Oscar Picks
NedStark09's Avatar
Last Activity: 05-16-20


6,230 POSTS


9¾ years HERE

West Virginia Location
I Am an avid movie goer and like to write stories. Interests
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Showing Comments 1 to 4 of 12
  1. 10-02-19
    Yes, certainly.
  2. 08-04-17
    Hey Ned. You interested in sending a top ten movie stars list for the Countdown? If so send me your top ten actors and/or actresses.
  3. 11-13-16
    The final is up in the Country Tournament for whenever you want to vote BTW.
  4. 11-08-16
    The semi finals of the Country Tournament have been up for a while mate. I shouldn't have to tell you every time, cmon?
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