Captain Spaulding's Avatar

Captain Spaulding

Defending Champ
4,018 POSTS


10¾ years HERE

Showing Comments 153 to 154 of 154
  1. 07-27-15
    Also, give us Gdog back you bastard!
  2. 07-27-15
    Omg you now accept profile comments.
Captain Spaulding has not chosen any favorite movies yet.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre   6/03/22
Half a century later, the ninth film in the franchise finally delivers on the god damned promise of a Texas ch

Rear Window   2/01/21
No wonder then that I find the "window-shopping" to be the most fascinating component of Rear Window, and on r

The Elephant Man   1/18/21
Philips cathedral, obscured but for a solitary spire by a brick wall outside Merrick's window -- and which Mer

Pulp Fiction   1/10/21
He's a movie geek who grew into a movie god, watching and studying a variety of films from a young age, later

View All Reviews (56)
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