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cinemaafficionado 09-20-12 06:28 AM

Originally Posted by Nausicaä (Post 836096)
Any you would take off the list or films you can't believe they have missed out and so on?
Maybe the Host. For me horror and comedy just don't mix and I felt that the director was often dazed and confused as to which way he wanted to proceed.

Used Future 09-20-12 07:00 AM

Creep is a semi remake of the 1973 film Death Line aka Raw Meat, and nowhere near as good in my opinion. I know a lot of people think the original is too slow, but the gloomy dank London atmosphere and amusing performance from Donald Pleasence (not to mention an awesome cameo from Christopher Lee) make Death Line one of the most underrated horror films of the 70's for me.

Triangle is original and interesting at first, but becomes tedious and fails to cap the proceedings off with any real meaning. Still well worth checking out though.

The Last Great Wilderness looks interesting on paper, but it's hampered by low production values and an anti-climactic ending. Not worth the time in my opinion.

Hate Eden Lake with a passion which admittedly might be a generational thing. I think it's woefully contrived, derivative crap that's only popular because of the extreme content and faux social commentary. Seen so many similar, and better backwoods films that were made decades ago.

Kill List I've already reviewed, and praised.

I didn't care for at the time. It's not terrible, but I was expecting more broad comedy in a Shaun Of The Dead mould. It starts out as a serviceable black comedy, but descends into a 'serious' backwoods survival movie. Just too uneven for me.

Haven't seen the others.

I have to admit I'm a 70's horror junkie really, and am starting to get very picky over the new stuff. My taste is certainly reflective of my age, so make of that what you will.

Deadite 09-20-12 08:00 AM

Re: Horror Movies
Hey Future, hook me up with some 70s horror recommendations, will ya, pal? :)

Used Future 09-20-12 08:21 AM

Well, I'm no expert and it really depends on the type of horror films you like. PM me and I'll do my best to come up with a few gems. :)

Exist 09-25-12 07:01 PM

^ Of course Triangle doesn't make any sense, I thought there was a sort of self-realization and too little too late 'real meaning' about it, and before that, it is amusingly strange enough to keep me hooked. I don't think that really gives too much away. I really really liked it.

^ Eden Lake freaked me out with the way it ended, hit the nail on the horrible head as it bloody well were, and I've been watching similar-type such things a good while, you'd think me somewhat unshakable and unaffected by now, apparently not.

'Sublime' is one hell of a horror flick also imo.

bzfilm 10-20-12 01:38 AM

Re: Horror Movies
Replying to the topic starter:

In my opinion, Hollywood today is facing not only lack of original ideas, it just follows what the public seems to be eating up with pleasure - meaning, modern horror movies that have very little value and no soul.

Occasionally a few pop up, but they soon get lost in the huge amounts of other trash movies. The best decision might be - just to carefully pick what to watch. This obviously is not very hard to do as today you can guess what the movie is just by looking at the poster cover.

Exist 11-27-12 01:08 PM

Re: Horror Movies
^ Must go foreign to find many of the goodies, these days.

Spoiler !!!

I pinch on Eden Lake, why I found it a good terror flick. I'd stopped watching or cut down on films for a while. I started watching some more mod horror, Wolf Creek as an example, found myself whether unwittingly perhaps cheering for the girl/hero victims in flick, and was horrified by the outcome. This is what I also did with Eden Lake, simple as that, fool me twice...

Maybe it had to due with not watching it critically but being submerged in the main character's struggle, wow, fair warning, don't get involved, be a cold-fish.

Both films caught and dropped too well.

TheUsualSuspect 11-27-12 03:22 PM

Re: Horror Movies
Eden Lake is a great depressing movie. It left me devastated.

Sublime on the other hand is craptastic.

Exist 11-27-12 04:03 PM

Re: Horror Movies
^Why was Sublime so horrible to you?

TheUsualSuspect 11-27-12 05:56 PM

Re: Horror Movies
I guess I mainly hated the set-up, execution and ending. I was left rolling my eyes at a lot of the pointlessness of it all.

Exist 11-27-12 06:56 PM

Re: Horror Movies
Yes, I roll my eyes also.

Sorry it sucks to you, 'freedom from falling' is a good symbol for much now.

Exist 11-27-12 07:21 PM

Re: Horror Movies
^ What was that other recent nightmare hospital flick, hollycheese but...

That happened to me, waking up during surgery, unable to move or speak, during the procedure, on a personal note.

TheUsualSuspect 11-27-12 11:23 PM

Re: Horror Movies
If you're referring to Awake with Anakin Skywalker....I hated that even more so.

Exist 11-28-12 12:37 AM

Re: Horror Movies
Alright, I'm happy you hated them, you're obviously amused. Good enough for me. :)

photonshot 05-20-13 06:50 PM

I agree, the new horror movies are garbage... they arn't what they used to be. My favorite by far is Cabin in the Woods.

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