Oscar Picks
mikeython1's Avatar
Last Activity: 07-01-24


4,618 POSTS



16¼ years HERE

Awesome! Biography
Chicago,Illinois Location
Duhh!Watching Movies! Interests
Automotive Occupation
Stallone is my hero!
Showing Comments 5 to 8 of 42
  1. 01-13-14
    We need to catch up more!!! I had forgot how much I've missed you and my other mofo faves
  2. 01-10-14
    Sweet!!!! I usually use my iPhone for Internet. What's been going on? Posted new pics up of me and baby girl.
  3. 01-09-14
    hey stranger see you came back too
  4. 12-02-13
    Yeh I watched the movie, then heard about the controversy so had a look to see what was being said. But yeh, it's a really good film, and if you see it, I hope you enjoy it
mikeython1 has not written any reviews yet.
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