Oscar Picks
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I wait by the mailbox for the new Bed, Bath, Beyond mailer 😚 Biography
LA Location
Throwing stuff into someone’s hood without them knowing 🥳 Interests
👑 🍩 Doughnut King 🍩 👑 Occupation
Showing Comments 13 to 16 of 19
  1. 10-21-15
    Yeah okay, I see where you're coming from. I loved the third myself on first watch (and hush hush but I actually almost liked it more than any other BTTF movie! )

    Anyways, I'll see how it goes on the second watch.
  2. 10-04-15
    I've never been good with art. Playing music is the only thing I have ever been good at. Have you ever posted any of your work?
  3. 10-04-15
    Noticed your avatar because I love watercolor too. Started working with it about a year ago and am taking a watercolor course now. Do you like working with it too?

    Bill Murray is amazing!
  4. 10-04-15
    Did you change your avatar recently? If I'm remembering correctly you had a different one with a similar style?
doubledenim has not chosen any favorite movies yet.
Predator   8/14/16
The opening assault on an *insert any generic bad guy camp you have seen from any action movie* is a necessary

The Drop   7/28/15
Bob (Tom Hardy) keeps bar at his cousin's Marv (James Gandolfini) bar in Brooklyn

Ex Machina   4/26/15
The majority of the film revolves around Caleb and his interaction with Nathan and AVA

Falling Down   1/15/15
Falling Down is a film about a man (William Foster) who finally snaps, when he cannot bear the perceived injus

doubledenim has not joined any clubs.