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Kingsman: The Secret Service

MovieMeditation presents...
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225 .......................... 241


July 8th

—— 2015 ——
K i n g s m a n
—— action ——

The joker of this year’s cinema, Kingsman, came out of nowhere and surprised everyone
with its unknown unusual source material and stylistic violent approach!

Not many people had even heard of the comic book that it is based on, so obviously it was missing the sequel slash prequel type of hype, which many movies have today. Therefore, it didn't generate the biggest of audiences before its release, but after it was released to the world people went completely nuts! It kind of became one of those movies that you would call an undercover hit by a true hitman, Matthew Vaughn, who made his name known by adapting novels and later comic books – spawning the bad-ass superhero movie, ‘Kick-Ass’. People definitely didn’t rush into this film right away, but as they saw the effect it had on people it quickly came under investigation of many more movie goers, who all wanted so solve the question by themselves – is it really as good as the hype implies?

First off, I can clearly see why this movie became so popular and I wouldn't call people wrong for loving this film. But with that said, it wasn't a movie made in my taste, unfortunately. This film is an overly stylistic and statically silly computer-generated catastrophe, in my opinion, which fails to bring any proper weight or substance to the spy genre. It kind of seems like it wants to spoof the genre but ends up spoofing itself, which, intentionally or not, doesn’t come off as smart or sophisticated at all. It seems like the director wanted to cram as much crap into his film as possible, while not thinking if it would work or not, just if it would look cool. ‘Kingsman’ fails to play its cards correctly and gets lost in its own self-aware stupidity. Am I not able to have fun with a film like this? Most certainly, but I think it either tries too hard or doesn't try at all, I’m not too sure which one it is. When thinking about it, for a movie about a secret intelligence agency, it is overwhelmingly obvious how unintelligent it really is, cramming the jokes down our throat until we puke the amusement back up again. I hate being spoon-fed when it comes to comedy, and this one desperately wants us to either laugh at it or with it – I’m not sure if the director cares which one it is to be honest.

The movie is also totally unbalanced throughout, switching between trying and not trying at all. For a movie that obviously doesn’t have the best CGI – actually it kind of sucks – it still chooses to rely so damn much on it – using it when it is completely unnecessary as well. I mean seriously, they computer-generated a freaking cat into the film during the beginning, which wasn’t even there for more than a split second, and I can only ask “why”? And just when you are about to give up, it finally shows flair and style during the infamous church scene, as well as in the end when people are going worldwide crazy – pretty much acting the same as when a new Pitbull-song receives worldwide airplay. But anyways, it kind of feels like the movie wants to tell me something, but when I try to put my attention to the screen and listen, I just don’t get captured or even care for what it is telling me. It is like I said, it seems stupid for the sake of stupidity in the hopes of making us laugh – and most of the time it is only stuff that sounded fun on paper. Look, for example, when watching the bad motherf*cker himself, Samuel L. Jackson, wearing wangster clothes and talking with a lisp; you may laugh at the idea of seeing it come true, but it is only mildly entertaining for the first few lines of dialogue – then it is just pathetic. A lot of the movie feels like that; like if ideas were just thrown around a room and then slammed into the script without further thoughts; most of it seems to be in the category of "fun but never functional", unfortunately… a girl with blades on her feet? Well, cool idea, but I don't care and I don’t really want to see it executed either...

With all that said, I would actually say that the church scene alone is worth the watch. It is the ultimate and extreme version of the film, where all of which the movie originally set out to do is upped with a 110 percent, finally colliding with coolness, and it makes for a perfect middle piece within an otherwise painfully pathetic flick. Harsh, perhaps, but hardly too far off... Okay, maybe a bit too harsh, but I do think it is a bit pathetic and pondering to experience, kind of like a beating to the head with a giant purple dildo. You laugh for a short while, but then the silliness and stupidity of the scenario just begin to hurt your brain a lot and you wonder what the hell you are doing with your life… kind of like I am now, when making purple dildo references. I’m sorry for that. But honestly, I'm not in a rush to run out afterwards and tell all my friends about my experience. It did seem like a fun idea at first, but it didn't really work in real life and now I just want to forget about it. So if ‘Kingsman: The Secret Service’ could just remain secret that would be a great service to me personally.
