Conversation Between n3wt and Silas
Showing Comments 1 to 4 of 4
03-21-09n3wtCongrats today in the rugby mate, what a match edge of my seat action
03-18-09I might pop to bed now. I am increasingly having difficulty finding the proper letters on the keyboard type thing. Dam my alcoholic disposition!!!
03-18-09No problems mate I like having discussions thats what forums is all about lol
Hope you had a good nightand I also hope you dont get to much of a bad head in the morning
Good luck Saturday -
03-18-09Hey i dont mean any ill regard towards your comments on the thing you mentioned that i latched on to. Im just back home from close to 11hours of St Patricks Day drinking and when im in this state i tend to get legally argumentative!!!
I probably would have just as intense an argument if someone argued against the benefits of bananas