Night Watch/Nochnoy Dozor (Russian movie)


And this is my BOOMstick!
Some of you might have heard about it, some of you haven't. It's one of the most popular Russian movies of the past decade, you can say a breaktrhough in Russian cinematography. It's also becoming very popular outside Russia, and is soon coming to US and Canada. Read on: (taken from newsletter)

"Variety" reports that Fox Searchlight pictures is buying the rights for distrbution to all three Night Watch movies (Day Watch and Dusk watch are the sequels) - a Russian film by Timur Bekmambetov based on best-selling novels by Sergei Lukyanenko. 20th Century Fox has agreed to pay 6 million dollars for all three movies (2 million dollars per movie.) "Night Watch" has already made 15,8 mill. dollars in Russia, the filming for "Day Watch" (Night Watch 2) is almost done (the release date is March 31, 2005,) but since the filming for "Dusk Watch" hasn't even started, Fox Searchlight promised to help with whatever they can to make this movie a box-office hit. (Well aren't they smart, with a good budget this movie could become as popular as the first "Matrix" and it seems as though everyone already wants a piece of it. What can I say, a smart move for Fox.)

American premier of Night Watch, and maybe even Day Watch is rumoured to be summer 2005. Once the third movie is finished, it will open in Russia and US at the same time. Fox Searchlight has also bought the rights for an American remake of the trilogy, so expect them to come out some time after the originals hit the US theatres.


Wow. I think this is awesome. If it comes out here in Canada, I'll defenitely go see it again. I don't really like the idea of a remake, I think they'll just ruin it with special effects and sleazy Hollywood actors. But otherwise, this is all good news to me. Oh and sorry for the crappy translation, but it's the best I can do.

And this is my BOOMstick!
*BUMP* Guess no one gives a crap.
"All I have in this world is my balls and my word, and I don't break them for no one."

I give a crap, and am quite intrigued by this film. I read about it on AICN the other day and wanted to see it then and there, but alas must wait until it's official U.S. release, in which time it will no doubt get hyped up to the point where it will inevitably be a let down.
Make it happen!

And this is my BOOMstick!
I think that happens to pretty much all highly expected movies (ex. The Matrix Revolutions)

The trailer for Fox Searchlight's new international thriller Nightwatch is now online courtesy of Apple

To watch, choose your connection speed below:


Set in contemporary Moscow, "Night Watch (Nochnoi Dozor)" revolves around the conflict and balance maintained between the forces of light and darkness -- the result of a medieval truce between the opposing sides. As night falls, the dark forces battle the super-human "Others" of the Night Watch, whose mission is to patrol and protect. But there is constant fear that an ancient prophecy will come true: that a powerful "Other" will rise up, be tempted by one of the sides, and tip the balance plunging the world into a renewed war between the dark and light, the results of which would be catastrophic. "Night Watch (Nochnoi Dozor)" is the first installment of a trilogy based on the best-selling sci-fi novels of Sergei Lukyanenko entitled Night Watch, Day Watch and Dusk Watch.

Title: Nightwatch
Release Date: July 29, 2005 (limited; wide release: August 26)
Studio: Fox Searchlight Pictures
Director: Timour Bekmambetov
Screenwriter: Sergei Lukyanenko, Timour Bekmambetov
Starring: Konstantin Khabensky, Vladimir Menshov, Maria Poroshina, Galina Tyunina, Victor Verzhbitsky, Dima Martynov
MPAA Rating: R (for strong violence, disturbing images and language)

Source: Apple

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
If anyone lives in Tallahasse, go rent it from Video 21, I donated them my copy because the movie makes no sense. I don't care what they're doing with the subtitles, it's not going to make it a completely sensical film.
Horror's Not Dead
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I rule
The effects look top notch considering it was done on a budget that’s rumoured to have been less than $4million USD


Anonymous Last told me to drop in ...

Whatever grade you give Constantine (2005) or Matrix (1999), Nightwatch matches and exceeds. It is not a Blade (1998) nor is it an Underworld (2003) clone. The story is based on novels by Russian author, Sergei Lukyanenko. The overt storyline is given at the movie’s website.

This Gothic tale uses two plot lines. The first plot line concerns the main protagonist, Anton, who discovers that he is an Other after he encounters them. The other plot line concern Svetlana. There is a good deal of subtexting within the two plots lines.

The subtexting deal with issues of fundamentalism, supporting a pro-life stance to abortion, the nature of Good and Evil and the importance of forgiving. Nightwatch espouses a conservative outlook without being fundamentalist. In its philosophical exploration about Good and Evil, Nighwatch does so without being ponderous. Better than Matrix (1999) in this regard.

The story premise in Nightwatch is that of independent thinking - to think independently and deeply, and come to your own judgement following the example of Anton as he resists both the Evil Others and fundamentalists within his own faction.

The uniqueness of the Nightwatch’s universe (compared with made in Hollywood Gothics) and the density of the subtexting make it easier to create a review of Nightwatch via its subtext topics in order to preserve foreknowledge of the story.

The truce between Others who chose Good (Nightwatchers) led by Geser and those who chose Evil (Daywatchers) led by Zavulon comes about because a parity in power. Each faction is led by an individual who appears to be either immortal or has a lifespan rivaling Methuselah’s. The truce started in 1342, France and the story then moves to 1992 and then 2004, Moscow. It was agree all Others are to be able to choose sides freely and that each faction will set up units to police each other to maintain the truce. This allusion of Manicheanism is illusory. As the story progresses, the Manicheanist position on Good and Evil is rejected.

The wedding of technology and supernormal abilities also figures in Nightwatch. The Nightwatchers have a research section armed with software that provides amazing information in a matter of mouse clicks.

The CGI used, while not cutting edge, more than suffices for the task. Any sense of realism is not compromised. There is an interesting sequence that uses animation, probably to save cost. The Russians after all, simply brought up pencils to space rather than spend millions as the Americans did, to develop a pen that works without gravity. The transition to animation is very smooth. Geser is seen doodling and his doodle is then use to begin the animation shortly after. Another nice touch is that the subtitles are sequentially highlighted in certain dialogues as a means to place emphasis of them. The whole movie is very well executed with great polish.

The movie ends with a message about hope and Millennialism. There is cause for hope not because of a return of some kind of messiah who will overpower evil. Instead, there is cause for hope as long as good men for continue to fight for good in the face of overwhelming evil.

The following are dealt in the review, while the subtext on forgiveness and family has to be touched on lightly in the review section and is discuss in greater depth in the analysis section.
1. Good as not causing harm to others.
2. Good and Evil are not absolutes, the rejection of fundamentalism.
3. Good as refusing temptation rather than its absence.
4. Being too eager to sacrifice an individual for the Common Good.

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The 10 of Clubs MovieWATCH
Educing premises and subtexts from movies.

I absolutely loved this movie has anyone heard any further details on the Sequel?

I absolutely loved this movie has anyone heard any further details on the Sequel?

“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

I've watched it last year and it's awesome far better than Night watch.You probably know that Timur Bekmabetov is working on the new Angelina Joli movie "Wanted" and the third part of the Trilogy "Twilight Watch".Although I have a friend who said that he read the books and they didn't have anything in common with the movie
I'm in movie heaven