Conversation Between Daniel M and Yoda

Showing Comments 5 to 8 of 25
  1. 12-30-22
    Yeah, I was never really taught much about databases but in my previous job where I worked three years this one guy was a master at all that sort of stuff. He taught me how to build simple commands in C# to utilise large-scale databases that we managed. Stuff like inserts, querying, and then joins too. I never got that good at it and wouldn't know best practices but I got to a competent level.

    It's mad to think how many skills you must have learned as a result of starting up this movie forum all these years ago
  2. 12-30-22
    Yeah, it's a lot easier now I think. Shoulda done it years ago, really.

    Dynamic stuff can go too far. When I started programming my data wasn't normalized at all. Then I learned about joins and grabbing things on the fly and did that for everything...until it reached a certain level of traffic and/or complexity, at which point it can be necessary to go back to caching, to repeating data, in select circumstances. Kinda comes full circle like that. But in this case it goes very fast without caching.
  3. 12-30-22
    Oh cool, yeah I get you! That makes a lot more sense to have a table of entries and then just grab the data when needed to get the final top 100 or ranked table. Sounds like the process for the host then is a lot more straightforward now - not trying to take away from the task - but more a question of thread presentation, sorting out posts etc.

    Ah cool, I don't know how much interest I have in war films personally but I'll keep an eye on what the forum decides next and have a think anyway
  4. 12-29-22
    Assuming I'm understanding correctly, it already does that. It logs every single film on every ballot as individual rows in a database. It doesn't iterate anything, though, it just counts them dynamically as needed (ditto on point totals, which aren't stored anywhere but are simply calculated from the rankings on request).

    The ballot table contains the userid, the TMDB id, the film's rank on the ballot, the total number of films on the ballot it was part of (so we can de-weight shorter ballots), and the time submitted.

    Before wiping the table clean for the next countdown I copy and rename it, so it's all preserved at the same level of detail, theoretically allowing us to count all sorts of stuff across countdowns, at least from the point we started doing it this way.

    As for next list, not sure. Presumably another genre list. War films was a close second last time, I think?