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13,598 POSTS


11 years HERE

I enjoy Movies, Music, Writing, Stargazing. rare things, unusual things, dark things Biography
If I told you, I would have to kill you. Location
Writing poetry and short stories, Enjoy historical and horror films, all types of music except modern pop and rap/r&b. Love Nordic Cinema Interests

Showing Comments 1 to 4 of 349
  1. 3 weeks ago
    Thanks : ) My signature is a reference to the web show "On Cinema at the Cinema"... should make a thread about it some time.
  2. 3 weeks ago
    No, what gave you that idea?

    (I'm Persian)
  3. 08-03-24
    MovieGal has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space.
  4. 07-23-24
    I've watched a few movies on, they also tend to be good quality with a clean crisp image.
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