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Zotis's Avatar
Last Activity: 07-23-24


6,657 POSTS



10 years HERE

I'm a Christian. Biography
Canada Location
Art: Drawing and Sculpting with Found Objects; Electric Guitar and singing; Competitive Super Smash Bros. Melee (Tag: Rufio); watching movies and anime to me is a hobby in and of itself; the same goes for listening to music. Interests
Showing Comments 101 to 104 of 104
  1. 06-29-14
    What I enjoyed was they mixed Finnish Folklore as the main basis of the film. I think it was beautifully done and very entertaining.

    Take Care
  2. 06-29-14
    hey Zotis, martial art films? Try Jadesoturi.. its the first Finnish/Chinese Martial Art film but it has an actual storyline to it as well.

    Take care
  3. 04-21-14
    Sadly I've not. However, I think I either have a copy or had one. I'll have to go into the HK archives and find out.
  4. 04-19-14
    It's because they're in your cache. If you press F5 (hard refresh) after posting any pic, you'll usually be able to see whether others can see it or not. It'll still happen sometimes, but for the most part it'll save this happening.
Passengers   5/01/20
A spaceship, that looks like something I've seen in a dozen other space movies already, is flying through spac

Knights of the Teutonic Order   11/07/17
When I found the movie as an adult it turned out to be a bit of a mediocre movie

Angst   3/02/16
Maybe one day I'll find another movie that gives me the sensation that this movie made me feel

Gimme Shelter   12/30/15
Based on a true story movies can sometimes make me forget to think about character motivations because that wa

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