Oscar Picks
gandalf26's Avatar
Last Activity: 05-12-24


We've gone on holiday by mistake
5,697 POSTS



14½ years HERE

Northwest England Location
Golf, Poker, Pool , walking and playing with my young Doggies, computer games Interests
Shop Manager Occupation
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Showing Comments 1 to 4 of 7
  1. 03-25-19
    Silly trolling now and then is one thing (though I'm always going to mock it because, as I said: silly). New threads for it is another. Please don't. Thanks.
  2. 11-30-17
    Gandalf can you give me 0.001 BTC as i want to buy BTC mining equipmemt which i can't afford.
    My BTC wallet address is:
  3. 06-19-17
    Say Gandy...

    Snooker and/or pool history question.
    Searched online for this, and can't find anything.
    You know of any famous cueists, around the late 1920s, into the 1930s... specifically 1932.
    ... I've got my hands on a vintage 1932, EJ Riley cue simply called "The Riley Cue", and it has a date and name etched into the butt.
    First part of the surname is tough to make out... but it's either Babcock, Haycock, Baycock or possibly Raycock.
    First name is just a J.
    "1932 J (something)cock".
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