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SoulInside 06-26-10 06:08 AM

This irritating pattern of thousands and thousands and thousands unwritten rules in our society. I disagree with many of them and I think there are lots of good reasons why no one ever wrote them down.

n3wt 06-26-10 06:16 AM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
The presenters on kids programmes :facepalm:

Also people who cannot park thier car in the whitelines provided carparks :facepalm:

The Prestige 06-26-10 06:19 AM

Lack of large formats being used in modern films.

Brodinski 06-26-10 09:03 AM

Caitlyn 06-26-10 11:44 AM

Inconsiderate cell phone users annoy the hell out of me... and by that I mean the ones trying to drive and talk at the same time... or the ones who walk around in a store apparently talking to someone deaf because everyone else in the store is privy to their side of the conversation whether they want to be or not... and of course the ones who think they should text or talk in the theater...

jrs 06-26-10 11:47 AM

People who focus too much on other people, when they have their own problems and lives to deal with.

n3wt 06-26-10 04:19 PM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
I was watching TNA earlier and this thread popped into my head as soon as I saw that damn Earl Hebner!

I really disliked him in WWe and when he left there I was relieved and he is in TNA now. What it is that annoys the hell out of me is the way he gives the signal after a two count, with a very blatant leg slip :facepalm: Its so annoying and its gotten on my nerves ever since I was small!

karibou 06-27-10 12:31 AM

The computer virus which keeps bumping me offline & freezing my programs, so I have to restart every 5 minutes.

Folks who are nasty to others, simply to cause drama & amuse themselves. Those folks are a waste of space.

Running out of smokes.

Hubby constantly mooching from me (cigarettes, a lighter, a few bites of my dinner, using my camera, etc.).

Inexplicable clumsiness on my part, causing irritating boo-boos.

I could go on and on...

Juno MacGuff 06-27-10 12:34 AM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
People who are smoking in there cars and then flick the cigarette out the window and also people smoking in their cars with a baby in the back.

SammyJ88 06-27-10 12:51 AM

Sounds like everyone has the same problems all over the world.

Things that annoy me:

People who judge others without knowing anything about them.
My neighbours next door when i was a kid because they stabbed my ball when i accidentally kicked it over their fence...
Waking up for work and knowing you've got 10.5 hours till you'll be home again.

They're the more specific ones, but there's so many more things that make me happy.

Juno MacGuff 06-27-10 01:41 AM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
People who have to get in your face to talk to you and then most of them have bad breathe.

DexterRiley 06-27-10 02:01 AM

Originally Posted by SammyJ88 (Post 633564)
Sounds like everyone has the same problems all over the world.

Things that annoy me:

People who judge others without knowing anything about them.
you are annoyed by every human on the planet on any given day.

not that i disagree.

n3wt 06-27-10 09:39 AM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
Neighbours annoy me when they are being inconsiderate of people with little children who are trying to sleep at night, for instance last night our neighbours were being very loud out the back garden because they were having drinks etc. I dont mind people having fun and partys, ofcourse not but just being obnoxious and being loud is just horrible :facepalm:

Caitlyn 06-27-10 11:41 AM

Louisiana Mosquitoes

DexterRiley 06-27-10 02:54 PM

Originally Posted by Juno MacGuff (Post 633545)
People who are smoking in there cars and then flick the cigarette out the window and also people smoking in their cars with a baby in the back.
Thats acually illegal here. Ticket is somethen like $200.

Thing that annoys me is the TLC exploitation reality show toddlers and tiaras.

annoy perhaps isnt the right word.

Juno MacGuff 06-27-10 03:12 PM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
People who chew with their mouth open

Juno MacGuff 06-27-10 03:13 PM

Originally Posted by DexterRiley (Post 633755)
Thats acually illegal here. Ticket is somethen like $200.

Thing that annoys me is the TLC exploitation reality show toddlers and tiaras.

annoy perhaps isnt the right word.
That was me when I was a toddler. I have been in pageants since I was 3 years old.:D

Ceege 06-27-10 03:26 PM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
I hate walking up to a double door at a store, and only one is unlocked. Seems like I
always try to open the locked one first. It's against most fire codes not to have
both doors unlocked, but the people in the stores are either too lazy to unlock both
doors or they like to watch and giggle everytime someone tries to open the locked door first.

n3wt 06-27-10 03:54 PM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
I get really annoyed feeling sick all the time, even after Ive taken antisickness meds :facepalm:

I hate it when you go on to a website to view a video/trailer etc and it stops loading and just stops playing :facepalm:

n3wt 06-27-10 03:56 PM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
How the hell could I forget this idiot :facepalm:

Louie Spence :mad:

DexterRiley 06-27-10 04:10 PM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
DVD's that play music on a maddening loop at the menu

DVD's that wont allow me to skip the previews/ads.

n3wt 06-27-10 04:14 PM

Originally Posted by DexterRiley (Post 633795)
DVD's that play music on a maddening loop at the menu

DVD's that wont allow me to skip the previews/ads.
This is possibly the worest thing ever!

karibou 06-28-10 06:45 PM

Cat food cans with razor sharp lids

Being away from my bathroom at a "critical" time

Folks showing up at my house, uninvited

Hubby getting up 20 times to raid the fridge & make an unholy mess each time

earlsmoviepicks 06-28-10 07:04 PM

Guerilla advertising

-- Ads on your cel phone
-- Ads at the movies (inexcusable)
-- Little dancing graphics on the bottom of the tv promoting another show
-- Telemarketers
-- Junk mail posing as important bank statements or such
-- Misleading product review websites that are only shilling for sellers
-- Ads based on your youtube, facebook and browsing habits
-- Popups of any kind on the computer

ballstouweboll24 06-28-10 07:31 PM

My brothers drinking from the milk carton

James f****ng Corden

George Clooney looking better as he gets older.... the man isn't human!!

Old people complaining on the bus

People who don't say please

Bloc Party

Sex and the f*****g City


Andy Gray's commentary on FIFA

n3wt 06-28-10 08:57 PM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
James Corden :facepalm:

I cannot for the life of me see the appeal of this imbecile, totally agree with you there ballstouweboll24 :yup:

Sexy Celebrity 06-29-10 01:49 AM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
What's wrong with James Corden? Why is he Fozzie Bear like? I actually watched him in The History Boys again last night.

mark f 06-29-10 03:55 AM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
I don't really know J.C. from Adam, but why is being like me (Fozzie Bear) that bad? Oh God, it's a good thing I never show you a youtube video of me at school where I get "complemented for being sexy by gay bears". Crikey! Why did I go there... ?

DexterRiley 06-29-10 04:11 AM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
mark , do you like fish sticks?

mark f 06-29-10 04:33 AM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
You've got me wondering here, but I haven't eaten "fish sticks" since high school lunchtime.

SoulInside 06-29-10 04:51 AM

Originally Posted by DexterRiley (Post 633795)
DVD's that play music on a maddening loop at the menu
I actually like that, if the music is good.

n3wt 06-29-10 07:43 AM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 634364)
What's wrong with James Corden? Why is he Fozzie Bear like? I actually watched him in The History Boys again last night.
I find him unfunny and its very annoying that he is being pushed in our faces over here at the moment, he is the host in a sports quiz show, he was invloved in the sport relief football match and he is in another football world cup tv show. I dont know why he is becoming so popular all of a sudden. Im not a fan of Gavin and Stacy which he was in but since that has finished he has just spread all over the tv, he just seems to be everywhere like a bad small.

yaya#2 06-29-10 03:27 PM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
People that walk around the mall like they are all G with their hat turned sideways and their pants on the ground.

honeykid 06-29-10 05:36 PM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
I quite like James Corden, but he's on the verge of being overexposed... Again. I can see my liking of him changing, though, as he moves further and further away from G&S, while still playing/doing the same laddish schtick. But then, I hate that whole 'lad culture' anyway.

I love Gavin & Stacey which he both co-wrote and co-starred in. I also quite liked him shuting Patrick Stewart up at that awards show this month (or was it the end of last month?) whatever the case, I was glad that he gave it back.

n3wt 07-03-10 09:06 AM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
I hate trying to sort anything over the phone that involves automated options before you can even get through to speak to a human. I have just spent 35 mins trying to talk to someone about my car tax and the automated system just kept taking me through to the wrong section or BACK TO THE DAMN START!!! :mad:

earlsmoviepicks 07-03-10 10:35 AM

Large companies' customer service. You've bought a product/service from a company and if there's a problem, they they pass you on to their incompetent subcontractor/partner. And they always seem to have the nerve to utter their company slogan about how they value your business while they're blowing you off.

"Is there anything else I can help you with today sir?"

"yeah, fix the problem I called about, then we can go on from there"....

Michael_10 07-03-10 11:23 AM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread

Importer-Exporter 07-03-10 02:03 PM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
Large crowds of people. Not to sound anti-social, I'm sure when they're not in the crowd they're all fine people. In crowds, people just seem to lose all manners and respect for others.

honeykid 07-03-10 03:17 PM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
Mob mentality and the dynamics of groups. All very interesting stuff, IE.

Miss Vicky 07-03-10 04:00 PM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
People who don't get the concept of a yes or no question.

ChasingButterfly 07-03-10 04:30 PM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
I hate when my glasses get dirty, no matter how hard I try, they never seem to get completly clean :(

Also; when I get caught in the rain and they go all smeary when I try and dry the water off them.

Darkrose 07-04-10 01:38 AM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
^ I hate that. I'm getting contacts again this year.

n3wt 07-04-10 02:10 PM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
I hate being sat by someone and they talk so loud you could probably hear them if they we sat in garden next door :facepalm:

karibou 07-07-10 06:36 PM

Hypocrites & folks who revel in other people's problems

A hot meal gone cold, because my attention was needed elsewhere

Pet hair (or any hair, for that matter) in my food. *glares at her cat*

Poorly fit shoes

Toe blisters from above-mentioned shoes

n3wt 07-08-10 01:40 PM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
Car Insurance quotes :facepalm: I dont know why im getting quoted so damn much for a S reg car, it makes me mad. Im disabled and dont drive very far or that much, I have no convictions or anything, but im still getting quoted over £1,000, we have found one for £784.50 so thats good. But my mother has said she will look into adding me on her insurance etc to see if its cheaper.

Cries&Whispers 07-08-10 01:44 PM

I hate when I pay good money to rent a movie only to find it skips halfway through. The first time I saw Requiem for a Dream, the DVD skipped right before the end--I don't want to give spoilers, but for those of you who've seen it, some important sh*t happens in the end!

It also annoys me when people don't use their turn's so easy, just flick the damn thing.

I love this thread, I could go on for hours bitching about things that annoy me.

ChasingButterfly 07-08-10 01:53 PM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
I hate when I try and order things online and it messes up eventhough all my information is correct! It just causes so much more hassle than necessary! It sort of takes all the fun out of the adventure that's being planned!

n3wt 07-08-10 02:09 PM

Originally Posted by Cries&Whispers (Post 638336)
It also annoys me when people don't use their turn's so easy, just flick the damn thing.
Seeing this reminds me of a scene in a film called Shoot Em Up :laugh:

I can just imagine Cries&Whispers doing this now :rotfl:

Cries&Whispers 07-08-10 02:11 PM

HAHAHAHA That's EXACTLY!!!!!! what I was thinking when I wrote that!!!


We're on the same wavelength dude!

n3wt 07-08-10 02:13 PM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
It is a great scene fairplay, makes me laugh everytime :)

earlsmoviepicks 07-08-10 04:20 PM

Reality "stars" and reality TV. Anyone can produce an instant cheap drama by stuffing a bunch of type-A wannabees in a house, feeding them loads of alcohol, forcing them to compete with each other, and letting the audience feel voyeuristic by watching the neurotic conflicts. It's a shame how this type of thing has gone so mainstream and passes for entertainment.....(stepping off my soapbox now....)

honeykid 07-08-10 10:15 PM

I know there's an advert thread somewhere around here, but these are particularly annoying (and one of them's on during, it seems, every bloody advert break)

The Next Big Thing 07-08-10 10:34 PM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
How opening any cheap electronic item these days requires cutting up your finger with cheap impossible to open plastic molding covering :mad:

karibou 07-08-10 11:59 PM

Humidity making my clothes stick & my hair droop. It's pointless to waste time getting gussied up in hot, humid weather.

Anticipating and going to a store for a particular item which I really wanted, only to find that item completely out of stock.

n3wt 07-09-10 08:50 AM

Originally Posted by honeykid (Post 638487)
I know there's an advert thread somewhere around here, but these are particularly annoying (and one of them's on during, it seems, every bloody advert break)
Im not even going to press play on these damn things, I hate these bloody adverts :mad:

ChasingButterfly 07-09-10 12:12 PM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
When people I've been friends with since I was four don't know the meaning of loyalty.

When rich people pretend they're poor to get people to buy them drinks in the bar on a night out.

n3wt 07-09-10 01:07 PM

Originally Posted by ChasingButterfly (Post 638693)
When people I've been friends with since I was four don't know the meaning of loyalty.
I hear you on that Chasing :yup: Been there afew times.

I hate idiots who decide to have a fist fight in the middle of a shopping street when there are young children about and they just shout abuse to one another. This happened earlier while I took my son up town on the scooter to pick up a gift for our god daughters birthday. We were on the scooter so I just drove it in the opposite direction so Harry wouldn't see the fight but he did hear the shouting and asked me why they were shouting. I just said because they are stupid and he laughed.

Rhoten 07-11-10 09:05 PM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
People writing 'could of /would of' instead of writing 'could have/ could've/ would have/ would've' because its just wrong. You can't have an adverb describing a preposition.

karibou 07-12-10 01:55 AM

People who drink directly from the milk carton, even when I've repeatedly asked them not to do so.

Family & friends from back home constantly expecting me to continually write long, detailed e-mails to them, but rarely returning the effort.

Nightmares ruining an otherwise perfectly enjoyable snooze.

Debt. Any kind, take your pick.

People who harp on years-old drama. Some folks have nothing to go forward to, so they just keep going back, I guess. (I'm looking at you, Aunt Clara.)

Miss Vicky 07-12-10 02:15 AM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
The notion that male nudity is somehow funny.

n3wt 07-12-10 06:36 AM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
Teachers who take bullying not as serious as they should. :mad:

Darkrose 07-12-10 10:54 PM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
Those with tunnel vision that accuse others of having a closed mind (especially overly religious people...however, I am in no way shape or forum bashing religion or religious people).

People who freak over nudity.

honeykid 07-13-10 12:44 AM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
Newspapers 'moral outrage' over things they always knew were going on.

Yoda 07-13-10 12:49 AM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
Sudden car problems in the midst of busy days, particularly when said problems were missed by the mechanic not two weeks ago.

n3wt 07-13-10 05:35 AM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 640072)
Sudden car problems in the midst of busy days, particularly when said problems were missed by the mechanic not two weeks ago.
I hear you mate my mother in laws car has been playing up so much recently, that ontop of the recent car trouble ive been having its enough to turn you off having a car full stop.

Rhoten 07-14-10 09:57 PM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
How youtube always directs you to a video that has something to do with Twilight when you're on it long enough. I just want to see cute kittens do funny stuffs! ugh!! LOL

n3wt 07-15-10 06:23 AM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
Speaking of youtube I hate it when you start to watch a video and if the screen isnt small enough then an advert pops up :facepalm: I have to close the add everytime :mad:

Bloodas 07-15-10 06:46 AM

Womans. I mean, oh God. Logic and woman? Show me that working combination.

another thing that annoying me is the end of Lost show. I miss it so much...

earlsmoviepicks 07-15-10 09:24 PM

Then Bloodas, you might enjoy this:

Originally Posted by Bloodas (Post 641410)
Womans. I mean, oh God. Logic and woman? Show me that working combination.

karibou 07-15-10 11:34 PM

Insect bites & stings which lead to constant itching.

Getting a particular food craving late at night, & not having that item at home.

People who get preferential treatment, but don't seem to deserve it.

ManOf1000Faces 07-22-10 12:26 AM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
6 Things I Really Bloody Hate


2.When people just knock on your door asking if you want to buy something,donate something it just really annoys me

3. People who do not know what ''no'' means

4.Drama Queens

5.Girls who act like their the center of everything

6.''Your Mom'' Jokes they are just horrible jokes and if anybody responds to you saying that all i think is they are jerks

Darkrose 07-22-10 12:37 AM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
When you go to the gym and they have the air conditioner on to f*ck*ng 85 degrees...pisses me off....

honeykid 07-22-10 01:02 AM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
Not being able to remember every little thing that annoys me throughout every day of my ****ing life when I come to this thread. :D

karibou 07-22-10 01:41 AM

Originally Posted by honeykid (Post 644700)
Not being able to remember every little thing that annoys me throughout every day of my ****ing life when I come to this thread. :D
Oh, yes!

Forgetting to make a list of things I need in the house before I go shopping

Paying money I can't afford to have my computer fixed, only to have it just as sick as before

Trying to squish into a dress that's too small. (A pox on thee, chocolate!)

n3wt 07-25-10 10:25 PM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
I hate it when you give someone advise that they have asked you for and then after you have given it to them they decide to slag you off and get you in trouble with a family member. Also I hate the annoying tone that same person speaks at.

honeykid 07-25-10 11:58 PM

That, when you tread on small plastic childrens toys, it somehow hurts more (and often for longer) than when you cut yourself.

Jeremy Kyle. Him, his show, it's guest and audience, his attitude, the fact that he isn't dead, the fact that I'm not legally allowed to kill him using the method of my choice, the fact that there is no God (surely He'd put an end to him if He existed?), the fact that he's yet to appear in the stats for annual road fatalities... You get the idea.

That, after watching The Cove, what really annoyed me was the level of corruption and greed which, IMO, is much worse than the death of thousands of dolphins.

7thson 07-26-10 12:53 AM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
Being told: "Due to high call volume your wait time will be longer than normal", - UMMMMM, this is what I hear everytime I call ~~~~~~~~~ for the last 2 years - might wanna employ some more folk.

planet news 07-26-10 12:57 AM

Originally Posted by Bloodas (Post 641410)
Womans. I mean, oh God. Logic and woman? Show me that working combination.

another thing that annoying me is the end of Lost show. I miss it so much...
I'm a good feminist so fuuck your first statement.

Also, good riddance to that goddaamn show. The ending was the biggest cop-out in the history of ever.

Miss Vicky 07-26-10 12:58 AM

Originally Posted by Bloodas (Post 641410)
Womans. I mean, oh God. Logic and woman? Show me that working combination.

The same can be said for most men I know.

Iroquois 07-26-10 01:08 AM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
I'd rather say it refers to a lot of people in general. I'm an equal-opportunity cynic.

planet news 07-26-10 01:24 AM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
No. I'd say women are even more logical than men. Men are walking phalluses. You see, I'm a man. I'd know.

Iroquois 07-26-10 01:25 AM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
Projecting much?

ChasingButterfly 07-26-10 02:03 PM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
Friends who are irritating when their drunk

Yoda 07-26-10 02:06 PM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
Car dealerships that don't get back to you. I assumed, when inquiring, that giving out my number to a place that knows I want a used car would be annoying and I'd be hit with fairly regular calls about it, but the problem has been exactly the opposite.

ManOf1000Faces 07-26-10 02:59 PM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
Crappy Help in a Market, Like if you need some help to get some food into bags the workers do a horrible job,gosh why do they have this simple job but still tend to be terrible at it.:facepalm:

DexterRiley 07-26-10 03:59 PM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
Well we were out at the Cottage/Campground this past weekend. We've got a decent sized lot out there in terms of grassland.

Hey if we , or the kids aren't there , of course I don't mind if others use the space to play ball. toss a frisbee or whatever, but, for cryin out loud, get your wrappers into the trash bins. Close doesn't count.

oh, and pick up your dog's poop as well.

karibou 07-26-10 10:24 PM

Getting all settled in bed to watch TV or a movie, and then can't find the remote.

Cable stations repeatedly looping the same tired movies.

(In all fairness, I might have looped that same tired complaint.)

Getting completely lost while out shopping or running errands.

People who suck up for popularity.

Juno MacGuff 07-26-10 11:49 PM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
Bitchy mothers at Beauty Pageants that try to ruin the whole experience for us young girls.

planet news 07-27-10 12:53 AM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
When I can't find the right shade of off-white to make the edges of my desktop picture merge into the solid-color backdrop.


Yoda 07-27-10 12:54 AM

Originally Posted by planet news (Post 647536)
:up: Love good geek humor.

eMilee 07-27-10 01:49 AM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
these headaches i keep getting... maybe these meds will kick in soon

rauldc14 07-27-10 01:59 AM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
when people at work are crazy.

eMilee 07-27-10 02:05 AM

Originally Posted by rauldc14 (Post 647573)
when people at work are crazy.
arent they supposed to be???

earlsmoviepicks 07-27-10 11:27 AM

When at work I ask "when you do need this?", and I invariably get the answer, "As soon as possible?"

planet news 07-27-10 07:48 PM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
When fukkin idiots at wurk dont get wtf ASAP means.

n3wt 07-30-10 07:42 PM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
God I hate this pair :mad:

ChasingButterfly 07-30-10 07:47 PM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
They make my face die.

n3wt 07-30-10 08:03 PM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
Indeed Butterfly did you see them ruining big brother tonight? :facepalm:

ChasingButterfly 07-30-10 08:07 PM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
No I didn't! But to be fair, if someone has the power to ruin something that's already well destroyed then they're kind of screwed for the rest of their lives.

What happened?

n3wt 07-30-10 08:12 PM

Re: Things that annoy you - the official thread
Well, basically the housemates had a task to ignore these random events that keep happening around the house etc. So tonight as the final part of the task live on tv they had to ignore Jedward playing thier new song "live" in the garden and ofcourse they had to have a good song and rape it of everything that was great about it, All The Small Things - Blink 182 :facepalm: and then when Jedward was leaving they just acted like a pair of idiots. I really dislike then with a passion damn you Louie Walsh :mad:

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