KeyserCorleone's Avatar
Last Activity: 41 minutes ago


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8¼ years HERE

If you're going to approach it from a child's point of view then it kinda changes the topic of discussion, doesn't it.

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Showing Comments 1 to 4 of 4
  1. 04-13-23
    Based furry guy
  2. 03-27-23
    Thanks for taking the time on my list 🤙 I'll do the same if you write a top 100.
  3. 11-08-18
    Keyser's Kinematic Kwiet Korner
  4. 08-31-18
    Enjoy the reviews, people should be reading your thread more, haha.
Boogie Nights   1/10/25
As soon as I signed the contract to join Movieforums, I also signed a fine print saying I'll have to watch all

The Wrestler   12/18/24
But most places seem to adore The Wrestler, so I was really, REALLY hoping for one of Aronofsky's best here, a

Moses and Aaron   12/18/24
The movie tells only select parts of the story of Moses and Aaron, unfortunately mirroring the opera's unfinis

The Whale   12/17/24
The Whale is not a movie about fat, and there's certainly none of it in the movie

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