

The Princess Bride   10/29/18
by Joel
Between the performances and impeccable timing of the cast, to the lush and lavish set design and costuming, it's really going to be an exercise in futility to find something inherently wrong with Rob Reiner's best film.

The Princess Bride   3/30/16
by Omnizoa
And that'd be enough for me, but much like Army of Darkness, The Princess Bride is very uneven and it's bouts of comedy are separated by inconsistent stretches of exposition, drama, and action.

The Princess Bride   1/24/16
by DrSoup007
The Princess Bride directed by Rob Reiner -

The Princess Bride   8/04/15
by Iroquois
This kind of meta-commentary about the nature of film reviewing makes for the ideal introduction to my review of The Princess Bride, a film that I knew would be very special from the instance that I witnessed the sequence in which mysterious man in black take on the trio of mercenaries responsible f...

The Princess Bride   1/16/08
by Lennon
The final thing, which really got me, was for being a Rob Reiner movie, some shots looked very cheap and very amateur.

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