Oscar Picks
ScarletLion's Avatar


Wales, Europe
5,860 POSTS


11¾ years HERE

I like cheese. I dislike Jamiroquai. Biography
Wales Location
Movies, sport and making my kids happy Interests
Research Institute Manager Occupation
Showing Comments 1 to 4 of 11
  1. 3 weeks ago
  2. 01-08-20
    That's not a problem at all. Just checking in
  3. 01-08-20
    Just checking in with you for the Japanese HOF. I'm open to having it open until end of the month if need be. Sooner is cool too though!
  4. 10-20-17
    Sorry just saw this was in Ireland. Ten mate. No restrictions; bands, solo, whatever. Thanks
Blind   5/07/24
It blurs the line between reality and fiction in a well used trope about a writer, but does so in such a cleve

La Chimera   4/09/24
Although the story gets a tad histrionic in the third act, its a beautiful dose of strange, alluring magical r

Buzzard   4/03/24
Im off to discover more Joel Potrykus films

Twelve and Holding   3/11/24
It's the most Todd Solondz film not directed by Todd Solondz

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