Conversation Between donniedarko and Kakarot89

Showing Comments 9 to 12 of 153
  1. 04-09-17
    Indeed! I think youre the first to give me a belated notice! 20 is kinda a skip over one though.
  2. 04-05-17
    Hey, your birthday is coming up!
  3. 02-28-17
    Yeah, I moved without really telling anyone, I was just gone one day. The film scene up here is insane! I'm just wrapping up this INSANE project that is set in an office, a house, a city, a bar, a flower shop, there's a rape, there's fight scenes, it puts A Final Hit to shame! It also cost a lot less than A Final Hit to make and I feel we got much better actors this time around. So yeah, it's been a crazy experience. Don't know if you're interested but here's a teaser trailer:

    If you still have my email, just send it there. If not, just PM me. I've been trying to get on here more.

    I understand not watching as many films. When I was with my daughter's mom, going to school, and working I didn't have as much time either so instead I sacrificed a relationship for my love of film. I do that a lot. I guess I'm just a moron who lives with the belief that life is temporary but film is forever.
  4. 02-01-17
    Ya I recall you mentioning that you were considering but didn't know you pulled the trigger, congrats! How has the film scene been over there. And huh I remember this interaction and I thought I emailed you but must have slipped my mind, f*ck

    I've been good, pretty busy in school. Just haven't had too much free time and lately film doesnt seem to be prioritized when I do. Usually more convenient just to read a bit or turn on a TV show I guess