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Too Early/Too Late


Danièle Huillet, Bahgat Elnadi, Gérard Samaan View All


Jean-Marie Straub (Director), Jean-Marie Straub (Writer), Danièle Huillet (Director), Danièle Huillet (Writer) View All

Release: Feb. 17th, 1982
Runtime: 1 hour, 44 minutes
Inspired by a letter by Friedrich Engels and a 1974 account of two militant Marxist writers who had been imprisoned by the Nasser regime, Straub-Huillet filmed this film in France and Egypt during 1980. They reflect on Egypt’s history of peasant struggle and liberation from Western colonization, and link it to class tensions in France shortly before the Revolution of 1789, quoting texts by Engels as well as the pioneering nonfiction film Workers...

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We didn't find any linked discussions for this film. Here are the results of a quick search of possibly related threads:
2 Help with a late 70's to early 80's sci-fi
All I remember is a group of travellers stumbling across a secret village/town amidst rocky and snow-capped mountains where the inhabitants never age. They stay young and the travellers argue over st...
0 From late 60's, early 70's
and showed in swedish television: B & W, some 90 min. Perhaps four different stories with no seemingly message or such, rather just like overviewing life and people. A man taking a long showe...
1 Late 80's early 90's movie??
So all I remember from this movie was some of the plot and the twist in the end... The movie starts out with a guy saving a girl from being attacked by a group of guys in an alley. Throughout the ...
7 late 70's or Early 80's Movie
There was a movie that i saw when i was a child and cant for the life of me remember the name and would like to watch it again. The movie set was of a father and son on the ocean and his son gets cap...
2 Late 80's early 90's tween sci fi
I remember a movie where a boy and friend found a big rock in the backyard with purple crystals inside. Then they played some record backwards and it was demonic or something. Then crazy things happen...

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