply wrong?

It's a glaring inconsistency that shouldn't have made its way into a press release, let alone the finished product. If that's an indication of the kind of care put into the film itself, it's going to be kind of crap, which is a shame because Tron's actually sort of cool.
They're probably betting on the original not being a well known film with the today's youth. Either that or, one site posted the inaccuracy, then others followed suite and just copy and pasted.

1badgmc 07-26-09 11:36 AM

Originally Posted by spudracer (Post 551839)
They're probably betting on the original not being a well known film with the today's youth. Either that or, one site posted the inaccuracy, then others followed suite and just copy and pasted.
Maybe sometime after the first movie ended, he got back into the system and ended up stuck in there and they'll open the new movie with this. :shrug:

jrs 07-26-09 05:24 PM

Tim Burton and Johnny Depp Take on Dark Shadows

Even though it's been known for a couple of years now this adaptation would happen, Tim Burton confirmed at his Comic-Con panel this weekend for Alice in Wonderland that he and Johnny Depp would be reteaming for their long talked about Dark Shadows movie. Depp's film company Infinitum-Nihil has been long attached to produce along side Graham King's GK Films and Burton & Depp told the crowd at Comic-Con that it will in fact be their next feature film. Depp will play Barnabus Collins in the update.

No word on when production will start.

Source: Icons of Fright

Wes Craven Confirms the New Scream Trilogy Rumors

Scream 4 ran a rumor that said both Courteney Cox Arquette and David Arquette would be returning for Scream 4. Not only that, but also that screenwriter Kevin Williamson was writing a completely new trilogy that would continue the franchise with more sequels and not reboot it. Digital Spy caught up with Wes Craven, the creator and director of the original three Scream movies. He was asked not only to confirm the rumor about the Arquettes, but also to give an update on the status as well, with a hint at the possibility of directing them.

Craven was asked if it's a reboot and promptly shot down that rumor. "I don't think it's a reboot and Kevin [Williamson], when he talked to me, said, 'Remember, it's not just Scream 4, it's Scream 5 and 6.' So I guess he has a trilogy in mind." That confirms the trilogy aspect that we'd heard about. What about the Arquettes? "I've been told, and I don't think they'll mind if I say this, the deals on David Arquette and Courteney are virtually set. I believe everybody else will be new." So no Neve Campbell? Doesn't look like it. And lastly, what exactly is the status of these sequels, and could Craven come back to direct any of them?

"Bob Weinstein (The Weinstein Company co-chairman) has talked to me, he's interested in me directing it. I had a brief conversation with Kevin [Williamson], I know that Kevin is writing. What I've said to Bob is I'm not closed to it, I'm not open to it, I'll be perfectly happy to read a script and tell him what I think. That's where it's at and I'm not expecting a script until August. I don't know what the premise is or anything."


jrs 07-26-09 09:32 PM

Fox developing Deadpool Spin-Off

Both MTV and Variety have confirmed that 20th Century Fox are moving forward with the Deadpool spin-off they’ve been talking about ever since the character was added to X-Men Origins: Wolverine. The idea from the very beginning was to introduce the character to audiences and lay foundations for a Deadpool solo film. X-Men Origins: Wolverine was recently deemed a success at the box office, therefore Fox have started to develop the spin-off with Ryan Reynolds returning as the Merc with the mouth.

Twentieth Century Fox has begun development on “Deadpool,” an “X-Men” spinoff that will be crafted as a star vehicle for Ryan Reynolds, who played the character in “X-Men Origins: Wolverine.”

The character is one of the most popular in Marvel Comics’ X-Men universe. Deadpool is Wade Wilson, a mercenary who, dying of cancer, submits himself to the Weapon X genetic alteration experiment and emerges as an indestructible semi-sane anti-hero. Reynolds seemed destined to play the character. In one reference in the Marvel Comics, Deadpool is described as a mix between “a Shar Pei and Ryan Reynolds.”

In one of the “Easter egg” endings of “Wolverine,” Deadpool is seen rising from the rubble and whispering “Shhh” to audiences.

The film will be produced by Lauren Shuler Donner and Marvel.

Fox are currently looking for a writers, and I’m sure Reynolds will be happy with this news. Here he is talking about what he’d like to see in the film when it was still up in the air:

Source: Filmonic

The Avengers line-up revealed

Some Iron Man 2 footage was shown at Comic-Con yesterday (read a description of what was seen here) and afterwards producer Kevin Feige took part in a Q&A session. As Marvel have Iron Man 2, Thor, Captain America and The Avengers coming up there are hundreds of questions people would like to ask, however one person asked a question everyone wants to know: Which heroes will be in The Avengers line-up?

I think we know. I think it’s going to be Iron Man and Thor, Captain America and Nick Fury. I think it’s safe to assume that there will be some members of the Hulk universe in the film as well. In terms of the additional I think Black Widow, sure. The SHIELD organization for sure. What’s exciting, for me, about The Avengers movie is seeing those four characters interact with each other. I think anywhere from the first issues of The Avengers to Civil War the dynamic between Steve Rogers and Tony Stark is just awesome, it’s fascinating. It brings out sides in others that won’t be brought out in the other franchises. Going forward with the mix is a whole other thing, I think it will be cool. So to pile on another 15 or 10, frankly more than four would be too many.

Is the Hulk in it?

Zak Penn is outlining it as we speak, so we’ll see.
In the past there has been talk of The Hulk actually being a villain in the film.

Source: Filmonic

jrs 07-26-09 10:42 PM

A Nightmare On Elm Street - Comic Con 09 Panel and Interviews

Jackie Earle Haley and Producers of the Nightmare On Elm Street remake were interviewed by Latino Review. Jackie Earle Haley was asked and stated that he signed on for two more NOES sequels, if this one proves to be succesful. And I am sure it will be.

You can check out the video interviews here

Below you can watch a panel for Nightmare on Elm Street the remake where the producers and the star talk about the upcoming film.

* Brad Fuller just announced on his Twitter the NOES teaser will NOT be hitting the internet.

Source: Latino review

n3wt 07-27-09 09:07 AM

Re: Jrs' Sequel Buzz Thread
After seening that there is another Turtles movie coming out I bought the movies from :D I love this thread its awesome, nice one Jrs :up:

jrs 07-27-09 04:13 PM

EA's Dead Space Video Game Being Adapted by D.J. Caruso

Gamers should be familiar with Dead Space, EA's sci-fi / horror video game that hit shelves last October. Variety announced tonight that Disturbia and Eagle Eye director D.J. Caruso is attached to direct a big screen adaptation. EA will produce the film with Temple Hill partners Marty Bowen and Wyck Godfrey. EA has been working with Caruso to find a screenwriter and will only pitch it to studios once everyone agrees on the creative direction. Caruso has a few other projects lined up, like Jack the Giant Killer and The Defenders, so it seems like Dead Space is one of those projects that is years away from actually happening.

EA's Dead Space is set in the 26th century in deep space, where an engineer who responds to a distress signal from a mining ship finds the vessel infested with monstrous creatures called Necromorphs.


Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje Might Be Marvel's Black Panther?

British actor Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, who is playing Heavy Duty in G.I. Joe and starred on "Lost" as Mr. Eko, might be the next actor in the running to play Marvel's Black Panther. MTV just spoke with Adewale on a red carpet in San Diego last night and he had this to say: "We're talking to Marvel about Black Panther… This is the first round, so hopefully they'll look at G.I. Joe and see the potential, but it's about time we have a black superhero." Adewale is the latest actor to be in the running for the superhero role after both Chiwetel Ejiofor and Djimon Hounsou previously. But will this version finally see the light of day?

Way, way back in February of 2007, Marvel's Kevin Feige said that "Captain America and Thor and Black Panther and The Avengers are all on our development slate right now." All of those projects actually exist and are coming soon - except Black Panther. But let's jump back to June, where Feige said they'd "be announcing another new movie for 2012 within the next few months." As far as I know, that announcement hasn't been made. Maybe they're waiting to see how well G.I. Joe does and see if Adewale is any good before moving forward with Black Panther. That could be what's going on here, but that's just pure speculation.

Black Panther is a superhero who first appeared in Marvel's "Fantastic Four" comics in 1966. He was the first prominent black superhero in comic history and the first to get his own comic book. The title of "Black Panther" is a rank of chieftain of the Wakandan Panther Clan. As chieftain, the Panther has superhumanly acute senses (especially eyesight, night vision, and sense of smell) and an increase in strength, speed, and stamina.


Comic-Con 09 - Iron Man 2 Audio Interviews

After the panel for Iron Man 2 at the San Diego Comic-Con, Hype! participated in interviews with those in attendance. You can listen to the full interviews using the links below, but we wanted to highlight what Marvel Studios' Kevin Feige said about two of the studio's upcoming adaptations.

After taking a bit of guff from reporters over his Black Widow being hitched to DC's Green Lantern (that's Scarlett Johansson and Ryan Reynolds if you're lost), Feige – who reminded everyone that Reynolds is also Marvel's Deadpool – said a couple of interesting things regarding both the Captain America film and The Avengers movie the studio is working towards. While coy on details, Feige did admit that the Captain America movie will likely see a more international cast than any other Marvel film, given that much of it will be shot overseas. That nugget prompted a logical follow up question – Will the Invaders be in the movie?

"I don't know," said Feige with a smile.

Director Joe Johnston, who is finishing up The Wolfman, will join the production full time in October with a targeted June 2010 start-up. But what about an actor for the title role?

"If we make any announcements before October, I'll be surprised," he said. "But we might. We're always looking."

As far as The Avengers go, Feige was asked if the Skrulls would be the enemy that the superhero dream-team will be put up against.

"Uh, we do own the rights to those characters".

Listen to the interviews by clicking the links below:


James Wan to Helm ‘Castlevania’

James Wan, the director behind ‘Saw,’ ‘Dead Silence,’ and ‘Death Sentence,’ is in final negotiations to bring the long-planned adaptation of Castlevania to the big screen. Wan will be working from a screenplay by Ian Jeffers (’Death Sentence’).

The announcement came from Bloody Disgusting, who also got some words from Wan about the film.

"I’m very fresh on this project, so its early stages and I’m still trying to work things out, but the producers love my vision for it".
"I’ll be working on the script with a writer to give it a new spin, different to the previous versions. This will have my stamp on it which Konami is very excited about".
"The thing I love about what Konami did with Castlevania, was taking the iconic Dracula mythology and Eastern-European setting, and retelling it with a Japanese pop-cultural sensibility. That’s the East-meets-West tone I want to visually expand on for the film. I’m thrilled by the opportunity to make a highly stylized, fantasy, action film that focuses on the gothic storyline and the cool, anime-like characters. For once, the human hero is as sexy and dangerous as the vampire villain, and his weapon of choice was what attracted me to the project in the first place – The Vampire Killer Whip".
In 2005, Crystal Sky acquired the rights to the Konami propery, and Paul W.S. Anderson was on board for some time. This fell through during the WGA strike last year.

Castlevania is set for release sometime in 2011.

Source: Bloody Disgusting via We Are Movie Geeks

New Prince of Persia images

REPO The Genetic Opera to Get a Prequel?

From Bloody Disgusting comes word that Darren Bousman is going to be doing a prequel to REPO The Genetic Opera.. his rock opera / horror flick that genre geeks love ( just not this genre geek. I hate musicals in any form. ). Darren told BD.

"Terrance [Zdunich] and I are working on something, that if we are able to pull off, would be amazing... let's just say that there is no way Repo is going away anytime soon." He continues, "We have a lot in store, including new content. New music. And the hope is still there for a prequel. I can say that a bunch of new merchandise is now online - as well as Action figures in the works!"

The original was set in the not-so-distant future, the production tells the story of an epidemic of organ failures that devastates the planet, killing tens of millions. As scientists feverishly make plans for a massive organ harvest program, a multi-billion dollar biotech company called GeneCo begins to manufacture salvation- for a price- offering simple payment plans to those lacking the necessary funds to purchase new body parts outright. But all financed organs are subject to default procedures, including repossession at the hand of the notorious organ repo men.


Lennon 07-27-09 09:02 PM

Re: Jrs' Sequel Buzz Thread
Sooooo you couldn't just post these in their threads or make a new one if one hasn't? Isn't this thread just combining info from all the threads into one big thread that'd be harder to search through?

jrs 07-27-09 09:07 PM

Originally Posted by Lennon (Post 552261)
Sooooo you couldn't just post these in their threads or make a new one if one hasn't? Isn't this thread just combining info from all the threads into one big thread that'd be harder to search through?
Dude, if you don't have anything to contribute to the thread other than negative thoughts or comments. Don't bother entering it lol

Lennon 07-27-09 09:18 PM

Re: Jrs' Sequel Buzz Thread
It was just a comment on how this makes things a little more complicated.

jrs 07-27-09 09:22 PM

King Kong Prequel On The Way

Variety is reporting that Spirit Pictures have picked up the rights to the book "Kong: King of Skull Island," a prequel to the well-known tale of the big ape. Penned by Joe DeVito and Brad Strickland, book focuses on the backstory of Skull Island and how the giant gorilla became king there. It introduces other giant gorillas and dinosaurs only hinted at in the previous films.

The book was actually published around the same time as Peter Jackson was producing his film. The plan is to produce the film using motion-capture technology such as Robert Zemeckis used to make "The Polar Express," "Beowulf" and the upcoming "A Christmas Carol." Andy Briggs is busy working on the script now. No director has been attached so keep it here for more.


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