Oscar Picks

Conversation Between n3wt and Yoda

Showing Comments 1 to 4 of 9
  1. 06-17-13
    Ah, very cool. Glad to hear that on all fronts!

    Things are good. Dunno if you're sticking around, but you picked an interesting time. I'm working hard on a new layout with tablet/smartphone versions and all sorts of stuff for later this year. Hope you're around to see it. It's a much more fun site with you on it.
  2. 06-17-13
    Cheers mate, all is good at the moment (touch wood) I have been rough again with my illness but seeming to be ok at the moment. The kids are great and I have managed to fix my laptop Hows things man?
  3. 06-17-13
    n3wt! What's new my man? Great to see you again.
  4. 03-02-11
    Come back to us n3wt!