Mr Minio's Avatar

Mr Minio

I like to argue
14,368 POSTS


12¼ years HERE

A few details about me? Why don't you tell me about yourself instead? Biography
Onomichi, Hiroshima, Japan Location
Film, music, and pretending I have other hobbies apart from these two Interests
I do stuff for money. Then again, don't we all? Occupation
San Franciscan lesbian dwarves and their tomato orgies.
4 movies pseudo-arthouse

4 movies black metal

Showing Comments 61 to 64 of 68
  1. 09-19-13
    I think we both enjoy sick films

    Any good recs?
  2. 09-13-13
    Hello, I was just going through your top 157 films and Im happy to see many Eastern Europe films there. I enjoy some Hollywood films but European films have so much more depth to them. I will continue to check out the list. Thank you.
  3. 05-24-13
    I have always wanted to know more about Hungary besides Bela Tarr, or Greece besides Angelopoulos, or Poland besides Kieslowsky. You probably know so much about the cinema of these countries than me, so perhaps you could give me a few recs
  4. 05-24-13
    What other countries do you intend to take us for your movie journey? You're from Poland, right?
Mr Minio has not chosen any favorite movies yet.
Tokyo Story   1/24/21
After all, Ozu's films are, or at least this film - Tokyo Story is, pretty straightforward

Has the Film Already Started?   2/15/18
...invites the viewer to look at it solely through the prism of cheap provocationism, but seen as a single fil

Son nom de Venise dans Calcutta désert   10/24/16
The India Song's India Song is reused here, but not as exces

Ingmar Bergman
Tro och Dod: The Ingmar Bergman Club