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Captain Spaulding 09-26-14 05:59 PM

Originally Posted by JayDee (Post 1175098)
Completely get where you're coming from on this. :yup: I've got a massive watch list but instead of just zipping through them I tend to space them out to allow myself time to review them if I feel the need.
For every movie that you review, how many do you watch that you don't review?

What amazes me most about your reviewing ability is how you can dedicate so many words and so much effort even to crap films like A Good Day to Die Hard. I try to take a more analytical approach to my reviews instead of just talking about the plot and performances, so for me to be able to write a full-length review I typically need to find enough substance in it or establish a personal connection to the characters and/or themes. Yet you're able to squeeze out several paragraphs from films that I'd struggle to write four or five sentences about. That's impressive. How do you decide which films to review?

Gideon58 09-26-14 06:52 PM

Re: Captain Spaulding's Cinematic Catalogue
I understand what you're saying about viewing The Exorcist for the first time in would have been interesting to see how you would have felt if you had seen it during its original theatrical run.

Gideon58 09-26-14 06:54 PM

Re: Captain Spaulding's Cinematic Catalogue
I bet Psycho was an awesome experience during its original theatrical run...I've always wanted to see it an actual theater.

Gideon58 09-26-14 07:00 PM

Re: Captain Spaulding's Cinematic Catalogue
I'm glad that you were open-minded enough to give All that Jazz a's one of my favorite films and I hope it piqued your curiosity enough to check out some of other of Fosse's work like Cabaret, Lenny, and Star 80...and just for the record, only one of those three films is a musical.

Gideon58 09-26-14 07:03 PM

Re: Captain Spaulding's Cinematic Catalogue
Love your review of The Sugarland definitely showed the beginnings of Spielberg's genius as a cinematic storyteller and Goldie Hawn's performance is an eye-opener.

Captain Spaulding 11-01-14 02:37 PM

Peeping Tom
(Michael Powell, 1960)
(Starring: Carl Boehm; Anna Massey; Moira Shearer; Maxine Audley)

"Imagine . . . someone coming towards you . . . who wants to kill you . . . regardless of the consequences."
"A madman?"
"Yes. But he knows it -- and you don't. And just to kill you . . . isn't enough for him."

The year is 1960. Janet Leigh takes a shower at the Bates Motel when a knife-wielding silhouette appears on the other side of the shower curtain. You already know what happens next, of course, because it's one of the most iconic scenes in movie history. Hailed by many as the greatest horror film of all-time and often cited as the genesis of the slasher sub-genre, Psycho was an enormous success, popular fifty years ago, still popular today. Yet months before Norman Bates put on a wig and a dress, a very similar film named Peeping Tom was lambasted by critics. Unlike Hitchcock, who received a boon to his career, Michael Powell, the director of Peeping Tom, suffered career suicide. One critic, Derek Hill, said the film should be "thrown into a sewer." Another critic, Len Mosley, said the film "is more depressing and nauseating than the leper colonies of East Pakistan, the back streets of Bombay and the gutters of Calcutta." Over the years, Peeping Tom has been rediscovered, re-evaluated and reappraised. As a result, its critical reputation has soared, yet it still stands in the shadow of Hitchcock's beloved classic. That's unfortunate, since Peeping Tom is just as revolutionary, just as magnificent, and, in some ways, even superior to Psycho.

At first glance it might be easy to confuse Mark Lewis, the "psycho" of Peeping Tom, with household name Norman Bates. They're both shy, soft spoken, uncomfortable in social situations, awkward around the opposite sex. They share voyeuristic urges and a penchant for murder. They're both victims of bad parenting. Hell, they even share a fondness for milk. But through Mark's budding relationship with Helen, the meek, redheaded young woman who rents the apartment beneath his own, we see a tender, boyish, loving side to his character that paints him in a more sympathetic light than Norman Bates. Mark is damaged, but he's human: part murderer, part victim. Unlike Norman, Mark is aware of his mental illness and expresses a desire to cure himself. Despite his horrible crimes, I found myself rooting for his well-being. When he tries to secretly film the murder investigation of one of his victims and accidentally alerts authorities to his presence, I held my breath not just because of the tension of the scene, but because I wanted him to evade capture long enough to conquer his demons. My heart broke for him during his tender moments with Helen. I felt his sorrow, his pain, his desperation. It's a testament to Carl Boehm's phenomenal performance that Mark maintains such vulnerability despite his sinister deeds.

The root of Norman Bates's psychological problems were a result of his unhealthy relationship with his mother. For Mark Lewis, daddy is to blame. "I've never known a moment's privacy," he tells Helen, since his father, a biologist obsessed with fear and the nervous system, filmed and documented every moment of Mark's life. Unlike Psycho, which relied on clumsy dialogue to diagnose and deliver Bates's back story, Peeping Tom uses a much more effective method: Mark, at Helen's insistence, rolls footage from his youth that shows his dad waking him in the middle of the night, purposely frightening him, throwing lizards on him, even filming Mark's last moments with his mother on her deathbed. Seeing firsthand that Mark was never treated as a son, but as a guinea pig -- his entire childhood nothing but an experiment to his father -- injects an enormous amount of sympathy into his character. Suddenly everything makes sense: Helen's attraction and protectiveness toward Mark, since she pities his past and thinks she understands the cause of his anti-social behavior; the camera's manipulative power over Mark, since the footage from his youth reveals that the camera was a gift from his late father; and Mark's obsession with capturing fear in its ultimate form, since he is continuing his father's research. When you take into consideration that Michael Powell himself played the role of Mark's father, and that Powell's own son played the role of young Mark, effectively blending reality and cinema, it adds another eerie layer to the proceedings.

My favorite sequence of Peeping Tom occurs on a movie set. Mark is an aspiring filmmaker and one of his jobs is on a movie crew. After a day's worth of filming, he arranges to meet Vivian, the lead actresses's stand-in, after hours to make a film of their own. Since Mark had an opportunity to kill Helen the night before in his personal cinema but resisted the urge, it's easy to question if Vivian, with her bright red hair, isn't also a stand-in for his neighbor and soon-to-be love interest. Leading up to the scene, Michael Powell establishes an ominous, foreboding tone using items typical of a movie set-- props, fake backdrops, lighting equipment, etc-- as weapons of dread. Then Mark appears, camera in tow, descending from the rafters like the director of the picture, ready to capture Vivian's final performance. It's fascinating and frightening to watch the change in his demeanor. Instead of resembling the shy, awkward, insecure Mark of previous scenes, he is transformed into a smooth, assuredly calm, confident predator, his eyes exhibiting hunger and lust as he directs his prey in what he hopes will be the climax for his documentary on fear.

In the aforementioned scene, as I watched Moria Shearer's character dance happily around the movie set to a musical number (invoking memories of an earlier Powell-Shearer collaboration, 1948's The Red Shoes, a phenomenal film in its own right), I thought of classic-era Hollywood and its happy endings and its virtuous ideals, and I watched Mark -- or Michael Powell, rather -- impale those virtues through the neck. No wonder critics found Peeping Tom vile and disgusting, since the film revels in perversity, focusing on sordid topics like pornography and prostitution and repressed sexuality. There's a seediness to nearly every scene, as if every line of dialogue is a naughty secret, every performance naked and exposed. Peeping Tom exists behind closed doors; it operates at night, when the well-to-do citizens are asleep and the sinners slink. The lurid tone adds to the feeling of unease. Peeping Tom also introduces many ingredients that would become staples of the slasher sub-genre. For example, we watch Mark stalk a prostitute in the streets, the first of several victims who are sexually promiscuous women, whereas Helen -- the "virgin," so to speak -- provides an early prototype for The Final Girl.

Peeping Tom is tame compared to the slashers that have followed in the decades since its debut. With the exception of the climactic final scene, no deaths are shown on screen. The blood spills only in your imagination, yet the power of suggestion is so strong that you'll cringe and shield your eyes even when the violence isn't visible. Typical slashers feature a masked killer systematically offing teenagers one by one. As a viewer, you're expected to be entertained by the deaths on screen. In Peeping Tom, Mark's weapon of choice isn't a knife or a machete, but a camera, and therein lies the brilliance of the film. He kills his victims with the tripod of his camera as they stare back at a reflection of their frightened selves. Later, when Mark watches the footage from the darkness of his private cinema, we partake in the ritual with him as we watch the same footage from over his shoulder. The title of the film doesn't just refer to Mark, but to viewers. We are the peeping toms. We are the voyeurs. The true killer is the camera, and we are implicated in its crimes. Not only does Peeping Tom lay the groundwork for future slashers, it deconstructs the entire genre while simultaneously giving birth to it. Mark is essentially a mirror of ourselves, watching death for gratification, so who is more disturbed: us or him?

As previously stated, Carl Boehm is phenomenal in the role of Mark Lewis. Throughout the film you witness the internal struggle of his character as he fights against his murderous impulses, one moment caressing the camera like an innocent child, the next moment using the same camera in an act of unflinching cruelty. He is perhaps the most sympathetic serial killer I've seen in a film, but his level of sympathy and authenticity only makes him all the more frightening. Anna Massey is also very good as Helen, and so is Maxine Audley as Helen's blind mother. Moira Shearer has little screen time, but her beauty and grace are on full display during the film's highlight moment. Anna Massey nails a scene late in the film when the camera (Powell's, not Mark's) is trained solely on her face as she runs a gamut of emotions: curiosity, amusement, concern, shock, terror. The ending is both harrowing and tragic (and given what happened to Powell after making this film, strangely poetic). The script by Leo Marks is brilliant and filled with superb dialogue and psychological complexity. The sound mixing, whether it's the pounding of a heartbeat or the steady hum from a reel of film, is notably excellent. And then there's Michael Powell, the ostracized director, who maximizes the tension, the suspense, the thrills, the frights, the emotion and everything else in the film with his masterful direction and extraordinary talent.

Psycho is one of my top-ten favorite movies of all-time, so when I say that Peeping Tom is just as good, well, that's mighty high praise. Personally, I find Bates more frightening, more disturbing and more chilling, but my feelings toward Mark are more complicated, since I felt a great level of sympathy for his character and even rooted for him while at the same time rooting against his actions. If anything, Mark Lewis is the better character while Norman Bates is the better villain. Of the two films, Psycho is scarier and more suspenseful, but Peeping Tom digs a little deeper, hits a little harder, and I feel like it's the richer, more multi-layered of the two films. No doubt about it, however, both Psycho and Peeping Tom are phenomenal films, and in a genre that's often disrespected and littered with waste, they stand side-by-side on the mountaintop as proof that horror movies-- yes, even slashers -- can reach the same level of technical brilliance and artistic genius as any other film.

Peeping Tom, welcome to my favorites.

mark f 11-01-14 03:39 PM

Re: Captain Spaulding's Cinematic Catalogue
Good review. I've written about the film and Powell a lot here. I didn't see it in your review but did you realize that Michael Powell also played Mark's dad? :)

I'm-a-Maniac 11-01-14 03:53 PM

Re: Captain Spaulding's Cinematic Catalogue
Nice review, Peeping Tom gets a lot of noise, I have yet to watch it unfortunately.

honeykid 11-01-14 04:00 PM

Re: Captain Spaulding's Cinematic Catalogue
Peeping Tom is a much better slasher than Psycho. In fact, it's pretty much better in most ways. That being said, I think I prefer Psycho because it's an easier watch.

christine 11-01-14 04:01 PM

Re: Captain Spaulding's Cinematic Catalogue
Very nice review of Peeping Tom Capt :)

cricket 11-01-14 04:11 PM

Damn I better watch Peeping Tom again. I don't remember much except for not caring for it. It sure sounds good though.

JayDee 11-01-14 10:09 PM

What the hell man, you trying to steal my thunder when it comes to writing long ass, in-depth reviews? That's my thing pal! :D

Anyway great review. :up: I watched this myself a while back but like cricket I didn't really get into it. Will definitely give it another go someday though

Captain Spaulding 11-02-14 12:44 AM

Originally Posted by mark f (Post 1197494)
Good review. I've written about the film and Powell a lot here. I didn't see it in your review but did you realize that Michael Powell also played Mark's dad? :)
Thanks. I did not know that, but I've added it to my review. Fascinating stuff, really. The film is already ripe for Freudian analysis, but it becomes even more so when you take the casting choices into consideration.

I'm very interested in seeing more of Powell's work. The only other film I've seen from him is The Red Shoes, which was also very impressive, but the two films couldn't be more different. That makes me excited to explore his filmography. I figured you could give me some recommendations on which ones to seek out. :)

Originally Posted by honeykid (Post 1197508)
Peeping Tom is a much better slasher than Psycho. In fact, it's pretty much better in most ways. That being said, I think I prefer Psycho because it's an easier watch.
I've seen Psycho dozens of times. It was my introduction to Hitchcock and one of the first classic films that I really fell in love with. But I think if I had watched Peeping Tom first, especially at that stage of my film-watching development, it would probably be my favorite of the two. I definitely think Peeping Tom feels more like a true slasher. Throughout the film, I was kind of amazed at how familiar it felt to all the typical slashers I'm accustomed to watching -- it's just that Peeping Tom is much smarter in its execution and boasts much more talent behind the camera.

Originally Posted by cricket (Post 1197515)
Damn I better watch Peeping Tom again. I don't remember much except for not caring for it.
That's disappointing to hear. Hopefully you and JayDee will like it more if/when you guys re-watch it. It seems reasonable to think that you'd like Peeping Tom if you like Psycho, given how similar they are.

Originally Posted by JayDee (Post 1197669)
What the hell man, you trying to steal my thunder when it comes to writing long ass, in-depth reviews? That's my thing pal! :D

Daniel M 11-08-14 11:47 AM

Re: Captain Spaulding's Cinematic Catalogue
I read your review a few days ago in the actual review section, and I thought it was great. Brilliant to read when someone discovers a new favourite. I haven't seen it myself, so I'll leave further comments until then, but you definitely have me a lot more interested than I already was now.

Captain Spaulding 03-31-17 08:43 PM

Captain Spaulding 03-31-17 08:44 PM

In an effort to stay more active on the forum, I thought I’d resurrect this thread so I can play with myself more often so I can post write-ups more frequently. I doubt I’ll write about every film I watch, but I’ll try to keep this thread updated fairly often.
Killer Party
(William Fruet, 1986)

Killer Party fakes out the audience twice within the first 10 minutes, beginning with a movie within a movie, then transforming into a cheesy music video for an 80's hair-metal band that features synchronized zombies at a drive-in, before finally getting to the actual slasher-comedy itself. For a slasher, there's very little slashing, with barely any kills occurring until the last act of the movie, and even then most of the kills are bloodless and occur off screen. Normally that would be a deal breaker. Here it didn't bother me thanks to the movie's playful spirit, an abundance of goofy charm and a cast of mostly likable characters. I developed a crush on Vivia, the prank-loving, four-eyed sorority pledge, and I was pleased that she emerged as the heroine over her more traditionally attractive co-stars. The climax is bonkers in the best possible way. I don't want to spoil anything, but imagine a bloodthirsty, teenaged version of Sigourney Weaver's Zuul-possessed character from Ghostbusters, and you'll have some idea of the antagonist. Judging by reviews elsewhere, I seem to enjoy this movie more than most people, but I contend that Killer Party is a forgotten gem among slashers and that it deserves a bigger cult following.
The Van
(Sam Grossman, 1977)

I never knew vansploitation was a thing, but here you go. Recent high-school graduate Bobby, having saved enough money from his job at a car wash owned by Danny DeVito, buys a van and customizes it like a 70's episode of Pimp My Ride, putting in shag carpet, a toaster, a fridge, 8-track player and, most importantly, a water bed underneath a mirrored ceiling. Bobby ain't much of a looker and he acts like a selfish prick (plus he constantly mugs for the camera, which is annoying). Fortunately for him, vans were major pussy magnets in the 70's, so none of his negative attributes impede his ability to coax random chicks into the back of his van for a bit of don't-come-knockin-if-the-van's-a-rockin hanky-panky. The loose plot is basically a string of high jinks and titties. Girls are kidnapped. Pimps are encountered. Bullies are cuckolded. The four-wheeled metaphor for freedom and summer lovin’ turns into an illusion when Bobby falls for a girl who isn't impressed by his van or what it represents. The film is chock full of outdated attitudes and behavior that would rile today's PC audience, most notably with a few sexual encounters veering closer to rape than consensual genital mingling, but I think those elements can be overlooked as a sign of the times. The performances are mediocre but serviceable compared to other low-budget, drive-in fare. The noteworthy soundtrack, courtesy of Sammy Johns, perfectly captures the laid-back, joint-smoking, sun-drenched 70's spirit. The Van is a fun little time-capsule if you’re looking for boobs, bell-bottoms and groovy vans instead of a quality film.
The Stoned Age
(James Melkonian, 1994)

Joe and Hubbs are long-haired burnouts cruising around town. They listen to future classic rock on the 8-track while sipping from the Schnappster and debating whether or not "Don't Fear the Reaper" is a pussy song. The goal every night is to drink some tall ones, score some tasty ganja and bang a few babes. Sadly, most nights are a bust. On this particular night, however, they crash the residence of two out-of-town hotties (one being the real-life daughter of Jefferson Airplane's Grace Slick) and an eventful night ensues. Released one year after Dazed and Confused, The Stoned Age is often dismissed as an inferior copycat, but aside from both being 90's recreations of the 70's, I don't think the films share much in common. A more apt comparison: Superbad starring the characters of Detroit Rock City. The film is at its best during its more grounded sequences rather than the cartoonish situations that pop up with increasing frequency during the second half. (One of the funniest moments involves a parody of 2001: A Space Odyssey after Joe gets hits with a laser beam at a Blue Oyster Cult concert.) The Stoned Age does a lazy job of capturing its time period. Cars and objects from the 80's and 90's appear distractingly in the background. Rather than the age of disco, it feels like the film takes place in between the exodus of hair metal and the rise of grunge. Some of the main characters are a**holes, which might sour the hang-out atmosphere upon re-watches, but I found most of them relatable. These are my kinda people listening to my kinda music doing my kinda things, so it's no surprise that I enjoyed this stoner comedy quite a bit even if it's too flawed to become a favorite.

The Gunslinger45 03-31-17 08:53 PM

Re: Captain Spaulding's Cinematic Catalogue
The Van has me intrigued. I know old school vans had their own subculture in the 70's. I would have loved to own one, but now a days if you do it pretty much labels you as a pedo or a serial killer.

Captain Spaulding 03-31-17 08:59 PM

Originally Posted by The Gunslinger45 (Post 1679821)
The Van has me intrigued. I know old school vans had their own subculture in the 70's. I would have loved to own one, but now a days if you do it pretty much labels you as a pedo or a serial killer.
No idea what you're talking about. :shifty:

mark f 03-31-17 09:48 PM

Re: Captain Spaulding's Cinematic Catalogue
Wow - what a collection of overrated underrated crap in one post. :cool:

Gideon58 04-04-17 07:44 PM

Originally Posted by Captain Spaulding (Post 1091279)
[center]The Shootist
(Don Siegel, 1976)
(Starring: John Wayne; Lauren Bacall; Ron Howard; James Stewart)

THIS is the film John Wayne should have won an Oscar for.

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