Oscar Picks
n3wt's Avatar
Last Activity: 02-08-23


\m/ Fade To Black \m/
17,629 POSTS



16½ years HERE

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2 years ago Posted
2 years ago Posted
2 years ago Posted
2 years ago Posted
I suffor from Fibromyalgia and Gout. Biography
South Wales, UK Location
Films, Games, Reading, Chilling with my wife, son and daughter, Surfing the net Interests
Disabled fellow sadly unable to work. Occupation
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~
Showing Comments 33 to 35 of 35
  1. 04-07-09
    Your new avatar is badass!
  2. 03-18-09
    I might pop to bed now. I am increasingly having difficulty finding the proper letters on the keyboard type thing. Dam my alcoholic disposition!!!
  3. 03-18-09
    Hey i dont mean any ill regard towards your comments on the thing you mentioned that i latched on to. Im just back home from close to 11hours of St Patricks Day drinking and when im in this state i tend to get legally argumentative!!!

    I probably would have just as intense an argument if someone argued against the benefits of bananas
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