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Lennon 06-11-09 03:03 AM

Details might come later, but here you go:



Sci-Fi-Guy 06-13-09 03:55 PM

I've never really been a big fan of the Batman comics all these years but I have to say, I've really been enjoying the Bat-books since Batman's death.
Battle for the Cowl wasn't bad and the new Batman & Robin (with Dick and Damien) looks like it might be interesting enough to keep me reading as well as the new Red Robin series (with Tim).

Also, the Gotham City Sirens seems like it might be worth checking out later this month.

One of the single best scenes of ownage I've seen recently had to be in this week's The Flash: Rebirth...

In the Marvel side of comics, I'm completely hooked on the Dark Avengers.
I hate Hate HATE Norman Osborn and him being in control of practically everything, but by damn, I love this series.
I do hope when all is said and done though, that it's Spidey who finally takes him down.
It's just a matter of time really, but Osborn will eventually snap and the world will see him for the villain he is.
I'd also love to see Ares and Sentry take out the rest of the team when the time comes.

I think they're stepping Ares up to the job slowly lately.
I've really been liking him more in Dark Avengers than when he was in Mighty Avengers.

Lennon 07-12-09 07:35 PM

Proof vol. 1: Goatsucker (#1-5, Oct. 2007 – March 2008, Alex Grecian, Riley Rossmo)

Proof is why I love comics, let me just say that now. Yes, The Punisher was the comic that drew me to the shops and made Wednesday exciting but this is why I think people should read more comics.
Why do I love it, you ask in your oh-so-anticipated voice, It’s easy Alex Grecian does what basically no writer (of any comic I’ve read) has done before. He mixed a little bit of action, drama, humor, folklore (which he delightfully re-imagines,) and even a little bit of history. Making this a book that’s well-worth a spot on your hold list.

Along with that he gives every character their time on the page. Sure, the book is called Proof, but he doesn’t appear for the first 9 pages, and the last 30. Ginger’s story is just as important as Elvis’ which is just as important as Proof’s.

Even, after all that, Grecian still makes time for what I dub Kirkman style writing. This basically means that everything isn’t resolved in the trade paperback and they aren’t really story arcs, per say, they are just chapters in the characters life. (Ex. Walking Dead, and Invincible) He leaves a lot of things unresolved, so you nearly HAVE to pick up Vol. 2, (an action I recommend)

The stories, if you haven’t heard (probably not, it’s a small comic) Proof is basically about John Prufrock, or Proof as his friends call him. He’s a Bigfoot in search of someone else in his species. Ginger Brown is a “hero cop” since she saved a lot of hostages, only she didn’t do it, the Josefov Golem did it, she’s now Proof’s partner. Sherriff Elvis Chestnut was a small town sheriff, before, SPOILER his mom was killed by a Chupacabra (now wearing her skin) END SPOILER.

They all work for the Lodge, funded by both the US and Canada’s government, the Lodge holds a lot of “Cryptids” which are animals that haven’t been scientifically proven, but people have said they saw them. Proof and Ginger go off to check out these eye-witnesses and catch any new cryptids.

Riley Rossmo draws these cryptids among other things as closely as possible to real-life accounts, while letting his own style flow. That’s a very good thing to do, because just the look of these things in real life are good enough but with his added gritty style makes the art very good, sometimes his coloring isn’t. I can see maybe why he did the coloring that way at times, I just didn’t like it.

Still, Proof is an AWESOME book that you should defiantly read.


Iroquois 07-13-09 12:55 AM

Re: The Comic Book Tab

Lennon 08-07-09 05:33 PM

Lennon 08-10-09 12:00 AM

Batman The Killing Joke: The Deluxe Edition
(Alan Moore, Brian Bolland, 1988)

Starting a review is one of the hardest things to do. Do I say what drew me to this book? Which was, countless recommendations, and written by Alan-freakin-Moore. Do I start with whether I like it or not? I loved it. Long-time member, Sir Toose and actually a good reviewer, Meatwadsprite once said that reviews are either made to convince people who didn’t like it, why they should like it (or vice versa) or to convince people to see it or not.

So why should you read and like this classic Joker tale? The first thing that shouts out to my mind is the theme of the story. The theme being “One bad night” can drive you insane. Which I think is true, Batman-wise, it’s been proven. The night that The Joker fell into a bunch of chemicals, turning his skin white and his hair green, turned him insane. The night that Bruce Wayne’s mother and father was killed, turned him arguably insane. The night Sal Maroni threw chemicals on half of Dent’s face, turned him insane. While that’s not always true (Gordon doesn’t go insane after this, neither does Barbra) it’s certainly a very great, and entertaining theme.

I’ve never actually been a big fan of Alan Moore. All I’ve read was Watchmen, and I mean yeah I liked it, it just wasn’t the greatest thing ever. Neither is this, but stories better then TKJ aren’t a lot better. A great nod goes to the moment of Barbra being shot. You might make the argument that this was just a “throw away” plot point in the story. That’s what makes The Joker a great villain, he’ll cripple a girl, just for part of a plan. Just like how he murdered people to cover up a motive. He’s the true definition of a psychopath, and Alan Moore has a great handle on him.

You can see this, in their last (and kind of first) conversation here. They really aren’t that different, they laugh at the same jokes, get into costumes, and hurt people, even if the intent isn’t the same. I loved seeing them have conversations and really spilling their feelings for one another. Plus, I loved how they described The Joker’s “origin” only, it may or may not be it, even The Joker lies to himself.

Brian Bolland, whose name I’ve never heard of outside of this, does follow up great on this. His Joker design is great. His facial expressions, are so energetic, and constantly changing, that you never get two pages next to each other where he stays in the same place, it really brings the character to life. I also liked that The Joker was even smiling during the fight, showing, that he just loves to fight the bat. It was enjoyable even if the Batmobile does kind of look like a penis.

The only real flaw in this is his coloring. It’s completely re-done for this deluxe edition, and I don’t really know what the original looked like, but this coloring was just okay. I liked that they did the “flashbacks” in black and white, the only thing I didn’t like about that was, he chose weird things to color in those “flashbacks”. Also, that Joker panel with the HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (don’t act like you don’t know which one that is,) looked better in color.

If you’re a fan of Batman, and haven’t read this, you’re really not a true fan. Get this to see what comics can really be like.

Iroquois 08-10-09 01:27 AM

Re: The Comic Book Tab
Recently read Volumes 5 through 7 of Y: The Last Man. Really makes me want to find the rest.

Lennon 08-13-09 04:02 AM

Let me start by saying that Bruce Wayne is the only Batman, ever to me. This whole new Dick Grayson and Damian thing just isn’t working out. Bruce Wayne, I love how he also had to manage a busy playboy life beyond the Bat lifestyle, Dick doesn’t have that responsibility. That’s why I’m not really reading the bat books now except for Batman Confidential.

This was an okay arc. I loved how the Bat Wing was turned against him. Plus, seeing Alfred in action for one page was fun. I must say though, they made this almost too advanced technology wise. I’m willing to accept the Bat Wing flying around the city, undetected by police when it goes into Wayne’s place, and how Batman gets bats to follow him to evade radar. There are a couple of things that just went to “out there” like, to not spoil it, it’s that Batman gets hurt but doesn’t say “OW” or something along those lines. That’s what I liked about Year One. When Wayne got hurt, he said “OW” and such. Plus, the battle at the end, just makes him seem to much like Superman.

Also, the art wasn’t very good. His facial expressions weren’t very good and a lot of the times the character designs were to small.

Rating: 2.5/5 If you like Superman stories, you’ll like this.

This is the best Confidential story arc. I’ll say that now and get that out of the way. I love stories with villains, become supervillians. One of the books I love called “Invincible” got this right. We meet the man BEFORE he put on the mask or deformation took place. This was Batman’s first encounter with Joker (in this book,) and his transformation took a big part in the story. I love when books do that.

Also, giving the Joker a definitive origin (in this book anyway,) was a BIG risk. I mean sure this story will amount to nothing in the other books, since it’s not canon because it takes place in the past and changes a lot, but it could still tick a lot of fans off. It really didn’t make me feel for The Joker as much as something, say The Killing Joke, but this origin was still very good.

Plus, Michael played up the whole Bruce Wayne's social life struggles, angle of the story, and we show just how far he'll go to catch criminals.
The only bad thing, again was the art. The facial expressions again were off again and there were a lot of stray black lines annoyed me and I'm not sure why they were there.

Grade: 3.7/5 Too good to say 3.5 but not good enough to give it the full 4/5

The problem with this comic is that it’s already been told. I’ve already seen people dress up as a hero and do bad things. That story was in The Punisher, and ya know what, they did it better. Still, this was kind of a fun ride. Predictable, but fun. I must note though that Tony does do something weird, by having this book go about 20 years ahead from the last arc.

I did like Ralph Morales' art though. I've always been a fan of the really straight lined, more realistic looking, like Dale Eaglesham from JSA.

P.S. I still think Nightwing looks funny.

Rating: 3/5 Just okay, I wouldn’t go out of my way to buy it but if you like Batman you won’t be disappointed.

Do you guys know the first step of making a great hero or villain? At least in the case for me, it’s the origin, and Batgirl’s origin isn’t to good. There’s no real hook to it, it's just "oh I can't become a cop but want to beat up criminals, I know, I'll become a bat!" Bruce, hell even Dick have better reasons to do what they do than that.

This was a real change of pace though, no one died, there were little fights but nothing where people get freakin’ insinigrated, or a madmen running around murdering a lot of people, or robot armies killing militaries, it was about getting back a notebook. It was nice for a little “phew” from heavy handed stories.

The two things really wrong with it, was that he wrote Batman as a complete and total ******* who didn’t care about anyone else really besides himself. Plus, Batgirl’s a freaking brat who could have messed up bad, just out of her “curiosity”.

I did like the very clean art again. I also liked that outside of the nudist club it wasn't to sexualized.

Rating: 2.5/5

The problem with this book, is also what drove me to this book, that problem being continuity. Now, I can’t STAND when one title goes to another title and you have to read like three titles to keep going with a story of one of your favorite characters (Cough All those damn Batman books, cough) but when you’re changing the past you set up in the SAME FREAKIN’ BOOK NOT EVEN A YEAR BEFOREHAND, I get a little bugged. Now Lovers & Madmen, The Joker’s and Batman’s first encounter in BC was a great origin for him and I personally loved it. Andrew Kreisberg changed it though! It was just lazy as in “Oh f**k what happened before, I’m changing it.

Another thing Kreisberg did wrong was he just made it unbelievable. I’m all willing to suspend belief buy a lot of his kills at the end have about 0 chance of ever happening and even a man like The Joker couldn’t believably plan for it.

Continuity and believability aside, Kreisberg does have a very nice handle on the character of The Joker as a deranged psycho. And, I really like how one of the cops go insane (trying to avoid spoilers) it was a nice little what if The Killing Joke’s plan had worked on Gordon and I enjoyed it, and it does come up again in another arc.

McDaniel’s art is okay. Nothing wowed me like say Brian Bolland (WOW I gotta quit mentioning The Killing Joke) it was way to blocky for my tastes. Also, I don’t know why the colorist I.L.L. did all the outside shots with a red tint to them? It didn’t make a lick of sense.

Rating: 2.3/5 Too good to say 2 and not good enough to say 2.5.
A New Dawn
Issue Numbers: 26–28
Writer(s): Nunzio DeFilippis & Christina Weir
Penciller: Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez

I loved this arc, I’m pretty sure this beats out every other arc in BC art-wise at least. Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez (that’s a mouthful) is a true talent, and even though I haven’t seen anything besides this, I’ll defiantly be seeking out more.

The writing was pretty good I loved the take on the Riddler and actually making him a good villain. I’ve never really been a fan before this but as you all probably know by now, I’m a fan of heroes (or at least in this case help solve a case) who have done kind of bad stuff (steal a lot of stuff in this case.) I liked how he didn’t care at all about the victim and such, he just hated the guy for stealing his M.O.

Although, I didn’t entirely get the whole “robbery” aspect of it, I mean it didn’t really amount to much. Oh well the end hints at another arc and I’d welcome it if the same team returned.

Rating: 4/5
Good Cop… …Bad Cop
Issue Numbers: 29-30
Writer: Andrew Kreisberg
Penciller: Scott McDaniel

The sequel to Do You Understand These Rights, is, surprisingly better. I just view this as a Killing Joke what if, like what if Joker’s plan had driven Gordon crazy? It’s nice to just see that played out, kind of like The Dark Knight did. Although, I did find the suicidal aspect of it a bit to similar to The Joker’s Lovers and Madmen schemes, oh well, it’s still nice to see Batman fight new guys, and interesting themes develop.

The art again was pretty blocky but word must go out about the beautiful page spreads he did. Maybe if McDaniel just had more room to work, and a new colorist, his art would be a lot better.
Rating: 3.5/5 Look it’s literally 2 issues long, it’s not a long read and you could just jump on here. It’s worth the about $8.

Lennon 09-06-09 05:46 PM

Just read a great book called Incognito from Brubaker and Phillips.

I’m not ashamed to say it, but I wanted to hate this book, I wanted to hate it so much that I didn’t even buy the issues when they came out, instead they got the worst fate imaginable, sitting in my hold for six months...

Continued: HERE.

Iroquois 09-06-09 11:44 PM

Re: The Comic Book Tab

Preacher Vol. 1: Gone To Texas
by Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon

Preacher is a series that has been on my to-read list for a long time and I finally decided to go ahead and buy the first volume (out of nine).

All in all, I was rather impressed. The artwork was rather smooth (even if the titular preacher looked a little hard to take seriously), but I liked the interesting story that certainly has me wondering exactly what's in store over the course of the next eight volumes. Not to mention, I just love the blacker-than-black streak running through it - it's so nihilistic it makes Watchmen seem like Calvin and Hobbes.

Too ridiculous and intriguing not to buy - however, definitely rather lacking.

FILMFREAK087 09-15-09 02:34 AM

Re: The Comic Book Tab
I just ordered Marvel Masterworks Fantastic four Vol. 1. Next on my list are Silver surfer vol 1., and Jack Kirby's Fourth world omnibus.

adidasss 09-15-09 01:42 PM

Re: The Comic Book Tab

Got to the 4th issue but I'm gonna give it up. I like the drawing but the writing is pretty standard.

I'm in need of some smart adult comics. :|

Lennon 09-15-09 05:40 PM

Re: The Comic Book Tab
InfreakinVincible, I'm telling you you'll love it.

linespalsy 09-17-09 08:02 PM

Re: The Comic Book Tab
I dug up my copy of Hate vol. 1 by Peter Bagge to lend my girlfriend (she asked for some good comics) and read it again. Man, I'm so glad, just like catching up with an old friend from my teenage years and being surprised to find that they're still really cool.

funny, funny, funny, the writing and the art are both excellent (I prefer Bagge's Black and white stuff, in which the inking really shows off), I can laugh just looking at his characters' expressions but they're also just very real characters. Later on in the series Buddy and Lisa kind of remind me of my parents.

linespalsy 09-17-09 08:43 PM

Re: The Comic Book Tab

adidasss 09-18-09 06:43 PM

Re: The Comic Book Tab
I'm reading Nextwave and man, this ***** is fun!

Iroquois 09-26-09 11:50 AM

Re: The Comic Book Tab

Preacher, Vol. 2: Until The End Of The World
by Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon

The first volume of Preacher was certainly a stunner, enough to make me question whether subsequent volumes would live up to the standards it set. Not only did this issue live up to those standards, it surpassed them. I can't help but think that the more of Preacher I read, the more impressed I'm going to be.

Lennon 09-28-09 12:35 AM

Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 567002)
Got to the 4th issue but I'm gonna give it up. I like the drawing but the writing is pretty standard.
Here's the thing about Kirkman, he takes some time to get into fully but the payoff is huge. Read at least until issue 12, don't just give up after 4 issues.

Darth 09-28-09 07:27 PM

Re: The Comic Book Tab
Batman: Dark Victory, come on Dick Grayson was bad ass in comics compared to the horrible movie version

adidasss 10-01-09 03:26 PM

Originally Posted by Lennon (Post 567024)
InfreakinVincible, I'm telling you you'll love it.
I was thinking non-superhero graphic novels such as:

The bottom two I can't recommend enough. Chunky Rice is by far the most beautiful looking graphic novel I've read and both have been the most gripping reads since I dunno, Maus and Y...
Originally Posted by Lennon (Post 570338)
Here's the thing about Kirkman, he takes some time to get into fully but the payoff is huge. Read at least until issue 12, don't just give up after 4 issues.
I think we have very different tastes in this medium but if I run out of things to read, I may come back to it one day...

linespalsy 10-01-09 06:32 PM

Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 567002)
I'm in need of some smart adult comics. :|
have you read i killed adolph hitler, by jason? pretty awesome.

Iroquois 10-02-09 12:52 AM

Re: The Comic Book Tab

Preacher, Vol. 3: Proud Americans
by Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon

Another solid continuation of Preacher. The heavy emphasis on back-story felt a little too much like it was padding out the comic (which still had its fair share of plot development), but it was still worth appreciating (especially in the case of Cassidy's troublesome history).

Preacher, Vol. 4: Ancient History
by Garth Ennis, Steve Pugh, Carlos Ezquerra and Richard Case

I may have had some issues with the back-story evident in the last volume, but then I get a volume which is dedicated entirely to three different back-stories. Didn't think too much of the artwork (it was all a bit rough compared to Dillon's work in the main comics) but the stories were reasonably well-written. The entire "Saint of Killers" story was well-executed (no pun intended), plus I liked the entire Arseface story, even if it was a little bland. Not so sure about the third story (which revolves around the murderous hillbillies Jody and T.C. from Vol. 2) which had an interesting idea in tearing apart your stereotypical action movie clichés, but seemed like a little too much of a joke story to really enjoy.

Iroquois 10-10-09 12:19 AM

Re: The Comic Book Tab

Preacher, Vol. 5: Dixie Fried
by Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon

Another strong continuation of the Preacher saga, even if it does delve into a subplot worthy of a daytime soap opera. On the other hand, it's balanced out by developing one delightfully absurdist yet optimistic subplot for one of my favourite supporting characters, Arseface. I also liked the entire vampire cult storyline. Strange, but a great opportunity for Cassidy to tear even further into popular vampire mythology.

Preacher, Vol. 6: War in the Sun
by Garth Ennis, Steve Dillon and Peter Snejbjerg

I wasn't too big a fan of Snejbjerg's artwork in the special issue about Starr's back-story, but at least the story was quite well-written. As for the main issue, it was quite simply phenomenal, complete with quite a few jaw-dropping scenes and cliff-hangers. Just a brilliant issue.

Lennon 10-10-09 12:29 AM

Re: The Comic Book Tab
Glad to hear Preacher's awesome, considering once I'm caught up with all the books I'm trying, that's next.

Iroquois 10-10-09 12:30 AM

Re: The Comic Book Tab
Damn straight. It's so good I'm actually paying for it instead of just reading it in-store.

Iroquois 10-14-09 01:28 AM

Re: The Comic Book Tab

Preacher, Vol. 7: Salvation
by Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon

This volume of Preacher is more heavily rooted in Western conventions than usual, but it still manages to be entertaining and has everything you'd really expect from a fun comic - great action, dialogue, even some very amusing little jokes at the expense of KKK members. Not to mention the entire "peyote" trip towards the end of the book.

Preacher, Vol. 8: All Hell's A-Coming
by Garth Ennis, Steve Dillon and John McCrea

This is yet another book that focuses more on developing well-established characters' back-stories (in between intermittent moments of story progression). As a result, most of it felt like filler to pad out the series (especially since it was leading up to the series' climax in Alamo) but was still no less interesting to read (especially in the case of Cassidy, who gets even more back-story than before).

Preacher, Vol. 9: Alamo
by Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon

Well, this is it, the final volume of Preacher. It's got everything you could ever hope for - an absolutely jaw-dropping series of revelations and climaxes, all leading up to one stunningly unpredictable ending. Well worth it.

Used Future 10-14-09 04:28 PM

For old times sake...

Lennon 10-31-09 01:16 PM

Re: The Comic Book Tab
Iro's reviews of Preacher makes me really, really, really want to read it.

Iroquois 11-30-09 09:28 AM

Re: The Comic Book Tab

Ghost World
by Daniel Clowes

A lot of you have probably heard of the film version of this, although I'm not sure how many have read the comic. I'll try not to contrast the two beasts too much, although suffice to say that both films maintain the same tone, even if the plot and structure takes vastly different directions. Ghost World has a very episodic feel to it, as Enid and Rebecca engage in various odd misadventures, with the plot arcs for characters made almost too subtle to mean anything to the action. The artwork's passable, with misshapen cartoon faces planted onto relatively realistic surroundings and coloured in one shade of bluish-green. As with a lot of other "alternative" comics it all seems very simple, and it probably is, but it's still worth a read. I do have a bit of a problem with the length - I was expecting something a little longer.

linespalsy 02-11-10 08:25 PM

Re: The Comic Book Tab
Ghost World is good. It is episodic, but keep in mind it was originally published as a series of installments through multiple issues of Clowes' comic Eightball.

Bout 3 months ago I re-read one of my favorites, Hitoshi Iwaaki's excellent body-snatcher manga, Parasyte.

Iroquois 02-25-10 11:14 AM

Re: The Comic Book Tab

Got heavily into Transmetropolitan recently and have managed to burn my way through the first four collected volumes of the series in the space of a few days (three of those in the space of about ten hours, give or take). All I have to say is - wow. I give it credit for being the first comic that actually makes me laugh out loud, mostly at some of the absolutely ridiculous one-liners that Spider spouts. The story's also pretty intriguing, managing to write surprisingly poignant commentary on a variety of things (namely in the second volume) while still maintaining a superficially entertaining comic, packed with delightfully lurid artwork and slick writing.

Highly recommended.

will.15 02-25-10 02:08 PM

linespalsy 06-10-11 12:50 PM

Re: The Comic Book Tab
Read issues 1-3 of Elektra last week.

It's the best thing Marvel ever published (my comic-nerd friends tell me that Amazing Spider-Man #33 is the best Marvel comic but what do they know?)

Marginally a super hero book, Elektra is a super-powered ninja assassin who's brain has been altered so that she's pretty much constantly hallucinating. It offers a few parting glances at Marvel continuity (Elektra's relationship with Daredevil, "The Hand," a secret ninja society that is portrayed as having a demonic/doomsday agenda) before going off the deep end. Maybe I'll post some of my favorite pages as I make my way through the rest of the 8-issues; a large part of why this is such a great comic is Scienkiewicz's art.

MadMikeyD 06-10-11 02:12 PM

Re: The Comic Book Tab
Issue #0-25 of Dynamite Entertainment's Lone Ranger series by Brett Matthews and Sergio Cariello. Bruckheimer and Disney should really read this before letting Depp and Verbinski destroy the character next year.

Also, Volumes 1 and 2 of Atomic Robo by Brian Clevinger and Scott Wegener. Easily the most enjoyable and fun comic series I've read - well, pretty much ever.

HitchFan97 08-15-11 10:11 PM

Re: The Comic Book Tab
Just read The Dark Knight Returns... freakin' awesome, one of the best comics i've ever read. 10/10

Monkeypunch 08-15-11 10:51 PM

Re: The Comic Book Tab
Admittedly I've been slacking on my comic book habits. Being flat broke will do that to you. But I am very much looking forward to Fantagraphics' Complete Zap Comix book set.

Monkeypunch 09-01-11 09:31 PM

Re: The Comic Book Tab

I just read:

Angel and Faith #1 - Pretty decent follow up to Dark Horse comics' Buffy Season 8 series, with Angel once again cast out of the group, trying for redemption, this time with Faith as his guide instead of the other way around. Good art, interesting story, should be entertaining. a lead up, and companion piece to Joss Whedon's upcoming Buffy Season 9 series.

Justice League #1 - I'm less interested in this one. I bought it out of curiosity, but I'm unsure if I'll buy any more. DC comics recently rebooted all of their comics, giving familiar characters new spins, back stories, and costumes, but really, was this necessary? The new costumes for Batman and Superman alone are unnecessarily complicated, too many superfluous details and it's all very 1990's Image comics...Though what did we expect? Jim Lee, he of the many unneeded lines and details, is the lead artist here. Plus in it's purge of past continuity, DC has erased several of my favorite characters from existence, including Jack Knight, the third Starman, and his successor, Stargirl. That's enough to make me want to say goodbye to DC. There's always Buffy comics still. LOL.

B-card 09-12-11 01:17 PM

Well lately I have discovered a secret obsession about comic books for now I am absolutely obsessed with Garth Ennis The Boys

I am up to date with it so now its kind of boring waiting every month for a new issue but still its worth it, plus I am hearing rumors about a film adaptation well if they keep the violence to the level of the comic book I'll be quite happy

Y:the last man- another one that is actually quite good and keeps me busy during the long bus ride to work, so far read only 4 of the books and waiting for my house mate to bring me the rest

and most recently finished DC's Green Lantern The Blackest Night with the preludes and Final Crisis and now started reading The Brightest Day

Monkeypunch 01-14-12 04:04 AM

Re: The Comic Book Tab
I'm trying to like, but can't quite, Grant Morrison's new take on Superman in Action Comics. I loved his All Star Superman book, but this is nothing like that. A younger Superman/Clark Kent who seems more like an Occupy Wall Street protester with super-powers than the morally upright farm boy he's always been portrayed as, non stop action that sacrifices characterization, awful character redesigns, and oh joy another retelling of Superman's I really hate the new uniform, which will also be seen in the new film. Superman needs the red tights. Yeah, it looks like hes wearing his underoos on the outside, but it breaks up the monotony of the all blue costume. I'm hoping they go back to the classic superman, or I'm tempted to not purchase any more of their books.

The new Batman books are pretty cool though. I LOVE the new Robin, who is a borderline psychotic little sh*t. The writers found a way to make him annoying to the characters, but fun for the readers. That's tough to do.

B-card 01-14-12 03:22 PM

will.15 01-14-12 04:59 PM

Re: The Comic Book Tab
I don't care anymore. They can do whatever they want to those superheroes. The only ones that matter are the ones I grew up with.

JayDee 01-21-12 05:28 PM

Re: The Comic Book Tab
Glad to see this place has a thread for comics. I've been meaning to search for one for ages so that I could show off my geekiness for more than just film! :D

I'm really enjoying Batman just now, but other than that I'm more of a Marvel guy. As a huge Spidey fanboy I've been massively enjoying the series ever since Brand New Day. It's so great to have a consistently quality Spidey title again

Other current favourites are Secret Avengers, Captain America, Captain America & Bucky, Venom and Wolverine & the X-Men. Although my current top comic would definitely have to be Daredevil. Ever since it's relaunch it has been just wonderful.

TylerDurden99 09-24-12 01:58 AM

Re: The Comic Book Tab
Bought and read Preacher: Gone To Texas yesterday, and it's mesmerizing stuff. Definitely dark and twisted, but with some nice, offbeat and foul humor to balance out the atmosphere. Very engaging read.

linespalsy 10-01-12 06:11 PM

Re: The Comic Book Tab
I read most of these over the summer.

The Smithsonian Collection of Newspaper Comics - various artists

A Hundred Headless Woman - Max Ernst

The Hidden - Richard Sala

100 Views of Mount Fuji - Hokusai

A Week of Kindness - Max Ernst

Essential Spider-Man vol. 2 (Amazing Spider-Man no.21-42) - Steve Ditco, Stan Lee and John Romita

The Rocketeer - Dave Stevens

Y: The Last Man vol.1-3 - Brian K. Vaughn and Pia Guerra

Ranma 1/2 vol.1-2 - Rumiko Takahashi

Pogo: The Complete Daily & Sunday Comic Strips, Vol. 1 - Walt Kelly

mistique 10-14-12 05:42 PM

Re: The Comic Book Tab
I read these two today. Enjoyed them both, but especially Batman Hush vol. 1.

linespalsy 01-02-13 11:27 AM

Re: The Comic Book Tab

Y: The Last Man vol.4 - Brian K. Vaughan, Pia Guerra et al

Apollo's Song - Tezuka Osamu

The Three Golden Keys - Peter Sís

Cross Game vol.1-8 (complete) - Mitsuru Adachi

Hunter X Hunter vol.28 and 29 - Yoshihiro Tatsumi

The Hive - Charles Burns

The Book of Mr. Natural - R. Crumb

Nancy Eats Food - Ernie Bushmiller

B-card 01-03-13 08:33 PM

Originally Posted by linespalsy (Post 867108)

Y: The Last Man vol.4 - Brian K. Vaughan, Pia Guerra et al
You don't like that volume in particular or the whole comic book?

Just Got the last Hitman

Lately read Transmetropolitan(Warren Ellis)-
-have to say Spider Jerusalem is one of my heroes

linespalsy 01-04-13 11:09 AM

Originally Posted by B-card (Post 867554)
You don't like that volume in particular or the whole comic book?
I thought Y: The Last Man started out okay and has an interesting premise, but the character development is often horribly clunky and pat, and it's already wearing thin (I think it started to bother around when Hero and Yorick first confronted each other after the apocalypse). I don't hate the series as a whole (yet), but I've liked each volume a little less than the previous ones so far.

will.15 01-04-13 01:28 PM

Re: The Comic Book Tab
Peter Parker is no more in comic books. He died and now Doc Oc has taken over his body and became Spiderman, but he is now good.

No kidding.

linespalsy 01-06-13 12:08 AM

Re: The Comic Book Tab
It'll probably turn out that Doc Oc really is Peter Parker...

TheUsualSuspect 01-06-13 12:12 AM

Re: The Comic Book Tab
Once they figure out they just killed their fan base, they will bring Peter Parker back.

Also, currently reading Hush.

linespalsy 01-06-13 12:29 AM

Re: The Comic Book Tab
Constant faked plot developments like cyclically killing and resurrecting characters is what killed me (metaphorically as a member of the fan base) in the first place. And now that I'm dead :sick: I don't want to be resurrected.

linespalsy 02-26-13 08:12 PM

Re: The Comic Book Tab

Walt Disney's Donald Duck: Lost in the Andes - Carl Barks

The episodic plots didn't totally grab me in this first volume of the collected works of Carl Barks but there is some excellent drawing and effects throughout. I'll be sure to check out the next couple volumes that have already been released.

Dance till Tomorrow vol.1 - Naoki Yamamoto. Sexy sitcom that follows college student Suekichi in his quest to finish school so he can gain an inheritance and sink it into the avant garde theatre troupe ('Bondage Horse') he pals around with, all the while having a beautiful stranger constantly throw herself at him. Its equal parts of formula and oddness make for some addictive light reading.

I also read the first volume of Yamamoto's Anjuu no Chi ('Peaceful Earth'?) which is pretty much just gratuitous sex and disconnected domestic scenes in a mythical mountainside town in the middle of nowhere (China?), punctuated with glimpses of a senseless war and just plain oddness. (The townsfolk subsist on a diet of pickled rocks). Overall somewhat interesting but I wonder if it'll ever come together.

The New Sun - Taro Yashima's impressionistic early '40s memoir of imperial Japan and his and his wife's imprisonment. Pretty fascinating but it ends rather abruptly.

Niji Iro Togarashi vol.1 - Mitsuru Adachi's lighthearted "period" manga with samurai and flying saucers in old Edo (Tokyo). So far so good (

Guaporense 04-06-13 01:18 AM

Re: The Comic Book Tab
Radicci, a Brazilian comic strip

Monkeypunch 04-13-13 02:35 AM

Re: The Comic Book Tab
I've really fallen out of love with comics. I don't find them all that creative anymore. Which is why it shocked me to find that Newbury comics had this 8 pound monster of a book on sale for dirt cheap:

Peter Milligan and Mike Allred's superhero satire X-Statix was a book that I loved when it was on the stands. It never really got the audience it deserved, due to it originally being titled X-Force (making Rob Liefield fanboys angry and demand a re-title) and then the series ending controversy over the re-animated Princess Diana storyline. The book was a smart, sick, dark humored look at celebrity worship, media manipulation, and featured a cast of "heroes" who cared more about being famous than helping people. Characters were introduced and killed off at alarming rates, the series had its share of graphic violence, and the pop art influenced artwork was like nothing ever seen in the pages of a Marvel book before or since. If you don't mind lugging around a monster of a book, this is one to get. I wish Marvel was still this daring.

linespalsy 06-27-13 05:09 PM

Re: The Comic Book Tab
Natane volumes 2 & 3 by Mitsuru Adachi -

7 Miles a Second by David Wojnarowicz, James Romberger & Marguerite Van Cook -
+ (great artwork though)
Donald Duck: A Christmas for Shacktown by Carl Barks -

NonNonBa by Shigeru Mizuki -

Monkeypunch 03-26-14 01:33 AM

Re: The Comic Book Tab
Punk Rock Jesus - Sometimes you read something that just flat out knocks your socks off, and for me, this is it. A sci-fi comic about an ill-fated attempt to clone Jesus Christ for a reality tv show. This, of course, goes disastrously wrong almost right off the bat, and the "second coming" rebels against his corporate masters, fronting a punk rock band and preaching atheism to an angry populace. I LOVED this comic. I was surprised to see that it was published by Vertigo Comics, which is owned by Time Warner...I suppose that so few people read comics nowadays that you can publish something so obviously intended to provoke...Thumbs way way way up.

TONGO 03-26-14 02:01 AM

I know this is mainstream, but I encourage everyone to read Thor God Of Thunder written by Jason Aaron (who is in the zone completely on this title, and has a Walt Simonson tone), and drawn/painted by Esad Ribic.

Zotis 04-28-14 10:23 PM

Re: The Comic Book Tab

Well actually I've only read volume 3, but I liked this picture better. The Judge Anderson comics are great though!

linespalsy 05-18-14 09:10 PM

Re: The Comic Book Tab
since my last post I've read (ranked from favorite to least)...

Dance till tomorrow vol. 2 by Naoki Yamamoto - :up::up:
Sunny vol.1 by Taiyo Matsumoto - :up::up:
Woman Rebel: The Margaret Sanger Story by Peter Bagge - :up::down:
Niji Iro Togarashi vol. 4 by Mitsuru Adachi - :up::down:
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (the Ultimate collection vol. 1) by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird - :down::down:

Monkeypunch 05-25-14 04:13 PM

Re: The Comic Book Tab
X-Men: Days of Future Past By Chris Claremont, John Byrne, and Terry Austin - wow. A classic that more than lives up to it's reputation. The paperback i have covers the issues that introduced Kitty Pryde into the X-Men (directly after the Dark Phoenix saga) up to the final John Byrne issue after DoFP. It's amazing how much story they crammed into two regular sized issues back in the 1980's. Today, DoFP would have been a massive crossover in every X-Men book and probably a few other books that need a sales boost. Claremont and Byrne tell an epic in TWO ISSUES. I am going to seek out any other books by these two gentlemen that I can find now.

X-Men: God Loves, Man Kills by Chris Claremont and Brent Anderson - Another old school X-Men book, this one is a shorter story about a TV Evangelist who claims mutants are created by the devil, and the tragedy and violence this causes. Fantastic artwork, great story, and pretty thought provoking.

JayDee 06-08-14 09:30 PM

Originally Posted by TONGO (Post 1062758)
I know this is mainstream, but I encourage everyone to read Thor God Of Thunder
Can't echo this recommendation strongly enough. It's been an epic series so far. Just ridiculously epic and ambitious with multiple Thors and multiple timelines, culminating recently in King Thor battling Ancient Galactacus on a ruined Earth.

There are a lot of other series I'm enjoying just now. As you can see it's mostly mainsteam stuff, and quite clearly I'm a Marvel fanboy. :D Daredevil has been excellent since it was relaunched a few years ago. Hawkeye was brilliant for a while but has become a bit hit and miss thanks to the Kate issues. Oh and Superior Foes of Spider-Man is just really fun and witty. Black Science is also pretty great.

And then Marvel also has a bunch of newish releases that show potential. Moon Knight has some gorgeous art and out-there stories; same story with Elektra which is insanely good-looking. I'm loving Ms Marvel; such a sweet, clever and heartwarming read. While both Iron Fist: The Living Weapon and Loki: Agent of Asgard have been fun with potential to be great.

Guaporense 06-09-14 02:31 PM

7 Billion Needles - volume 1 & 2 -

Knights of Sydonia - volumes 1-5 -

christine 06-09-14 06:20 PM

I hardly read any graphic novels, but this one - A Chinese Life is magnificent in its scope , telling of the cultural revolution and life afterwards in China

TONGO 06-19-14 10:21 AM

Originally Posted by linespalsy (Post 881812)

Walt Disney's Donald Duck: Lost in the Andes - Carl Barks

The episodic plots didn't totally grab me in this first volume of the collected works of Carl Barks but there is some excellent drawing and effects throughout. I'll be sure to check out the next couple volumes that have already been released.
Yeah this is the best of the best when it comes to Golden Age comics. A buddy of mine had the 2nd appearance of Donald Duck done by Carl Barks, but it had no cover. If he had a cover he said it would go from worthless to $500. No matter where he looked though he could never find one. Not surprising.

Camo 04-15-17 06:02 PM

Read most of this yesterday, going to finish it shortly: Dark Night: A True Batman Story. It's from Paul Dini a writer and producer on Batman: The Animated Series and other stuff (part of the story features him working at Batman TAS), it's really amazing. It's about a real incident were he was mugged and seriously injured (it tells you exactly how bad in excruciating detail right at the start) and it goes into the importance of comics to him as a kid, how he was bullied and how this was a form of escapism to him, followed by him working at Warner Bros/on Batman TAS then it just morphs into something else entirely. Will probably post more when i'm finished but i think it is one of my favourite comics, alot of it has really got to me.

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