Conversation Between Cobpyth and JayDee

Showing Comments 1 to 4 of 4
  1. 06-12-14
    Pleased to see you liked it so much. It seems like it can kind of go two ways; people ever love it for its wit and self-awareness, or they are turned off by it because they think it's trying too hard to be clever. As you'll know if you just looked at my review again I'm certainly in the former camp.
  2. 06-09-14
    I definitely did (about a month ago, I think). I thought it was great! It has many of the noir characteristics I love so much and it mixes it with a great sense of humor and a nice amount of self-awareness (which I always appreciate). I was going to write a review on it, but I'd like to rewatch it one more time before I do that. It's a rapidly moving and very entertaining picture with a lot of stuff going on, so I think it might even become better after a second viewing.

    Like you said in your review of it, it's one of those underseen gems that should get more recognition (although it does deservedly already have its own solid fanbase).
  3. 06-09-14
    Hey Cob. Don't know why it just popped into my mind but did you ever watch Kiss Kiss Bang Bang? I remember you saying you were going to a few weeks back but never noticed you comment on or rate it anywhere
  4. 07-10-13
    Thanks for the rep on Die Hard Cobpyth. Especially as it means I've topped my nemesis Masterman!

    Feel free to drop by my Musings anytime