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K-19: The Widowmaker

K-19: The Widowmaker

The story of USSR's first nuclear ballistic submarine, which suffered a malfunction in its nuclear reactor on its maiden voyage in the North Atlantic in 1961. The submarine's crew, led by the unyielding Captain Alexi Vostrikov, races against time to prevent a Chernobyl-like nuclear disaster which threatens not only the lives of his crew, but has the potential to ignite a world war between the super powers.

I recently had the pleasure of a movie night with my dad, but he got to pick. "Oh god an American film about foreign people, with Han Solo!?!" I was ready to hate, but I didn’t I quite enjoyed myself.

The first thing I enjoyed about this movie was the acting. Harrison "Han Solo" Ford actually nailed the accent. I must say though, I caught him slipping on it a few times, I know people hated it, but I thought it was pretty good, so to them I say bring it on! Anyway, Harrison and Liam "Qui-Gon Jin" Neeson had great chemistry and seemed to work well together, the crew wasn’t too shabby either.

I must say that however well acted the characters were, I couldn’t connect to them. I mean Harrison Ford’s character Capt. Vostrikov, I admired his loyalty to the Soviets but I wanted to shoot him because he was so stupid about it, I mean save the freaking people!
With that said that I did feel for Liam Neeson’s character Mikhail Polenin and his struggles with Vostrikov. Although, the last part in the submarine about the treason did seem a bit out of character and came rather sudden to me.

I know this might seem crazy to say about a movie that takes place mostly in a submarine but I loved the special effects. Half the time it left me wondering "Is that real, or effects?" So, great job team, really awesome job.

I must also give credit to the late Marit Allen for fantastic uniforms. They looked very real.

A good thriller with a greater message, it was a bit stretched though.

note: A bit lower than my Movie Tab rating