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The Adventure Starts Here!

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Happily married; mom of four, stepmom of two—all grown; grandma of one; living the dream!
Western Pa.
"Weird Al"; writing; reading; movies (duh); crocheting; PC adventure games; alternative music; computers; guinea pigs; urban wildlife in my back yard
Writer. Proofreader. Typesetter. Scapegoat.
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Showing Comments 1 to 4 of 40
04-25-21I had it cleaned and serviced semi-recently (about six months ago?) by a local friend who's a bit of a typewriter nerd (and a published author---look for Frederic S. Durbin on Amazon). It's a spiffy little thing and types really well for a little portable. My daughter borrowed it for a while but then realized she's not fond of how hard you have to push the keys (ha ha--your generation doesn't know the struggle!), so it's back in my possession!
04-25-21Ah, I've seen them (and bought them) much cheaper than that. Which is why I have several. I was probably just trying to get rid of the 2000 since I had Neos.
Seriously, all I need is an address and I can send it along. They're lightweight and are therefore easy enough to send...
04-25-21I would not say no to it, but you did send me a 2000 back when P/S2 ports were still a thing. So I don’t want to impose. I did have to retire it but it did help on school papers while I had it.
But yeah, eBay is exactly where I was looking at buying one. I have several Neo2s on my watchlist that are listed as new for under $75.

Still processing things, but I tend to nitpit the details because if those are wrong, then the larger philosop

There were certain scenes in the movie that were entirely jarring, in a way only Ron Howard could pull off wit
Wes Anderson
Quirky As Cuss: The Wes Anderson Fan Club