Conversation Between Iroquois and Swan

Showing Comments 29 to 31 of 31
  1. 02-21-14
    Cool, I'm glad you like them. One of my favourite musical discoveries. Also, you're right about World of Skin being a side project. It was made around the same time as Children of God and explores the same kind of dark Gothic territory as Children of God, but without the same heavy guitars or general loudness you'd find on Children of God.
  2. 02-21-14
    Thanks for recommending Swans, I ended up buying Children of God. It actually came with an album called World of Skin, but it doesn't appear on their discography. Any idea what it is? All I can gather is it's some kind of side project.
  3. 03-27-09
    So because you love Apocalypse Now, I will reveal where "Mango Reality" came from.

    The first time I watched Apocalypse Now, I thought I heard "Mango Reality in it". Thought it sounded cool.

    The end.