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Last Activity: 02-11-13


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12½ years HERE

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Showing Comments 1 to 4 of 57
  1. 01-23-13
    From what I've heard, it's done. As is An Idiot Abroad, though I'm sure there's the chance of another one if they find an angle. The new RG programme, Derek, starts next week over here.
  2. 01-17-13
    keep the faith... so does that mean you are better than they are? hope so
  3. 01-17-13
    ok just wanted you to know that i felt bad. things better?
  4. 01-17-13
    hey hun.. i wasn't trying to pick on you in tpam thread. then i read what is going on in your life. i am sorry if i came off sounded like a witch. i felt bad and nearly deleted it. if u ever need a shoulder, i am here. (((hugs)))
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