Silas's Avatar
Last Activity: 03-27-13


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20 years HERE

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Just finished 5 years of University. Dunno what to do with my life now Biography
Ireland Location
reading, movies, socialising, Interests
Human Rights Lawyer Occupation
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Showing Comments 1 to 4 of 16
  1. 07-31-10
    I totally miss the cold though. I like almost everything about it...well thats not entirely true, I like all the cool stuff (no pun intended) that comes along with cold weather like the clothes and the feeling of a warm shower or bed after being outside, snuggled into a blanket. Then again I live in the desert so...
  2. 07-31-10
    Are you an activist?

    I live in in the south west where its hotter than hell on its good days, but I lived up in the northwest for over 10 years.
  3. 07-30-10, that's tough stuff.

    No, I live in the states. I'd rather live in Ireland or the UK though. I've never been, sadly, but I love rain, grassy areas, the woods. I'd love to visit some day.
  4. 07-30-10
    Yep, Irish with a little German, but that's about it
    What did you go to school for?
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