n3wt's Avatar
Last Activity: 02-08-23


\m/ Fade To Black \m/
17,629 POSTS



16½ years HERE

Activity Log
2 years ago Posted
2 years ago Posted
2 years ago Posted
2 years ago Posted
I suffor from Fibromyalgia and Gout. Biography
South Wales, UK Location
Films, Games, Reading, Chilling with my wife, son and daughter, Surfing the net Interests
Disabled fellow sadly unable to work. Occupation
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~
Showing Comments 1 to 4 of 35
  1. 07-18-14
    your comment about Frozen... there are none of the toys out over there yet for it? not sure if you are interested but have you checked

  2. 07-14-14
    Loving the new avatar!
  3. 06-17-13
    Aw cheers man, thankyou. Yeah im hoping to be staying about more man. My wife is in uni studying midwifery so im in the house quite often during the week on my own so I plan on popping in more often. That sounds very cool man! Im glad the place is doing so well, I have missed popping in and have planned to on quite afew occasions but life always seems to throw a curve ball and then something else happens. But im glad to be back
  4. 06-17-13
    Ah, very cool. Glad to hear that on all fronts!

    Things are good. Dunno if you're sticking around, but you picked an interesting time. I'm working hard on a new layout with tablet/smartphone versions and all sorts of stuff for later this year. Hope you're around to see it. It's a much more fun site with you on it.
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