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Daniel M
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Showing Comments 385 to 387 of 387
10-16-12Ya Eraserhead is his debut, and while his fans love it is a bit less publically known. It was the first film of his I've seen and for awhile it was over Donnie Darko as my favorite.
10-15-12Hey, have you seen David Lynches Eraserhead? I could almost guaruntee a Hugh rating from you, I'd also highly reccomend most of David Lynches works, since you'd even to like those "mindf**k" movies
06-30-12No probs mate, nice list too
There's another drop box you can do, but it'll take a while to do it. If you look at the very very top of the page, you'll see a load of little pictures, one of them is called 'Lists'.
In there you can go through a zillion-billion, squillion movies and click each one that you've seen, again it'll add another box on all of your posts.
Takes about 45 minutes to go through them all. Made me realise I've seen more than I though too, quite an eye opener.
Good fun though.
Playtime 2/07/15
I want to watch this film again already, and I can feel this becoming one of my all time favourite films that
Waking Life 11/21/14
I remember last year when I was in my university accommodation I had this really long lucid dream, it was more
Shame 11/02/14
By the end of the film nothing has really been achieved, we know nothing that we did not know about these cha
Fury 11/02/14
The film lacks (almost) any kind of morality or human balance that make the most powerful war pieces so fascin
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