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Conversation Between mack and eMilee

Showing Comments 5 to 8 of 10
  1. 08-02-10
    hola! wow that was a super fast comment, cuz I SURE dont remember seeing a notice that it existed until after I logged in. You're THE FLASH, that's who!

    how's life? more importantly, how's the baby?? Big congrats to you guys, by the way!
  2. 08-02-10
    hey stranger!!!!
  3. 03-01-10
    very true for her due date!!! her name will be Julia Grace but nicknamed Jules. the whole name is only when she gets into trouble!!
  4. 03-01-10
    well congrats again on the independence day baby - that seems fitting, right?? So you're going to name her Julia (or something like that?) pretty cool!