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Sir Toose's Avatar
Last Activity: 01-29-24

Sir Toose

Instrument of Pain
5,485 POSTS


23½ years HERE

Activity Log
1 year ago Shouted
1 year ago Posted
1 year ago Shouted
My mind is a junkyard littered with the thoughts of better people. Biography
Purgatory Location
The paranormal, Geek stuff, making Yoda uneasy, wood working, painting/drawing,waxing poetic Interests
Professional Geek Occupation
Showing Comments 5 to 8 of 113
  1. 08-01-15
    Lol welcome back.
  2. 01-04-15
    Happy New Year buddy!
  3. 03-08-14
    I just saw this. Must have gotten buried in all my Survivor crap.

    I guess I need to do that, but in the mean time you could always read my top 120 movie thread that I never finished.
  4. 03-07-14
    I have not. One of these days?
Dark Water   8/10/15
in both of those cases I thought the Japanese renditions were the better of the films, but in the case of Dark

Ghost Story   1/07/15
Personally, I've always been a fan of the winter ghost tale (a la Dickens) and particularly a fan of ghost tal

Amityville II: The Possession   1/06/15
I found out later that the story was comprised of bits and pieces of 'The Amityville Horror', the film, the b

The City of the Dead   5/05/14
Horror Hotel was one of the earlier films that attempted to twist the Salem Witch Trials into something altoge

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