Conversation Between NatashaR and Daniel M

Showing Comments 1 to 4 of 6
  1. 05-11-15
    I've always wanted to move abroad I'm considering the UK and some other places if America doesn't work out.
    Yeah the forum is pretty great, and it's a fun way to find new movies.
  2. 05-10-15
    Interesting, nice to see that you're not afraid to move abroad, I'd love to go to America, it's just the cost. And haha, I have two housemates who study accounting and finance, and I hear enough from them about how boring it is And yeah that sounds really cool, I tried joining film society at university but I didn't like it that much, so I mainly just use this forum to discuss films, it's a good place
  3. 05-10-15
    I'm from Romania... there aren't too many opportunities here in this field, especially in my city. I want to move to LA though... I'm applying to some MBA programs over there.
    I know all about boring courses haha, I'm studying finance.... However, when I was studying in Italy, I took this class called Management in the Film Industry with a professor from LA... it was my favorite thing I ever did in college. We talked about a lot of aspects of the film making process from developing an idea, to financing, budgeting , business models, marketing... at the end we each had to pitch our movie ideas in front of the class, and then as a group (the studio) we had to decide which movies to make. It was really cool
  4. 05-10-15
    Yup, I will do, hopefully I'll start shooting next month

    And where are you from? If you don't mind me asking. I'm just wondering as when you say you need to move do you mean to become a producer, or is that just something that's happening anyway. I don't know much about production to be honest, I kind of wish I did something film related in university though because at the moment my course is boring.