HitchFan97's Avatar
Last Activity: 05-28-20


You get to me
2,457 POSTS



13½ years HERE

Hitchcock movies are the best thing since sliced bread. Biography
The Black Lodge Location
Movies, comic books, creative writing Interests
Student Occupation
"Puns are the highest form of literature." -Alfred Hitchcock
Showing Comments 5 to 8 of 66
  1. 11-05-13
    Come back to us! I need your 80s list so more good films can get points.
  2. 10-11-13
    I'm probably not gonna take the SAT, it's just not something I really need for my college wants. But ya I'm having practice ACTs right now, on football Sunday
  3. 10-10-13
    That's what I figured lol. Well, good studying to you, then. The workload will lessen up soon enough.
  4. 10-10-13
    Ya, definitely been busiest for me since beginning of freshman year. And then there's ACT...
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