John McClane's Avatar
Last Activity: 29 minutes ago

John McClane

You ready? You look ready.
10,103 POSTS



21 years HERE

Activity Log
7 hours ago Started Thread
11 hours ago Shouted
23 hours ago Shouted
23 hours ago Shouted
Enigma. Conglomerate of Contradictions. ❤️😊 Biography
In a simple state of bliss. Location
Music, movies, and philosophy. Interests
Telling people smart things. Occupation
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza
Showing Comments 137 to 139 of 139
  1. 02-04-09
    Thanks for the hello, Mr McClane! =)
  2. 01-29-09
    Yes, people are really using this thing but it is taking some getting used to (for me) ....
  3. 01-26-09
    Certainly. Least I could do.
Avengers: Endgame   6/20/19
Avengers: Endgame is, at best, revisionist history; it wants you convinced that the MCU can be better than it

Blade Runner   6/19/19
"More human than human" is a motto that begs more questions than it answers

Spirited Away   6/19/19
Spirited Away is also one of the few animated films where you surrender nothing when faced with the choice bet

TRON: Legacy   3/13/11
This flick will spawn new and grander films to follow

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