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Last Activity: 1 day ago


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23 years HERE

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Showing Comments 1 to 4 of 8
  1. 04-10-23
    So, some of these comments are years old. I actually didn't know this comment feature existed until recently, so that's why no one ever heard from me in response to these comments!
  2. 04-18-17
    First of all, I really appreciate their passion for game development. Secondly, the assets, which are provided by the course to students, are very beautiful. Personally, I think that this course teach a lot of useful programming tricks in order to make our reusable and secure, jvzoo academy review
  3. 02-22-13
    Just a friendly reminder to make your Oscar picks! It's always way more fun the more people get involved.
  4. 10-03-12
    What great friends we'll be after the election.
AKA23 has not chosen any favorite movies yet.
Trouble with the Curve   9/23/12
"Trouble with the Curve" is actually pretty well done. If you're looking for a film to entertain and to inspir

J. Edgar   11/15/11
...with the subject matter of the film, and the importance of Hoover as a historical figure, this film could h

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