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Last Activity: 07-02-12

The Next Big Thing



16¾ years HERE

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Showing Comments 1 to 4 of 8
  1. 09-10-10
    what the hell is your problem exactly?
  2. 09-06-10
    So what kinda film are you writing
  3. 08-26-10
    Appreciate the understanding. Just one of many really tough tradeoffs, I guess.
  4. 08-26-10
    I've thought about it a lot over the years. I'll never say never, but I'd lean pretty heavily against it. It can increase load time quite a bit and even forums with strict size requirements tend to look pretty cluttered with them.
Aliens vs Predator: Requiem   3/09/08
Sorry not even worth a watch, the vast majority wont care to watch a movie that is glaringly missing a plot an

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