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Last Activity: 10-01-14


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14¾ years HERE

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"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously."
Showing Comments 1 to 4 of 8
  1. 10-12-10
    ooh, see She's Having a Baby! it's really very good. a little surreal, not your typical romanic comedy Hughes movie, either.
  2. 10-10-10
    woo! i love breakfast club too, but i've got a soft spot for Pretty in Pink and She's Having a Baby. have you seen those? honestly, there's not a John Hughes movies i've seen that i didn't really love, and that's the truth.
  3. 08-06-10
    I'm guessing you mean Steph leaving and Diana coming in? Or is there another guest appearence? Did you know that Ringo's leaving a few months after he and Donna get married? Such a waste of a storyline. Susan Bower's really ****ed Neighbours up this year... Well, more than she already had.
  4. 08-05-10
    Do you know what happens? Do you read spoilers or want to know, etc? So good to finally have another Neighbours fan at the site.
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