n3wt's Avatar
Last Activity: 02-08-23


\m/ Fade To Black \m/
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16½ years HERE

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2 years ago Posted
2 years ago Posted
2 years ago Posted
2 years ago Posted
I suffor from Fibromyalgia and Gout. Biography
South Wales, UK Location
Films, Games, Reading, Chilling with my wife, son and daughter, Surfing the net Interests
Disabled fellow sadly unable to work. Occupation
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~
Showing Comments 29 to 32 of 35
  1. 04-30-09
    Oh yeah, i know someone who has a Jason tat. It's pretty cool! I think i will have a look online, it would be cool to see what other ideas people came up with, and thanks for the tips, that would really suck if the ink turned green after a few months.
  2. 04-30-09
    Oh cool! I'd like to get something done of my favourite movie or a movie i adore, but it's always changing so i feel a little hesitant about doing it. I'm sure i'll find something that i would love for a the rest of my life eventually.
  3. 04-30-09
    Ah, that's very cool! Script writing looks great, and no, no ink as of yet, still deciding what to get in the future, just got to figure out what i want on myself for the rest of my life.
  4. 04-30-09
    Hey, n3wt. I was looking through some posts in the piccys thread. I noticed you had some tats, do you mind me asking what they say?
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