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Conversation Between donniedarko and jiraffejustin
Showing Comments 21 to 24 of 24
06-28-13jiraffejustinI know who they are, but I can't say that I've ever really listened to them. Where do you suggest I start with them?
06-28-13Ya I agree, RAP music is where I felt he became mature and more serious, while earlier albums felt more like the mainstream to me. I especially fell in love with Untitled. Do you listen to any Jedi Mind Tricks?
06-28-13I recognized his name from featuring on some OutKast tracks, but didn't really pay attention until his mixtape Pl3dge. It was decent, but R.A.P. Music is one of the best rap albums I've heard. He and El-P really work well together.
06-28-13Cool to see someone else on here likes Killer Mike. I discovered him recently and have become a fan.