Oscar Picks
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Showing Comments 849 to 852 of 852
  1. 03-22-10
    Actually I did this for two reasons. There all infinaitly interesting films, bold, awkward, unconforming and I beileve that there's a great film somewhere in all that mess for the most part with the exception of THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW which is a simple disaster film I rather liked and LAST ACTION HERO which I think is a masterpiece. Did the directors lose control, become interested in some else more than what the film once was while making it. The second reason is out of curousity. I was wondering if anyone even payed attention to peoples favourite films lists such as I do. the answer is yes, thanks.
  2. 03-11-10
    AFI top 100 you can't go wrong with these. Just depends on the mood your in.

    15. Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope 1977
    19. Chinatown 1974
    40. North by Northwest 1959
    46. A Clockwork Orange 1971
    47. Taxi Driver 1976
    48. Jaws 1975
    61. Vertigo 1958
    67. The Manchurian Candidate 1962
    80. The Wild Bunch 1969
    94. Goodfellas 1990

    As for best pictures not my favourite nessecarly but 5 intriguing choices the academy went with that I particularly love.

    How Green Was My Valley
    The Apartment
    Ordinary People
  3. 03-09-10
    I've been toying with moving 12 Angry Men to the first slot, but yes, Dial M is really a brilliant film. Strangely fun and lighthearted! Really love it.

    Glad you like the Lists; we'll definitely keep adding more! Not too often, because we're picky about it, but there'll definitely be more.
  4. 03-09-10
    What's up Rauldc! Welcome to mofo. Wondering if your name has any reference to Stargate?
Wedding Crashers   3/03/20
Obviously not a perfect movie but I usually rate movies based off of how entertaining they are and this is one

Finding Nemo   4/22/19
The great small characters are the icing on the cake, a great cast that voices all these sea creatures with Wi

Phantom Thread   1/24/18
The atmosphere created in the film gave the film a setup for a lot of tension in the second half of the film

The Florida Project   1/23/18
Despite what they've gone through Moonee and Halley have a great mother daughter bond as evidenced by those en

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