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Luis 11-02-18 06:19 PM

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133. Halloween 2 (2009)

Director: Rob Zombie

I like this about as much as I like the first film Zombie directed. The characters here are actually not insufferable and Laurie has some solid writing, I actually kinda cared about her and Daniel Harris' character. The directing is more solid this time around and the film is never boring. Zombie's style is just not for me, its way too unnecessarily grotesque, there's a topless woman getting killed every 3 seconds, side characters were kind of pointless. I appreciate the vision, but Zombie is just not my kind of director.

SCORE - 53/100

Luis 11-04-18 02:20 PM

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134. Scream (1996)

Director: Wes Craven

This is one of my favorite films of all time, and in my Top 3 horror films. It completely changed the horror landscape and brought some breath of fresh air to a dead genre. The film has some fantastic characters, great sequences, and so many witty undertones. I love the self-awareness and how the characters knew they were in a horror movie, and it helped keep the film original and interesting. Those first ten minutes help make one of the best opening scenes of all time, and the final 20 minutes bring forward the who-done-it shenanigans to a clever and highly dynamic place.

SCORE - 100/100

Luis 11-04-18 02:29 PM

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135. Scream 2 (1997)

Director: Wes Craven

A fantastic horror sequel to one of the best horror films ever made. This one cleverly takes the firsts' self-awareness and solidifies it into it's own narrative on sequels. The concept of having a fictional film within a film, inspired by the real first film was genius, and it was executed perfectly. Sidney, Dewey and Gale have some character growth, unlike most horror sequels, and it feels like a natural next chapter in their lives. The chase sequences are not as fun as the first but they are very different and satisfying. Great sequel.

SCORE - 85/100

Luis 11-04-18 02:39 PM

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136. Scream 3 (2000)

Director: Wes Craven

The weakest of the film franchise, and it's obvious that the writing is at fault here. The self-awareness felt organic and well-presented in the first two, it just seems confused and formulaic. The film doesn't know what to do with the characters, or the plot, or the killer reveal, it feels messy and incoherent the third time around. The film feels more like a parody of itself than a commentary on horror films. That being said, I enjoy watching it, the chase sequences are very well done, the main three protagonists keep this film watchable, and the third act is very worthwhile. Still a mediocre sequel, but very entertaining.

SCORE - 58/100

Luis 11-04-18 02:46 PM

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137. Scream 4 (2011)

Director: Wes Craven

This film brought back the organic DNA that made the first two Screams so successful. While not as well realized as the 1996 original, the writing surprisingly brings out some juice from the concept in the fourth outing. The opening sequence is genius, and it pokes fun of itself effectively, the characters are much more tolerable this time around, there a few memorable sequences, and a great third act. The only big complaint is that this feels more like a slasher film after the first act, a good one too, instead of a commentary on slashers. I enjoy this one quite a bit.

SCORE - 78/100

Luis 11-23-18 10:33 PM

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138. A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)

Director: Wes Craven

One of the horror films I grew up with and definitely one of my Top 5 Horror movies of all time. It's so creative, so out-of-the-box, original, submersive, and so very frightening. There are still sequences till this day that give me chills, and Freddy's introduction when he kills Tina in the beginning of the film is the best horror icon introduction ever, and that scene is still terrifying. Great characters, great suspenseful moments, and a kick-ass third act, an iconic film that will forever be one of my favorites.

SCORE - 100/100

Luis 11-23-18 10:45 PM

139. Ghostwatch (1992)

Director: Lesley Manning

I enjoyed this for what it was. When I caught on to what the filmmakers were doing I was very interested in the approach to the ghost story in this narrative. It immediately reminded me a lot of The Conjuring 2, and then I realized this was inspired by the same case, it was kinda cool. I like the blending of genres and the execution of such, the horror mixed with the mockumentary style with the discussion undertones really made this feel unique. I also really appreciated how this film took that extra step to juggle the conversation of the event being a genuine thing or if it's just a twisted game created by the mind of a playful child. So all in all, I definitely appreciated the different approach to this ghost story and I think that specific thing is what I took away from the film. However, I didn't particularly latch on to any of the characters, the ghost story itself was very simplistic, and I found some of it to be quite uneventful. I still appreciate the film, although I don't know if this would be one that I would think about outside the HoF.

SCORE - 65/100

Luis 11-23-18 10:51 PM

140. Rush (2013)

Director: Ron Howard

This is a film that came out just a little bit before I became a substantial film fan and I've heard about it ever since, yet never had the chance to see it. The film deals with a rivalry between two racers who both come from similar backgrounds and are both quintessential Formula 1 racing figures. It is in fact based on a true story that I know nothing about, so that is an attribute I'm going to have to disregard when talking about this film. I loved this film, it's engaging, exciting, cool, three-dimensional and highly dynamic both in terms of action and character exchanges.

I think the writing was excellent and the execution was appropriate in shedding some light in both negative and positive aspects of the characters; I was flipping back and forth between who I was rooting for till I ended up just preparing myself to be happy with whatever the result was. The film is also very intense, it does a commendable job at establishing this environment as chaotic and potentially fatal; what follows is 2 hours loaded with nail-biting action that completely kept me on edge the entire time through. I also like what the film has to say about obsession, and how our passion can also be our downfall; it was kinda like Whiplash for racing. I also appreciated the notion of enemies being your most enriching source, because it's true. Despite one section in the film that was kinda rushed and it was unclear with passage of time, and some indefinite editing in some of the race scenes, this is a great film.

SCORE - 85/100

Luis 12-02-18 03:14 PM

141. The Dressmaker (2015)

Director: Jocelyn Moorhouse

I really liked this one quite a bit. The most enticing thing about this particular film is how it blends certain genres and moods to solidify its own atmosphere, it feels very different. It's warm and inviting, yet somewhat mean and secluding in some way, it's very arresting. I can't quite remember how competitive the acting landscape was in 2015, but I would've definitely have considered Kate Winslet for a nomination, she was electrifying in this role; she carries the right amount of badassery, vulnerability, spice and charm to this character - I was very invested in the protagonist. The supporting cast is also pretty good, I really how all the dynamics played out on screen and all the character interactions kept this film entertaining the whole way through. The way the inciting incident is played out very much feels original, and the whole mystery shenanigans were for the most part well-presented and unraveled appropriately, even if the whole thing I found to be overly simplistic. Overall, I can see this being quite memorable going forward, it was very, very solid, and I thought it worked well for what it set out to do.

SCORE - 78/100

Luis 12-08-18 04:59 PM

142. Incendies (2010)

Director: Denis Villeneuve

I was very excited this one as Villeneuve has been one of the most arresting directors working today, I adore Prisoners, found Arrival to be mind-boggling, and appreciated the beauty of Blade Runner 2049, so I was very curious to see this. I thought this one was enticing in more ways than one. The concept is bonkers, the film follows a pair of twins after receiving a puzzle game from their mother after her death regarding the dark secrets of their past.

I thought it was a very smart choice to tell the story in a back and forth storyline progression between their mom's life of horrors and their stressful navigation through the footprints she left. I found both storylines to be just as engaging as each other and I really found myself rooting for the characters' victory in the middle of the jumbled mess. I did have a bit of a problem connecting to the twins as much as I did to their mother, and while their journey was captivating, I was especially moved by the hardships she was forced to endure. Overall, the film does a great job at establishing a straight-forward mystery in the beginning and stretching it in complexity in that present-past narrative I praised earlier and twist after twist, I was pretty happy with how everything resolved and I was very pleased that I never knew which direction the film would go in. Overall, I felt the storyline connected quite well in the end, and this is a worthy entry in Villenueve's library as a filmmaker.

SCORE - 80/100

Luis 12-13-18 05:53 PM

143. The Aviator (2004)

Director: Martin Scorsese

Similar to Incendies, I was mostly curious about this film due to the guy on the director's chair; Scorsese is great and this was a film of his I had not yet seen. Leonardo Dicaprio's performance was, as always, fantastic - he was able to sell every aspect of this troubled character; the ambition, the charm, the selfishness, the arrogance, and mental derangement, he was the main reason I was completely on board with the film. I didn't know this was a bipoc on Howard Hughes, so it caught me completely by surprise when it became apparent what the film was doing. Scorsese manages to balance the many chaotic endeavours of his life quite well, all the way to his career as a filmmaker and aviator, to the shenanigans involving his personal life and her descendance in morality. I don't have too much to say, it was a nice biopic, very interesting, didn't feel as long as it was. Nice film.

SCORE - 72/100

Luis 12-13-18 07:08 PM

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144. Zootopia (2016)

Directors: Byron Howard, Rich Moore

Disney knocked it out of the park with what was one of the best films of 2016 with Zootopia. I love this film even more every single time I see it. The characters are some of the most charming in Disney's catalogue, the concept and world-building are jaw-dropping, and the fact that the film packs so much social commentary but switches it to fit an animal narrative is genius. Love Zootopia!

SCORE - 97/100

Luis 12-13-18 07:15 PM

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145. Moana (2016)

Directors: Ron Clements, John Musker

Disney's second film of 2016 was also an incredible piece of filmmaking in my eyes. It was a fresh take on the princess formula, the music was amazing, Moana was a three-dimensional character with many qualities, the adventure aspect was incredibly fun, and the journey Moana embarks on is not only entertaining, but also emotionally resonant. One of my favorite Disney Animation films.

SCORE - 96/100

Luis 12-13-18 07:22 PM

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146. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1939)

Directors: Directors: David Hand, Larry Morey, Wilfred Jackson, Ben Sharpsteen, William Cottrell, Perce Pearce

I was craving a Disney Animation mini-marathon this week, can you tell? This is one of my favorite animated films of all time and it's an absolute classic for me. I don't know how well this film holds up for other people, but for me, I am lifted off my feet every single time I watch it to this day and I am charmed for an hour and thirty minutes.

SCORE - 100/100

Luis 12-20-18 02:03 AM

147. Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998)

Director: Guy Ritchie

I found this one's visual and editing style to be eye-catching, the quick edits, the grainer feel, the deep yellows, all very unique. The poker scene was really well shot, I could feel the tension lurking between the characters. The main flaw I have with this film, (and I like the film), is how jumbled it all feels in the grand scheme of things. A million characters are introduced, we see them do things, and all of the sudden we are expected to follow along, I just think it could've been more coherent in that aspect. Even then, I really enjoyed the action sequences, they're explosive, lively, and are very smoothly shot. There really isn't much I want to say about this one, I overall really liked it even if I could feel myself drift away through the confusing exposition. Worth a watch.

SCORE - 70/100

Luis 12-20-18 02:09 AM

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148. The Jungle Book (2016)

Director: Jon Favreau

I loved this since the first time I saw it in 2016. The visual effects are some of the best I've ever seen. The jungle looks incredible, the animals look photorealistic, and the kid interacts with the environment so incredibly well. The voice work is top notch, the film is gritty, the action sequences are nice, and it's heartwarming in all the right places.

SCORE - 90/100

Luis 12-20-18 02:16 AM

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149. Pinocchio (1940)

Directors: Hamilton Luske, Wilfred Jackson, Ben Sharpsteen, Norm Ferguson, Jack Kinney, T. Hee, Bill Roberts

I adore this film with every inch of my being. It's undeniably in my Top 3 favorite Disney films of all time. It's just so... magical. It's one of those things you can't describe, it's just a magical film. It's also so dark and terrifying at the same time, thought-provoking, gritty and incredibly masterful. A film that makes me feel right as home and connects me to my childhood the instant I lay eyes on it.

SCORE - 100/100

Luis 12-20-18 02:22 AM

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150. The Fox and the Hound (1981)

Directors: Richard Rich, Ted Berman, Art Stevens

Another one of my favorite Disney animated films, it sucks seeing it be so overlooked in all the top lists, but I love it. The relationship between the two friends is so adorable, it has some very heartfelt themes of growing up and out of connections, and it has one of the saddest films of any movie. Love The Fox and the Hound.

SCORE - 95/100

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